195 research outputs found

    Stakeholder-identified barriers and enablers to ultrasound implementation in inflammatory bowel disease services in the UK: a qualitative interview study.

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    The study sought to explore and better understand the perceptions and experiences of stakeholders in relation to the use of ultrasound for the assessment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in adults in the UK. A qualitative semistructured interview study, using template analysis and normalisation process theory, was undertaken. Interviews were conducted using virtual meeting software. Fourteen participants were enrolled between 2nd of June 2021 and 6th of September 2021. Participants were from the following roles: medical gastroenterology and radiology doctors, IBD nurse specialists, patients living with IBD, healthcare service managers. Participants reported that perceived barriers included reliance on established imaging and care pathways, reluctance to change, lack of trust in ultrasound in relation to perceived lack of precision and the initial financial and time outlay in establishing an ultrasound service. Participants were enthusiastic for the uptake of ultrasound and discussed enablers to ultrasound uptake including the benefits to patients in terms of reduction in waiting times and earlier diagnosis and treatment allocation, reduced number of hospital appointments and patients having better understanding of their health. There are perceived barriers to achieving implementation of ultrasound. There is scant literature to effectively assess these reported barriers. Therefore, there is further research required in the areas of the impact of the use of ultrasound for the assessment of IBD in the UK. [Abstract copyright: © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2023. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.

    Exotic and Emerging Diseases of Animals: An Internet Course for Veterinary Students

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    US agricultural and companion animals are very vulnerable to the introduction of exotic and emerging animal diseases (EEAD). These diseases could occur through unintentional introduction (the risk of outbreaks grows as free trade increases), could occur through the deliberate introduction of disease agents (bio-terrorism or agro-terrorism), or could emerge as new diseases. EEAD, for the purpose of this course, are defined as those animal diseases that are reportable in the US. This includes diseases on the Office international des épizooties (OIE) List A, selected diseases on List B that either are not found in the US or are reportable, and selected emerging diseases. Some of the exotic and emerging diseases are considered to be foreign animal diseases because they do not occur in the US. Others are found in the US but are under eradication programs. Some are zoonotic and must be monitored and controlled to protect human health. Many of these diseases are important causes of animal suffering and are economically very important. It is essential that veterinarians be familiar with these diseases and have access to accurate, concise information about their salient characteristics

    Ly6c+ “inflammatory monocytes” are microglial precursors recruited in a pathogenic manner in West Nile virus encephalitis

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    In a lethal West Nile virus (WNV) model, central nervous system infection triggered a threefold increase in CD45int/CD11b+/CD11c− microglia at days 6–7 postinfection (p.i.). Few microglia were proliferating, suggesting that the increased numbers were derived from a migratory precursor cell. Depletion of “circulating” (Gr1−(Ly6Clo)CX3CR1+) and “inflammatory” (Gr1hi/Ly6Chi/CCR2+) classical monocytes during infection abrogated the increase in microglia. C57BL/6 chimeras reconstituted with cFMS–enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) bone marrow (BM) showed large numbers of peripherally derived (GFP+) microglia expressing GR1+(Ly6C+) at day 7 p.i., suggesting that the inflammatory monocyte is a microglial precursor. This was confirmed by adoptive transfer of labeled BM (Ly6Chi/CD115+) or circulating inflammatory monocytes that trafficked to the WNV-infected brain and expressed a microglial phenotype. CCL2 is a chemokine that is highly expressed during WNV infection and important in inflammatory monocyte trafficking. Neutralization of CCL2 not only reduced the number of GFP+ microglia in the brain during WNV infection but prolonged the life of infected animals. Therefore, CCL2-dependent inflammatory monocyte migration is critical for increases in microglia during WNV infection and may also play a pathogenic role during WNV encephalitis

    DLK1/PREF1 regulates nutrient metabolism and protects from steatosis.

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is associated with insulin resistance and obesity, as well as progressive liver dysfunction. Recent animal studies have underscored the importance of hepatic growth hormone (GH) signaling in the development of NAFLD. The imprinted Delta-like homolog 1 (Dlk1)/preadipocyte factor 1 (Pref1) gene encodes a complex protein producing both circulating and membrane-tethered isoforms whose expression dosage is functionally important because even modest elevation during embryogenesis causes lethality. DLK1 is up-regulated during embryogenesis, during suckling, and in the mother during pregnancy. We investigated the normal role for elevated DLK1 dosage by overexpressing Dlk1 from endogenous control elements. This increased DLK1 dosage caused improved glucose tolerance with no primary defect in adipose tissue expansion even under extreme metabolic stress. Rather, Dlk1 overexpression caused reduced fat stores, pituitary insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) resistance, and a defect in feedback regulation of GH. Increased circulatory GH culminated in a switch in whole body fuel metabolism and a reduction in hepatic steatosis. We propose that the function of DLK1 is to shift the metabolic mode of the organism toward peripheral lipid oxidation and away from lipid storage, thus mediating important physiological adaptations associated with early life and with implications for metabolic disease resistance.This is the final published version. It is available online from PNAS here: http://www.pnas.org/content/111/45/16088.abstract

    Substantial cost savings of ultrasound-based management over magnetic resonance imaging-based management in an inflammatory bowel disease service

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    Background: Imaging is used to monitor disease activity in small bowel Crohn’s disease (CD). Magnetic Resonance Enterography is often employed as a first modality in the United Kingdom for assessment and monitoring; however, waiting times, cost, patient burden and limited access are significant. It is as yet uncertain if small bowel intestinal ultrasound (IUS) may be a quicker, more acceptable, and cheaper alternative for monitoring patients with CD. Methods: A clinical service evaluation of imaging pathways was undertaken at a single NHS site in England, United Kingdom. Data were collected about patients who were referred and underwent an imaging analysis for their IBD. Only patients who underwent a therapy change were included in the analysis. Data were collected from care episodes between 01 January 2021–30 March 2022. Results: A combined total of 193 patient care episodes were reviewed, 107 from the IUS pathway and 86 from the MRE pathway. Estimated costs per patient in the IUS pathway was £78.86, and £375.35 per patient in the MRE pathway. The MRE pathway had an average time from referral to treatment initiation of 91 days (SD= ±61) with patients in the IUS pathway waiting an average of 46 days (SD= ±17). Conclusions: Findings from this work indicate that IUS is a potential cost-saving option when compared to MRE when used in the management of CD. This is in addition to the cost difference of the radiological modalities. A large, multicentre, prospective study is needed to validate these initial findings

    Efficacy of rectal tacrolimus for induction therapy in patients with resistant ulcerative proctitis

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    Background & Aims Resistant ulcerative proctitis can be extremely difficult to manage. Topically administered tacrolimus, however, may be effective in difficult-to-treat proctitis. This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled induction trial of rectal tacrolimus in patients with active ulcerative colitis. Methods Eleven patients received rectal tacrolimus (0.5 mg/mL), and 10 placebo, for 8 weeks. The primary endpoint was clinical response by using the Mayo Clinic score. Results A planned interim analysis after 20 patients had completed the study demonstrated highly significant differences between the groups and the study was closed because of ethical considerations with patients already recruited allowed to complete the study. The primary endpoint was met in 8 of 11 patients receiving rectal tacrolimus and 1 of 10 patients receiving placebo (73% vs 10%; P = .004). Of the secondary endpoints, 5 patients with rectal tacrolimus achieved clinical remission compared with none receiving placebo (45% vs 0%; P = .015). Mucosal healing at Week 8 was achieved in 8 patients receiving rectal tacrolimus compared with 1 (73% vs 10%) receiving placebo (P = .004). The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire increased ≥16 points over baseline in 5 of the tacrolimus and 2 (45% vs 20%) of the placebo patients (P = .36). Finally, the average partial Mayo score was numerically lower in the tacrolimus-treated group compared with placebo at Week 2 (4.3 ± 0.74 vs 5.8 ± 0.64; P = .15) and Week 4 (3.7 ± 0.96 vs 5.8 ± 0.6; P = .08) but was significantly lower at Week 8 (3.3 ± 1.2 vs 6.7 ± 0.62; P = .01). There were no safety issues identified with rectal tacrolimus use. Conclusions Rectal tacrolimus was more effective than placebo for induction of a clinical response, clinical remission, and mucosal healing in resistant ulcerative proctitis (Clinicaltrials.gov registration: NCT01418131)

    Developing stroke specific vocational rehabilitation: a soft systems analysis of current service provision

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    Purpose: This study aimed to clarify the existing service provision of stroke-specific vocational rehabilitation (VR) in one English county, in order to facilitate future service development. Method: Using soft systems methodology, services in Health, Social Care, Department of Work and Pensions, the voluntary and private sectors, which were identified as supporting return to work after stroke, were mapped using a mixed-methodology approach. Results: A lack of a sanctioned VR pathway meant access to support relied on brokered provision and tacit knowledge. The timing of an intervention was complex and there was a substantial degree of unmet need for mild stroke patients. VR was seen as “non-essential” due to competing commissioning priorities. Service providers from all sectors lacked training and cross-sector partnerships were tenuous and provider roles unclear. Conclusions: Stroke-specific VR should be delivered by an integrated, cross-sector multi-disciplinary team and integrated commissioning between health and other sectors is necessary. Although early intervention is important, support later on in the recovery process is also necessary. Service providers need adequate training to meet the needs of stroke survivors wishing to return to work and better awareness of best practice guidelines. Business cases which demonstrate the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of VR are vital.Implications for Rehabilitation The timeliness of a vocational rehabilitation (VR) intervention is complex; services need to be responsive to the changing needs of the stroke survivor throughout their recovery process and have better mechanisms to ensure re-entry into the stroke pathway is possible. Return to work is a recognised health outcome; health services need to develop better mechanisms for interagency/cross sector working and liaison with employers and not assume that VR is beyond their remit. Therapists and non-health service providers should receive sufficient training to meet the needs of stroke survivors wishing to return to work. Rehabilitation teams must decide how to implement national guidance within existing resources and what training is needed to deploy SSVR. The lack of a sanctioned pathway results in disorganised and patchy provision of VR for stroke survivors; mild stroke patients can fall through the net and receive little or no support. The journey back to work commences at the point of stroke. Mechanisms for identifying acute stroke survivors who were working at onset and for assessing the impact of the stroke on their work need to be put in place. The entire MDT has a role to play. In the absence of a VR specialist, even patients without obvious disability should be referred for ongoing rehabilitation with detailed work assessment and signposted to employment specialists e.g. disability employment advisors EARLY after stroke. Health-based VR interventions can influence work return and job retention. However, therapists must routinely measure work outcomes to inform their business case and be encouraged to demonstrate these outcomes to local commissioners. Commissioners should consider emerging evidence of early VR interventions on reduced length of stay, health and social care resource use and the wider health benefits of maintaining employment

    What is a return to work after stroke?: 12 month work outcomes in a feasibility trial

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    Background: Return to work (RTW) is an outcome in determining the effectiveness of rehabilitation post-stroke. However, stroke survivors (SS) may return to different roles with altered work status. Income, hours, responsibilities and job-satisfaction may be reduced. SS may be dissatisfied if unable to resume apriori work status; alternatively adjusted work status may be viewed positively if perceived as a way of reducing the risk of another stroke. The purpose of this study was to explore what is meant by RTW. Method: Information about the nature of RTW (job type, hours, roles, responsibilities) was extracted from 3, 6 and 12 month follow-up postal questionnaires in 46 SS participants in a feasibility randomised controlled trial investigating effectiveness of a vocational rehabilitation intervention. Results/Findings: Participants took a mean 90 (SD:70, range 7-227) days to RTW. 19/46 reported working at 12 months. In 17 who supplied complete data, 7(41%) reported reduced working hours. Participants incurred a mean wage loss of 44% against pre-stroke earnings. 10/17(59%) participants were in the same job with the same employer and 6(35%) were working in different/modified jobs (1 missing:). 10/17(59%) had work-place adjustments. 18/46 (39%) participants were happy with their work situation. Discussion: Participants experienced marked changes in work status post-stroke, with implications for job-satisfaction, financial security and quality of life. Research into psychological adjustment following altered vocational status in SS is warranted. Conclusion: RTW is a complex outcome and may not translate to a return to pre-stroke vocational status. It is important to consider what constitutes a RTW following stroke

    Placental Hypoxia during Placental Malaria

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    Placental malaria causes fetal growth retardation (FGR), which has been linked epidemiologically to placental monocyte infiltrates. We investigated whether parasite or monocyte infiltrates were associated with placental hypoxia, as a potential mechanism underlying malarial FGR

    Participating in the Communication of Science: Identifying Relationships Between Laboratory Space Designs and Students’ Activities

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    Learning spaces can play a powerful role in shaping and supporting the activities of the students and teachers who use them: they can be agents for change when the success of new pedagogical approaches depends on shifting entrenched practices. The laboratory is a key site for science education. It is here that discipline knowledge and generic competences are fused and honed, in the very act of ‘doing science’. This paper focuses on communication of science. It looks at how students learn to participate in science communication, and acquire both scientific and more generic communication skills, while engaged in laboratory-based activities. This paper reports some findings of ethnographic research that involved observing student activity in laboratories. This opportunity to examine differences in patterns of communicative activity arose from a relocation to new purpose-designed laboratory spaces. Ethnographic research is appropriate for gathering data about space usage. It helps trace relations between student activity, characteristics of the spaces in which the activity is unfolding, the social organisation of the work being done, and the disciplinary practices that underpin the tasks that students are set. Our research identifies the importance of sightlines, communication tools and instructor behaviours in promoting students’ communicative activity. Addendum: Figure 2 has been replaced to ensure ethics requirements are followed