72 research outputs found

    Application of Non-Eqilibrium Plasmas in Top-Down and Bottom-Up Nanotechnologies and Biomedicine

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    In this paper we discuss how a better understanding of thermal and mainly non-thermal plasmas provides basis for their application in a number or nanotechnologies. One should bear in mind that one may design unique properties of plasmas thus affecting very directly properties of the resulting nanostructures. A number of examples where plasmas contribute to production of nanomaterials, modification of surfaces and functionalization at nanoscales are given here. Plasmas are not a panacea but in nanotechnology their application may be the best strategy to convert production of individual structures to massively parallel production that may become a viable industrial technology

    A Study on Multimemetic Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

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    PPSN 2014, LNCS 8672, pp. 322-331Multimemetic algorithms (MMAs) are memetic algorithms in which memes (interpreted as non-genetic expressions of problem solving strategies) are explicitly represented and evolved alongside genotypes. This process is commonly approached using the standard genetic procedures of recombination and mutation to manipulate directly information at the memetic level. We consider an alternative approach based on the use of estimation of distribution algorithms to carry on this self-adaptive memetic optimization process. We study the application of different EDAs to this end, and provide an extensive experimental evaluation. It is shown that elitism is essential to achieve top performance, and that elitist versions of multimemetic EDAs using bivariate probabilistic models are capable of outperforming genetic MMAs.This work is partially supported by MICINN project ANYSELF (TIN2011-28627-C04-01), by Junta de Andalucía project DNEMESIS (P10-TIC-6083) and by Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
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