705 research outputs found

    Wind tunnel investigations of glider fuselages with different waistings and wing arrangements

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    The parameters fuselage pinch glider wing arrangement and fuselage leading edge radius of nine glider configurations were investigated in wind tunnel tests. Laminar separation bubbles were found on strongly recessed fuselages. These separations in the juncture between fuselage and wing are essential in the prevention of harmful aerodynamic drag. Drag reduction was measured with increasing pinch and the wing arrangement in the rear. These results are only valid for laminar flow on the fuselage leading edge

    Comparison of two- and three-dimensional Navier-Stokes solutions with NASA experimental data for CAST-10 airfoil

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    The two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are solved for flow over a NAE CAST-10 airfoil model. Recently developed finite-volume codes that apply a multistage time stepping scheme in conjunction with steady state acceleration techniques are used to solve the equations. Two-dimensional results are shown for flow conditions uncorrected and corrected for wind tunnel wall interference effects. Predicted surface pressures from 3-D simulations are compared with those from 2-D calculations. The focus of the 3-D computations is the influence of the sidewall boundary layers. Topological features of the 3-D flow fields are indicated. Lift and drag results are compared with experimental measurements

    A cell-vertex multigrid method for the Navier-Stokes equations

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    A cell-vertex scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations, which is based on central difference approximations and Runge-Kutta time stepping, is described. Using local time stepping, implicit residual smoothing, a multigrid method, and carefully controlled artificial dissipative terms, very good convergence rates are obtained for a wide range of two- and three-dimensional flows over airfoils and wings. The accuracy of the code is examined by grid refinement studies and comparison with experimental data. For an accurate prediction of turbulent flows with strong separations, a modified version of the nonequilibrium turbulence model of Johnson and King is introduced, which is well suited for an implementation into three-dimensional Navier-Stokes codes. It is shown that the solutions for three-dimensional flows with strong separations can be dramatically improved, when a nonequilibrium model of turbulence is used

    RANS Simulation and Experiments on the Stall Behaviour of a Tailplane Airfoil

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    Population genetics of mouse lemur vomeronasal receptors: current versus past selection and demographic inference

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    Abstract Background A major effort is underway to use population genetic approaches to identify loci involved in adaptation. One issue that has so far received limited attention is whether loci that show a phylogenetic signal of positive selection in the past also show evidence of ongoing positive selection at the population level. We address this issue using vomeronasal receptors (VRs), a diverse gene family in mammals involved in intraspecific communication and predator detection. In mouse lemurs, we previously demonstrated that both subfamilies of VRs (V1Rs and V2Rs) show a strong signal of directional selection in interspecific analyses. We predicted that ongoing sexual selection and/or co-evolution with predators may lead to current directional or balancing selection on VRs. Here, we re-sequence 17 VRs and perform a suite of selection and demographic analyses in sympatric populations of two species of mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus and M. ravelobensis) in northwestern Madagascar. Results M. ravelobensis had consistently higher genetic diversity at VRs than M. murinus. In general, we find little evidence for positive selection, with most loci evolving under purifying selection and one locus even showing evidence of functional loss in M. ravelobensis. However, a few loci in M. ravelobensis show potential evidence of positive selection. Using mismatch distributions and expansion models, we infer a more recent colonisation of the habitat by M. murinus than by M. ravelobensis, which most likely speciated in this region earlier on. Conclusions These findings suggest that the analysis of VR variation is useful in inferring demographic and phylogeographic history of mouse lemurs. In conclusion, this study reveals a substantial heterogeneity over time in selection on VR loci, suggesting that VR evolution is episodic

    Technical Evaluation Report for Symposium AVT-147: Computational Uncertainty in Military Vehicle Design

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    The complexity of modern military systems, as well as the cost and difficulty associated with experimentally verifying system and subsystem design makes the use of high-fidelity based simulation a future alternative for design and development. The predictive ability of such simulations such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and computational structural mechanics (CSM) have matured significantly. However, for numerical simulations to be used with confidence in design and development, quantitative measures of uncertainty must be available. The AVT 147 Symposium has been established to compile state-of-the art methods of assessing computational uncertainty, to identify future research and development needs associated with these methods, and to present examples of how these needs are being addressed and how the methods are being applied. Papers were solicited that address uncertainty estimation associated with high fidelity, physics-based simulations. The solicitation included papers that identify sources of error and uncertainty in numerical simulation from either the industry perspective or from the disciplinary or cross-disciplinary research perspective. Examples of the industry perspective were to include how computational uncertainty methods are used to reduce system risk in various stages of design or development

    Grey area in Embedded WMLES on a transonic nacelle-aircraft configuration

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    A scale resolving hybrid RANS-LES technique is applied to an aircraft-nacelle configuration under transonic flow conditions using the unstructured, compressible TAU solver. Therefore, a wall modelled LES methodology is locally applied to the nacelle lower surface in order to examine shock induced separation. In this context a synthetic turbulence generator (STG) is used to shorten the adaption region at the RANS-LES interface. Prior to the actual examinations, fundamental features of the simulation technique are validated by simulations of decaying isotropic turbulence as well as a flat plate flow. For the aircraft-nacelle configuration at a Reynolds number of 3.3 million a sophisticated mesh with 420 million points was designed which refines 32 % of the outer casing surface of the nacelle. The results show a development of a well resolved turbulent boundary layer with a broad spectrum of turbulent scales which demonstrates the applicability of the mesh and method for aircraft configurations. Furthermore, the necessity of a low dissipation low dispersion scheme is demonstrated. However, the distinct adaption region downstream of the STG limits the employment of the method in case of shock buffet for the given flow conditions

    Convergence speeding up in the calculation of the viscous flow about an airfoil

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    A finite volume method to solve the three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations was developed. It is based on a cell-vertex scheme with central differences and explicit Runge-Kutta time steps. A good convergence for a stationary solution was obtained by the use of local time steps, implicit smoothing of the residues, a multigrid algorithm, and a carefully controlled artificial dissipative term. The method is illustrated by results for transonic profiles and airfoils. The method allows a routine solution of the Navier-Stokes equations

    Population genetics of mouse lemur vomeronasal receptors: current versus past selection and demographic inference.

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    BACKGROUND: A major effort is underway to use population genetic approaches to identify loci involved in adaptation. One issue that has so far received limited attention is whether loci that show a phylogenetic signal of positive selection in the past also show evidence of ongoing positive selection at the population level. We address this issue using vomeronasal receptors (VRs), a diverse gene family in mammals involved in intraspecific communication and predator detection. In mouse lemurs, we previously demonstrated that both subfamilies of VRs (V1Rs and V2Rs) show a strong signal of directional selection in interspecific analyses. We predicted that ongoing sexual selection and/or co-evolution with predators may lead to current directional or balancing selection on VRs. Here, we re-sequence 17 VRs and perform a suite of selection and demographic analyses in sympatric populations of two species of mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus and M. ravelobensis) in northwestern Madagascar. RESULTS: M. ravelobensis had consistently higher genetic diversity at VRs than M. murinus. In general, we find little evidence for positive selection, with most loci evolving under purifying selection and one locus even showing evidence of functional loss in M. ravelobensis. However, a few loci in M. ravelobensis show potential evidence of positive selection. Using mismatch distributions and expansion models, we infer a more recent colonisation of the habitat by M. murinus than by M. ravelobensis, which most likely speciated in this region earlier on. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the analysis of VR variation is useful in inferring demographic and phylogeographic history of mouse lemurs. In conclusion, this study reveals a substantial heterogeneity over time in selection on VR loci, suggesting that VR evolution is episodic
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