4 research outputs found

    Inositol phosphoglycan P-type in infants of preeclamptic mothers

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    Background. Inositol phosphoglycan P-type (P-IPG) has consistently found to be elevated during active preeclampsia, although the biosynthetic source has to be identified yet. This multicenter prospective cross-sectional case-control study evaluated the fetus/newborn as the source of P-IPG. Methods. A urine specimen was collected longitudinally for three consecutive days after delivery from 90 newborns and their mothers, and ordered according to clinical diagnosis of preeclampsia, gestational hypertension, or healthy pregnancy. Results. The urinary excretion of P-IPG on day 0 was higher in the mothers in all groups (p<0.05) with higher levels in preeclamptic women (p<0.01) in the mothers compared to their newborns in the preeclamptic group (p<0.01). The difference persisted at least two days post partum. Conclusion. Findings of this study confirm the specificity of the increase in urinary excretion of P-IPG in preeclamptic mothers at day of birth compared to healthy pregnancy and GH, but does not extend to their newborns. © 2012 Informa UK, Ltd

    Qualidade industrial do trigo em função do trinexapac-ethyl e doses de nitrogênio Industrial quality of wheat as a function of trinexapac-ethyl and nitrogen doses

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    Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a época de aplicação do redutor de crescimento trinexapac-ethyl e de doses de nitrogênio no rendimento de grãos e qualidade industrial das cultivares de trigo Avante e BRS 177. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial 4 x 4, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constaram de épocas de aplicação de trinexapac-ethyl (100 g ha-1 entre o primeiro e o segundo nó visível do trigo; 100 g ha-1 entre o segundo e terceiro nó visível; aplicação sequencial de 50 g ha-1 em cada uma das fases anteriores; testemunha sem aplicação) e de doses de nitrogênio em cobertura (90, 135, 180 e 225 kg ha-1 para a cultivar Avante e 60, 80, 120 e 150 kg ha-1 para a cultivar BRS 177). Avaliaram-se características agronômicas, acamamento, componentes de rendimento, rendimento de grãos, qualidade do grão e da farinha. O trinexapac-ethyl, independentemente da época de aplicação, reduziu a estatura das plantas e a porcentagem de acamamento, com resposta diferencial no rendimento de grãos e sem influência substancial na qualidade industrial do trigo. O aumento nas doses de nitrogênio promoveu maior acamamento, afetou a qualidade do grão e da farinha da cultivar BRS 177, mas sem efeitos no rendimento de grãos.<br>The objective of this work was to evaluate the application time of the trinexapac-ethyl growth reducer and of nitrogen rates in the yield and industrial quality of the wheat cultivars Avante and BRS 177. The experimental design was complete randomized blocks in a 4 x 4 factorial scheme, with four replicates. The treatments consisted of periods of trinexapac-ethyl application (100 g ha-1 between the first and second visible node of the wheat; 100 g ha-1 between the second and third visible node; sequential application of 50 g ha-1 in each one of the previous phases; without application) and of nitrogen rates in covering (90, 135, 180 and 225 kg ha-1 for Avante cultivar and 60, 80, 120 and 150 kg ha-1 for BRS 177 cultivar). The following characteristics were evaluated: agronomical characteristic, lodging, yield components, yield, grain and flour quality. Trinexapac-ethyl, independently of the application time, reduced plant height and the lodging percentage, with different response in the yield and without substantial influence on the industrial quality of the wheat. The increase in the nitrogen rates promoted higher lodging, affected the grain and flour quality of BRS 177 cultivar and had no effect on yield

    Light induced transformations of small nitroso compounds in low temperature rare gas matrices

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