1,017 research outputs found

    Delta G(x) from high p_t hadrons in DIS at a polarised HERA

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    We investigate the possibility to identify photon-gluon fusion (PGF) events in polarised deep inelastic ep scattering, assuming the kinematics of the HERA collider, by a pair of charged high p_t particles. In a Monte Carlo study we find possible selection criteria and show the expected measurable asymmetries. We discuss the sensitivity to ΔG(x)\Delta G(x) and compare the result to the one obtained using di-jets to tag PGF events.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Contributed paper to the Proceedings of the Workshop on Physics at HERA with Polarized Protons and Electron

    The polarised gluon density from di-jet events in DIS at a polarised HERA

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    We present a possible direct measurement of the polarised gluon density ΔG(x)\Delta G(x) in LO from di-jet production in polarised deep inelastic ep scattering, assuming the kinematics of the HERA collider. We show the sensitivity to the x-dependence of ΔG(x)\Delta G(x) and to the first moment ΔG(x)dx\int \Delta G(x) dx in the range 0.002<x<0.20.002< x <0.2, assuming the electron and proton beam of HERA being polarised to 70% and an integrated luminosity of at least 200 pb1^{-1}. We include in our study hadronisation and higher order effects, as well as realistic detector smearing and acceptance. We find that the statistical and systematic uncertainties are small enough to distinguish between different parametrizations for ΔG(x)\Delta G(x), which all are in accordance with present data. We stress that at HERA an x-range could be measured, that is not accessible to any other present or proposed experiment.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, Contributed paper to the Proceedings of the Workshop on Physics at HERA with Polarized Protons and Electron

    Asymmetry distributions and mass effects in dijet events at a polarized HERA

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    The asymmetry distributions for several kinematic variables are considered for finding a systematic way to maximize the signal for the extraction of the polarized gluon density. The relevance of mass effects for the corresponding dijet cross section is discussed and the different approximations for including mass effects are compared. We also compare via the programs Pepsi and Mepjet two different Monte Carlo (MC) approaches for simulating the expected signal in the dijet asymmetry at a polarized HERA.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, minor stylistic changes for Z.Phys.

    Perpetual usufruct as a form of real estate management

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    W artykule zostały przedstawione najważniejsze zagadnienia dotyczące instytucji użytkowania wieczystego w polskim systemie prawa. Przede wszystkim zaprezentowano problematykę charakteru prawnego użytkowania wieczystego, wskazano na przedmiot użytkowania wieczystego, a także podmioty na rzecz, których może zostać one ustanowione. Inne poruszane zagadnienia dotyczą m.in. możliwych sposobów nabycia użytkowania wieczystego oraz niezbędnych elementów, które prowadzą do jego ustanowienia, a także treści prawa użytkowania wieczystego, związanych z tym uprawnień i obowiązków użytkownika wieczystego oraz przysługujących mu środków ochrony prawnej. Osobnym omówionym zagadnieniem jest charakter prawny budynków i urządzeń znajdujących się na gruncie oddanym w użytkowanie wieczyste. W artykule przedstawione zostało także użytkowanie wieczyste jako prawo czasowe i odpłatne. Ukazano ramy czasowe, na jakie użytkowanie wieczyste może zostać ustanowione, możliwość przedłużania tego okresu oraz poruszono podstawowe kwestie dotyczące rodzaju opłat przewidzianych prawem za użytkowanie wieczyste i sposób ich wymiaru.University of Bialysto

    Sedimentation Rates in Paired Streams During High Precipitation Events on Elk Creek

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    A large concern in today’s watersheds are the impairments on sediment and nutrient in the Chesapeake Bay. Many threats come from agricultural landscapes that run along large streams, creeks, and rivers. Using best management practices such as riparian buffers and exclusion of livestock are major factors that help in stream restoration. This research will show sediment loss, along with other features like ammonia and nitrate in small watersheds along Elk Creek in Centre County, Pennsylvania. Water samples were taken every six hours by autosamplers from the barnyard upstream and downstream locations, and at the forest upstream and downstream site. Data was analyzed from the samples for field parameters and turbidity. Agricultural stream had higher valves for pH, specific conductivity, and turbidity. Forest stream had a higher valve for dissolved oxygen. Weekly average of ammonia was 2 times higher in the agricultural stream, along with nitrate 15 times compared to the forest stream. Due to weather condensations, the forest saw very little to almost no soil loss in the fall compared to the agricultural stream always losing soil every day, averaging 18,000 kg of sediment lost a week. This study is will help determine the affects of a stream restoration, that is placed to happen in the summer of 2020