20 research outputs found

    Improved convergence estimate for a multiply polynomially smoothed two-level method with an aggressive coarsening

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    summary:A variational two-level method in the class of methods with an aggressive coarsening and a massive polynomial smoothing is proposed. The method is a modification of the method of Section 5 of Tezaur, Vaněk (2018). Compared to that method, a significantly sharper estimate is proved while requiring only slightly more computational work

    On the convergence of a dual-primal substructuring method

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    Abstract. In the Dual-Primal FETI method, introduced by Farhat et al. [5], the domain is decomposed into non-overlapping subdomains, but the degrees of freedom on crosspoints remain common to all subdomains adjacent to the crosspoint. The continuity of the remaining degrees of freedom on subdomain interfaces is enforced by Lagrange multipliers and all degrees of freedom are eliminated. The resulting dual problem is solved by preconditioned conjugate gradients. We give an algebraic bound on the condition number, assuming only a single inequality in discrete norms, and use the algebraic bound to show that the condition number is bounded by C(1 + log2 (H/h)) for both second and fourth order elliptic selfadjoint problems discretized by conforming finite elements, as well as for a wide class of finite elements for the Reissner-Mindlin plate model. 1. Introduction. Thi

    Improved convergence bounds for two-level methods with an improved convergence bounds for two-level methods with an aggressive coarsening and massive polynomial smoothing

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    An improved convergence bound for the polynomially accelerated two-level method of Brousek et al. [Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal., 44 (2015), pp. 401–442, Section 5] is proven. This method is a reinterpretation of the smoothed aggregation method with an aggressive coarsening and massive polynomial smoothing of Vanek, ˇ Brezina, and Tezaur [SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 21 (1999), pp. 900–923], and its convergence rate estimate is improved here quantitatively. Next, since the symmetrization of the method requires two solutions of the coarse problem, a modification of the method is proposed that does not have this disadvantage, and a qualitatively better convergence result for the modification is established. In particular, it is shown that a bound of the convergence rate of the method with a multiply (k-times) smoothed prolongator is asymptotically inversely proportional to d 2k, where d is the degree of the smoothing polynomial. In earlier works, this acceleration effect is only quadratic. Finally, for another modified multiply smoothed method, it is proved that this convergence improvement is not limited only to an asymptotic regime but holds true everywhere

    Convergence Of A Substructuring Method With Lagrange Multipliers

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    . We analyze the convergence of a substructuring iterative method with Lagrange multipliers, proposed recently by Farhat and Roux. The method decomposes finite element discretization of an elliptic boundary value problem into Neumann problems on the subdomains plus a coarse problem for the subdomain nullspace components. For linear conforming elements and preconditioning by the Dirichlet problems on the subdomains, we prove the asymptotic bound on the condition number C(1 + log(H=h)) fl , fl = 2 or 3,where h is the characteristic element size and H subdomain size. Key words. Domain decomposition, elliptic boundary value problems, structural mechanics, iterative methods, preconditioning 1. Introduction. We analyze the convergence of a substructuring method with Lagrange multipliers, proposed by Farhat and Roux [11] under the name Finite Element Tearing and Interconnecting (FETI) method. The main idea of the FETI method is to decompose the problem domain into non-overlapping subdomai..

    Physics-based and data-driven stochastic modeling for digital twins

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    An Algebraic Theory for Primal and Dual Substructuring Methods by Constraints

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    FETI and BDD are two widely used substructuring methods for the solution of large sparse systems of linear algebraic equations arizing from discretization of elliptic boundary value problems. The two most advanced variants of these methods are the FETI-DP and the BDDC methods, whose formulation does not require any information beyond the algebraic system of equations in a substructure form. We formulate the FETI-DP and the BDDC methods in common framework as methods based on general constraints between the substructures, and provide a simplified algebraic convergence theory. The basic implementation blocks including transfer operators are common to both methods. It is shown that commonly used properties of the transfer operators in fact determine the operators uniquely. Identical algebraic condition number bounds for both methods are given in terms of a single inequality, and, under natural additional assumptions, it is proved that the eigenvalues of the preconditioned problems are the same. The algebraic bounds imply the usual polylogarithmic bounds for finite elements, independent of coefficient jumps between substructures. Computational experiments confirm the theory