32 research outputs found

    The Challenges/Barriers Preventing the South African Youth in Becoming Entrepreneurs: South African Overview

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    Youth entrepreneurship is commonly measured as a significant determinant of poverty reduction, economic development and job creation but the participation of the youth in entrepreneurship is worrisome. Against this background, this study aims to evaluate the challenges that are preventing the youth in starting their own businesses. A qualitative research approach was adopted to enable the use of secondary data literature. The research methodology was undertaken by systematically reviewing and contextualizing the literature regarding the challenges preventing the youth from participating in entrepreneurship activities. The data was analyzed using thematic content analysis. The results showed that the lack of education, society’s attitude towards youth entrepreneurship, lack of access to finance and a poor entrepreneurship culture are the barriers that prevent youth from engaging in entrepreneurial activities. A policy implication arising from these findings is that there is a need for entrepreneurship education, better support from society and the provision in terms of the easy access to finance

    Challenges in developing and supporting entrepreneurship education: A case study of the University of Zululand

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    Entrepreneurship education is broadly considered an important factor in promoting an entrepreneurial culture among higher education students. Considering the importance of entrepreneurship with regard to economic growth, job creation and poverty alleviation, there is a need to train entrepreneurs and to equip them with an entrepreneurial culture that promotes entrepreneurship. However, the South African education system is lacking when it comes to entrepreneurship education. The education system seems to promote the white-collar jobs rather than self-employment, and the methodology that is used to teach entrepreneurship studies, focuses more on the theory of entrepreneurship than on its practice

    Five recommendations to accelerate sustainable solutions in cement and concrete through partnership

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    Though the technical knowledge to make cement and concrete more sustainable already exists, implementation of solutions lags behind the rate needed to mitigate climate change and meet the targets set by the Sustainable Development Goals. Whilst most of the focus around the built environment is on embodied carbon, we stress an important but neglected dimension: partnership (SDG17). Effective partnerships can be powerful enablers to accelerate sustainable solutions in cement and concrete, and let such solutions transfer from academia to the market. This can be achieved through knowledge generation, solution implementation, and policy development, among other routes. In this article, we share five recommendations for how partnerships can address neglected research questions and practical needs: 1) reform Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education to train “circular citizens”; 2) map out routes by which cementitious materials can contribute to a “localization” agenda; 3) generate open‐access maps for the geographical distribution of primary and secondary raw materials; 4) predict the long‐term environmental performance of different solutions for low‐CO2 cements in different geographical areas; 5) overhaul standards to be technically and regionally fit for purpose. These approaches have the potential to make a unique and substantial contribution towards achieving collective sustainability goals

    Modern African nuclear detector laboratory: Development of state-of-the-art in-house detector facility at the University of the Western Cape

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    The upcoming detector facility aims at developing new state-of-the-art particle detectors as well as providing hands-on training to postgraduate students using both analog and digital signal processing from nuclear radiation detectors. The project is two-fold and aims at developing: 1) ancillary detectors to be coupled with the new GAMKA array at iThemba LABS. Of particular interest to our group is the determination of nuclear shapes, which depend on the hyperfine splitting of magnetic substates; 2) PET scanners for cancer imaging using a cheaper technology. Performance of NaI(Tl) inorganic scintillator detectors has been evaluated using PIXIE-16 modules from XIA digital electronics. Gamma-ray energy spectra were acquired from 60Co and 137Cs radioactive sources to calculate the detector resolution as well as to optimize the digital parameters. The present study focuses on improving and optimizing the slow and fast filter parameters for NaI(Tl) detectors which can eventually be used in the list mode of data aquisition

    Comprehensive global genome dynamics of Chlamydia trachomatis show ancient diversification followed by contemporary mixing and recent lineage expansion.

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    Chlamydia trachomatis is the world's most prevalent bacterial sexually transmitted infection and leading infectious cause of blindness, yet it is one of the least understood human pathogens, in part due to the difficulties of in vitro culturing and the lack of available tools for genetic manipulation. Genome sequencing has reinvigorated this field, shedding light on the contemporary history of this pathogen. Here, we analyze 563 full genomes, 455 of which are novel, to show that the history of the species comprises two phases, and conclude that the currently circulating lineages are the result of evolution in different genomic ecotypes. Temporal analysis indicates these lineages have recently expanded in the space of thousands of years, rather than the millions of years as previously thought, a finding that dramatically changes our understanding of this pathogen's history. Finally, at a time when almost every pathogen is becoming increasingly resistant to antimicrobials, we show that there is no evidence of circulating genomic resistance in C. trachomatis

    Continuous cropping of endangered therapeutic plants via electron beam soil treatment and neutron tomography

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    Various medicinal plants are threatened with extinction owing to their over exploitation and the prevalence of soil borne pathogens. In this study, soils infected with root rot pathogens, which prevent continuous cropping, were treated with an electron beam. The level of soil borne fungus was reduced to amp; 8804;0.01 by soil electron beam treatment without appreciable effects on the levels of antagonistic microorganism or on the physicochemical properties of the soil. The survival rate of 4 year old plant was higher in electron beam treated soil 81.0 than in fumigated 62.5 , virgin 78 , or untreatedreplanting soil 0 . Additionally, under various soils conditions, neutron tomography permitted the monitoring of plant health and the detection of root pathological changes over a period of 4 6 years by quantitatively measuring root water content in situ. These methods allow continual cropping on the same soil without pesticide treatment. This is a major step toward the environmentally friendly production of endangered therapeutic herb

    Predicted effects of the introduction of long-acting injectable cabotegravir pre-exposure prophylaxis in sub-Saharan Africa: a modelling study.

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    BACKGROUND: Long-acting injectable cabotegravir pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is recommended by WHO as an additional option for HIV prevention in sub-Saharan Africa, but there is concern that its introduction could lead to an increase in integrase-inhibitor resistance undermining treatment programmes that rely on dolutegravir. We aimed to project the health benefits and risks of cabotegravir-PrEP introduction in settings in sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS: With HIV Synthesis, an individual-based HIV model, we simulated 1000 setting-scenarios reflecting both variability and uncertainty about HIV epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa and compared outcomes for each with and without cabotegravir-PrEP introduction. PrEP use is assumed to be risk-informed and to be used only in 3-month periods (the time step for the model) when having condomless sex. We consider three groups at risk of integrase-inhibitor resistance emergence: people who start cabotegravir-PrEP after (unknowingly) being infected with HIV, those who seroconvert while on PrEP, and those with HIV who have residual cabotegravir drugs concentrations during the early tail period after recently stopping PrEP. We projected the outcomes of policies of cabotegravir-PrEP introduction and of no introduction in 2022 across 50 years. In 50% of setting-scenarios we considered that more sensitive nucleic-acid-based HIV diagnostic testing (NAT), rather than regular antibody-based HIV rapid testing, might be used to reduce resistance risk. For cost-effectiveness analysis we assumed in our base case a cost of cabotegravir-PrEP drug to be similar to oral PrEP, resulting in a total annual cost of USD144peryear(144 per year (114 per year and 264peryearconsideredinsensitivityanalyses),acost−effectivenessthresholdof264 per year considered in sensitivity analyses), a cost-effectiveness threshold of 500 per disability-adjusted life years averted, and a discount rate of 3% per year. FINDINGS: Reflecting our assumptions on the appeal of cabotegravir-PrEP, its introduction is predicted to lead to a substantial increase in PrEP use with approximately 2·6% of the adult population (and 46% of those with a current indication for PrEP) receiving PrEP compared with 1·5% (28%) without cabotegravir-PrEP introduction across 20 years. As a result, HIV incidence is expected to be lower by 29% (90% range across setting-scenarios 6-52%) across the same period compared with no introduction of cabotegravir-PrEP. In people initiating antiretroviral therapy, the proportion with integrase-inhibitor resistance after 20 years is projected to be 1·7% (0-6·4%) without cabotegravir-PrEP introduction but 13·1% (4·1-30·9%) with. Cabotegravir-PrEP introduction is predicted to lower the proportion of all people on antiretroviral therapy with viral loads less than 1000 copies per mL by 0·9% (-2·5% to 0·3%) at 20 years. For an adult population of 10 million an overall decrease in number of AIDS deaths of about 4540 per year (-13 000 to -300) across 50 years is predicted, with little discernible benefit with NAT when compared with standard antibody-based rapid testing. AIDS deaths are predicted to be averted with cabotegravir-PrEP introduction in 99% of setting-scenarios. Across the 50-year time horizon, overall HIV programme costs are predicted to be similar regardless of whether cabotegravir-PrEP is introduced (total mean discounted annual HIV programme costs per year across 50 years is 151⋅3millionvs151·3 million vs 150·7 million), assuming the use of standard antibody testing. With antibody-based rapid HIV testing, the introduction of cabotegravir-PrEP is predicted to be cost-effective under an assumed threshold of 500perdisability−adjustedlifeyearavertedin82500 per disability-adjusted life year averted in 82% of setting-scenarios at the cost of 144 per year, in 52% at 264,andin87264, and in 87% at 114. INTERPRETATION: Despite leading to increases in integrase-inhibitor drug resistance, cabotegravir-PrEP introduction is likely to reduce AIDS deaths in addition to HIV incidence. Long-acting cabotegravir-PrEP is predicted to be cost-effective if delivered at similar cost to oral PrEP with antibody-based rapid HIV testing. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health

    Ukwethulwa kwentela esukela ekumakweni ukuya ekumakhetheni (inani elifanelekile) Eningizimu Afrika

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    Includes summary in Afrikaans and ZuluThis study examines the annual fair value taxation of financial instruments in respect of banks and brokers (defined as “covered person” in section 24JB of the Act) in accordance with the South African Income Tax Act (“the Act”). A “covered person” is taxed in accordance with accounting principles of International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) 9. This study investigated whether the adoption of accounting principles in section 24JB of the Act could give rise to divergent interpretations and inappropriate treatments. The study also examined how other countries tax financial instruments and how those tax rules are aligned to accounting principles. This, to identify similarities and differences, to highlight possible improvements to section 24JB of the Act. It was concluded in this study that, without proper guidance, the adoption of accounting principles in section 24JB of the South African tax legislation could give rise to divergent interpretations and inappropriate applications.In hierdie studie is ondersoek ingestel na die jaarlikse billikewaarde-belasting van finansiĂ«le instrumente ten opsigte van banke en makelaars (omskryf as “gedekte persoon” in artikel 24JB van die Wet) ingevolge die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstebelastingwet (“die Wet”). ’n “Gedekte persoon” word belas ooreenkomstig die rekeningkundige beginsels van Internasionale FinansiĂ«le Verslagdoeningstandaarde (“IFVS”) 9. Hierdie studie het ondersoek of die ingebruikneming van rekeningkundige beginsels in artikel 24JB van die Wet kan aanleiding gee tot uiteenlopende interpretasies en onvanpaste toepassings. In die studie is daar ook gekyk hoe ander lande finansiĂ«le instrumente belas en hoe daardie belastingreĂ«ls in ooreenstemming gebring word met rekeningkundige beginsels. Dit is gedoen om ooreenkomste en verskille te identifiseer, om moontlike verbeteringe aan artikel 24JB van die Wet uit te wys. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie was dat, sonder behoorlike leiding, die toepassing van rekeningkundige beginsels in artikel 24JB van Suid-Afrikaanse belastingwetgewing kan lei tot uiteenlopende interpretasies en onvanpaste toepassings.Lolu cwaningo luhlole intela yenani elifanelekile lonyaka lamathuluzi ezezimali maqondana namabhange nabadayisi (okuchazwa “njengomuntu okhaviwe” esigabeni 24JB soMthetho) ngokuvumelana noMthetho Wentela yaseNingizimu Afrika (“uMthetho”). “Umuntu okhaviwe” ukhokhiswa intela ngokuhambisana nezimiso zokubala Amazinga Okubika Ngezezimali Wamazwe Ngamazwe (“IFRS”) 9. Lolu cwaningo luphenye ukuthi ukwamukelwa kwezimiso zokubalwa kwezimali esigabeni 24JB soMthetho kungase kubangele ukuhunyushwa okuhlukene kanye nokuphathwa ngendlela engafanele. Ucwaningo luphinde lwahlola ukuthi amathuluzi amanye amazwe ezezimali anentela kanjani nokuthi leyo mithetho yentela ihambisana kanjani nezimiso zokubala. Lokhu, ukuhlonza ukufana nokwehluka, ukugqamisa ukuthuthukiswa okungenzeka kwesigaba 24JB soMthetho. Kulolu cwaningo kwaphethwa ngokuthi, ngaphandle kwesiqondiso esifanele, ukwamukelwa kwezimiso zokubalwa kwezimali esigabeni 24JB somthetho wentela waseNingizimu Afrika kungase kubangele ukuhunyushwa okuhlukene kanye nezicelo ezingafanele.College of Accounting SciencesM. Phil. (Accounting Science (Taxation)

    Microstructure elucidation of polyflavonoid tannins by MALDI-TOF-CID

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    High molar mass wood tannin extracts are complex mixtures that are distributed in both molar mass and chemical composition. Condensed tannins from quebracho and mimosa woods were analyzed and compared with cacao tannins using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. Although MALDI-TOF MS reveals the oligomer structure of the tannins, this method cannot distinguish between isomers with isobaric masses, and therefore, ambiguous structural assignments were made in a number of cases. To determine the actual microstructures present, MALDI-TOF collision-induced dissociation (CID) experiments were conducted. MALDI-TOF-CID enables monomer sequence determination, and positive assignments of isobaric structures can be made