16 research outputs found

    Karantinski korovi u semenu lucerke i njihov uticaj na efikasnost dorade

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    In the process of alfalfa seed processing, all relevant parameters are directly dependant on presence of weed species and other impurities in natural seed, as well as on the equipment used. The higher amount of weed in natural alfalfa seed lowers the total amount of processed seed, making the processing harder and more expensive. In alfalfa crop, quarantine weeds are especially harmful, such as dodder (Cuscuta spp.) and curly dock (Rumex spp.). One of the greatest problems in alfalfa planting is the presence of harmful parasitic flowering plant dodder (Cuscuta spp.) which is typical weed – alfalfa parasite that lowers hay and seed production. The paper shows the results of the analysis of influence different weed content from two lots of natural alfalfa seed (I, II) of different purity, on the relevant processing parameters. Processing of the both lots of seed was done on the same equipment. The relevant parameters that define alfalfa seed processing effects were: pure seed (%), weed seeds and seeds of other cultures (%), inert matters (%), seed processing time (h), consumption of active (kWh) and reactive power (kVArh), processed seed quantity (kg), metal powder (kg) and water (l) consumption, processing output (%) and seed losses (%).U procesu dorade semena lucerke svi relevantni parametri dorade direktno zavise od zastupljenosti korovskih vrsta i ostalih primesa u naturalnom semenu, kao i od sistema mašina koji se koristi za doradu. Veći sadržaj štetnih korova u naturalnom semenu lucerke smanjuje ukupnu količinu dorađenog semena, otežava i poskupljuje doradu. U usevu lucerke posebno su štetni karantinski korovi, vilina kosica (Cuscuta spp.) i štavelj (Rumex spp.). Jedan od najvećih problema u gajenju lucerke je prisustvo štetne parazitske cvetnice viline kosice (Cuscuta spp.) koja je tipičan korov - parazit lucerke koji smanjuje proizvodnju sena i semena. U radu su prikazani rezultati analize uticaja različitog sadržaja semena korova u dve partije naturalnog semena lucerke (I, II) različitih čistoća, na relevantne parametre dorade. Dorada obe partije semena obavljala se na istom sistemu mašina. Relevantni parametri koji definišu efekte dorade semena lucerke bili su: čisto seme (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), vreme dorade semena (h), utrošak aktivne (кWh) i reaktivne električne energije (kVArh), količina dorađenog semena (kg), utrošak metalnog praha (kg) i vode (l), randman dorade (%) i gubici semena (%)

    Racionalizacija u procesu dorade semena lucerke

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    Analysis the efficiency of processing equipment for natural alfalfa seed of purity of 71% during various technological processes is given in this paper. Seeds for the establishment and use of alfalfa must be of high purity, germination and genetic values. The purpose of cleaning is to eliminate all grains of other species and varieties, together with an inert material out seeds and extract the grain of pure culture. The quality of processed alfalfa seed is stated in the rules of the quality of agricultural products. After each stage of processing on the processing equipment, the purity and composition of impurities were tested. A very important indicator of the efficiency of extraction and percentage of seed loss in the processing is the percentage of Cuscuta spp. seed before and after passing through a magnetic separator. The aim of the study was to determine the relevant parameters for each of the applied technological processes during alfalfa seed processing. The relevant parameters that were determined during the test were: pure seed (%), weed seeds and seeds of other crops (%), inert matter (%), the amount of processed seed (kg), seed processing time (h), seed loses (% ) and processing yield (%). Based on the results, the appropriate technological process for alfalfa seed processing can be chosen and optimization and rationalization of the processing can be done.U radu je data analiza efikasnosti mašina za doradu pri doradi naturalnog semena lucerke čistoće 71% različitim tehnološkim postupcima. Seme za zasnivanje i korišćenje lucerke mora biti visoke čistoće, klijavosti i genetske vrednosti. Zadatak čišćenja je da se iz naturalnog semena sa primesama uklone sva zrna drugih vrsta i sorti zajedno sa inertnim materijama i izdvoji čisto zrno osnovne kulture. Kvalitet dorađenog semena lucerke je propisan pravilima o kvalitetu poljoprivrednog bilja. Posle svake faze dorade na mašinama za doradu ispitivana je čistoća i sastav primesa. Veoma značajan pokazatelj efikasnosti izdvajanja i procenat gubitaka semena pri doradi je procenat zastupljenosti semena Cuscute spp. pre i posle prolaska kroz magnetnu mašinu. Cilj ispitivanja bio je da se pri doradi semena lucerke odrede relevantni parametri za svaki od primenjenih tehnoloških postupaka. Relevantni parametri koji su određivani tokom ispitivanja bili su: čisto seme (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), količina dorađenog semena (kg), vreme dorade semena (h), gubici semena (%) i randman dorade (%). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata moguće je izvršiti izbor odgovarajućeg tehnološkog procesa za doradu semena lucerke, odnosno optimizaciju i racionalizaciju u procesu njegove dorade

    Uticaj godine i primene molibdena na klijavost i krupnoću semena lucerke

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    The aim of these researhes was to examine the impact of year and foliar application of molybdenum on germination capacity and absolute mass of alfalfa seed. In the investigation year, meteorological factors showed large variations and great impact on germination capacity and size of seed. Observed by years, absolute mass ranged from 1.82 g to 2.02 g. Germination ranged from 72.85% to 86.5%. Germination and 1000 seed weight were the worst in the year when high total precipitation and precipitation in the period of flowering, pollination and seed filling were observed (June, July, August). Foliar application of molybdenum showed no effect on size of alfalfa seed and germination.Ispitivan je uticaj godine i folijarne primene molibdena na klijavost i apsolutnu masu semena lucerke. U ispitivanim godinama meteorološki faktori su pokazali veliko variranje i veliki uticaj na klijavost krupnoću semena. Posmatrano po godinama, apsolutna masa se kretala u intervalu od 1,82 g do 2,02 g. Klijavost se kretala u intervalu od 72.85% do 86.5%. Klijavost i masa 1.000 semena su najlošiji u godini kada su zabeležene velike ukupne količine padavina i količine padavina u periodu cvetanja, oprašivanja i nalivanja semena (jun, jul, avgust). Folijarna primena molibdena nije pokazala značajan uticaj na krupnoću i klijavost semena lucerk

    Energetska i proteinska vrednost kukuruza i sirka kao združenih useva sa sojom u postrnoj setvi

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    In this study, the energy and protein value of corn and sorghum were examined, as intercrops with soybeans in second croping. Both mixtures formed higher net energy value in milk and meat productionin the year when earlier sowing of crops was conducted. The greatest production of meat and milk on the basis of net energy in milk production and DCP provided the mixture of corn and soybeans. In the mixtures, increased production of meat and milk is possible based on the DCP, compared to the basis of net energy, which indicates a possibility of increasing of the corn or sorghum in the mixture. The mixtures showed that in double cropping, in conditions of irrigation, it ispossible to produce a significant amount of high-quality fodder.U ovim istraživanjima ispitivana je energetska i proteinska vrednost kukuruza i sirka kao združenih useva sa sojom u postrnoj setvi. Obe smeše su formirale veću neto energetsku vrednost u proizvodnji mesa i mleka u godini kada je obavljena ranija setva useva. Najveću produkciju mleka i mesa na bazi neto energije u proizvodnji mleka i mesa pruža smeša kukuruza i soje. U smešama veća proizvodnja mleka i mesa je moguća na bazi SSP nego na bazi neto energije, što ukazuje na mogućnost povećanja udela kukuruza ili sirka u smeši. Smeše su pokazale da je u postrnoj setvi u uslovima navodnjavanja moguće proizvesti značajnu količinu kvalitetne kabaste hrane

    Primena različitih tehnoloških procesa u doradi semena crvene deteline

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    This paper presents the results of the processing of natural red clover seed on the processing equipment using different technological methods. Red clover seed, for the establishment and crop utilization, must be of high purity, germination, and high genetic values. These requirements are achieved by processing, or removing impurities and poor quality seeds. Red clover seed processing involves a number of operations, of which the most important are: cleaning, packaging, labeling and storage. In the processing of seeds of this forage plant, the amounts of processed seed directly depends on the content of impurities that may be organic or inorganic, as well as the amount and type of present weed seed. The task is to clean the natural seeds of red clover and thus remove all traces of impurities and extract the basic seed of pure culture. The importance of processed seed is reflected in the fact that the seed must be timely prepared for the favorable condition for quality sowing, germination and emergence. The aim of the study was to determine relevant parameters of the processing equipment in the red clover seed processing. Parameters were: pure seed (%), weed seeds and seed of other crops (%), inert matter (%), the amount of processed seed (kg), seed processing time (h), losses of seeds (%), processing output (%) and the amount of materials consumed in the seed processing. Based on these results and their comparison, choice of appropriate technological processes for red clover seed can be made.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja pri doradi naturalnog semena crvene deteline na mašinama za doradu različitim tehnološkim postupcima. Seme za zasnivanje i korišćenje useva crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) mora biti visoke čistoće, klijavosti, kao i visoke genetske vrednosti. Ovi zahtevi se ostvaruje doradom, odnosno odstranjivanjem nečistoća i semena lošijeg kvaliteta. Dorada semena crvene deteline obuhvata veći broj operacija od kojih su najznačajnije: čišćenje, pakovanje u ambalažu, deklarisanje i skladištenje. U procesu dorade semena ove krmne biljke količina dorađenog semena direktno zavisi od sadržaja primesa koje mogu biti organskog i neorganskog porekla, a takođe i od količine i vrste korova u semenu koje se dorađuje. Zadatak čišćenja je da se iz naturalnog semena crvene deteline sa primesama uklone sva zrna stranih primesa i razne nečistoće i izdvoji čisto zrno osnovne kulture. Značaj dorađenog semena se ogleda u tome da se seme blagovremeno pripremi u što povoljnije stanje za sejalicu i kvalitetnu setvu, klijanje i nicanje. Cilj ispitivanja bio je da se pri doradi semena crvene deteline odrede relevantni parametri na mašinama za doradu, a to su: čisto seme (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), količina dorađenog semena (kg), vreme dorade semena (h), gubici semena (%), randman dorade (%), kao i količina potrošenog materijala u tehnološkom procesu dorade semena. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata i njihovim poređenjem moguće je izvršiti izbor odgovarajućeg tehnološkog procesa za doradu semena crvene deteline

    Synthesis of 4-oxothiazolidine derivatives containing two exocyclic C=C bonds

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    Stereodefined thiazolidine derivatives bearing two exocyclic C=C bonds were under mild reaction conditions synthesized from 5-substituted 4-oxothiazolidine precursors via the efficient bromination-dehydrobromination pathway

    A low‐complexity transmit combining method for downlink of massive multiuser multiple input multiple output systems

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    Abstract Multiuser multiple input multiple output (MU‐MIMO) systems can provide high spectral efficiency (SE) that is achieved with transmit/receive combining schemes at the base station (BS) for downlink (DL) and uplink (UL). So far, various combining schemes for DL were proposed, with the regularized zero forcing (RZF) and Tomlinson–Harashima precoding (THP) being usually considered. In a case of massive MU‐MIMO systems, with a large number of antennas, the matrix inversion operation used in the RZF and THP schemes causes high computational complexity that significantly aggravates implementation and raises its costs. The authors propose a low‐complexity transmit combining scheme for the massive MU‐MIMO systems with time division duplex (TDD), devised in a similar manner as the THP scheme, based on the gram‐Schmidt orthogonalization, and show that it achieves slightly better SE than the THP scheme for the estimated channel state information (CSI), but with a much lower complexity than the THP and RZF schemes

    Choledochal cyst: presentation of the disease with a case report.

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    Choledochal cyst is a rare disease of the biliary tract. There are five main types of choledochal cysts with a few recognized sub-types. The etiology of choledochal cysts still is unclear. The incidence of biliary tract cancer in patients with choledochal cysts increases with age. In the past, choledochal cysts were often treated using drainage procedures; however, the optimal treatment used today is likely to involve the complete excision of the extrahepatic duct, cholecystectomy, and Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy. Endoscopic treatment of type III choledochocele should be limited to the management of smaller lesions. We report a case of 75 years old patient with distal choledochal diverticuly, Todani’s type III- choledochocele. Delay in the diagnosis increases the frequency of associated biliary pathology, malignant alternation and suboptimal surgical therapy. Often, intraoperative finding of choledochal cyst is the first contact with this rear entity, so awareness of possible presence of this uncommon disease is very important for surgeon

    Regiospecificity in the heterocyclization of b-oxonitriles to 5-substituted 4-oxothiazolidine derivatives

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    A study on the regiospecificity of the base-catalyzed reaction of activated b-oxonitriles 1 with diethyl mercaptosuccinate affording the title compounds 3 is reported. Other competitive heterocyclic products, that is 4-oxo-1,3-thiazinanes 4, derivatives of tetrahydrothiophene 5 and/or thiacyclohexane 6 which on the grounds of mechanistic considerations could be formed, were not observed. Spectroscopic and experimental evidence, together with theoretical considerations, provides a reasonable explanation for the observed regiospecificity

    History of Dentistry in Central Serbia

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    History of dentistry in the Central Serbian District of Jagodina has been influenced by traditional medicine for centuries. Development of dentistry in the region of Jagodina was slow, the level of oral and general hygiene was low and the sanitary prevention was absent. Trained physicians started to practice medicine and dentistry in the first half of the nineteenth century and they were educated in abroad universities. However, common people used to address to these physicians only when the traditional medicine were unable to help. Until the end of the World War II, common, mostly rural people, with the urgent dental treatment need were usually referred to the barbers, healers or empirics in the nearby villages rather than the dentists. Medications used for the urgent dental treatment were balsams and solutions made of herbs. After the World War II, the dental technicians who finished special courses started to practice dentistry. In 1947 the Regional Dental Office in Jagodina was opened and in 1955 the first Doctor of Dental Medicine who graduated from the School of Dental Medicine of University of Belgrade was employed. Nowadays, the Department of Dentistry represents is an important and independent part of the Health Care Centre in Jagodina