27 research outputs found

    Doktor Avram Josif Vinaver (1862-1915) - pionir srpske radiologije

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    Dr Abraham Joseph Vinaver (1862-1915), a Jew from Poland, was a pioneer of radiology in Serbia. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Warsaw (1887) but lived and worked in Šabac (the Kingdom of Serbia) since 1890. He procured the first X-ray machine and developed a radiological service in Šabac five years after the discovery of X-rays. These were the beginnings of radiology in Serbia. He introduced the application of artesian wells. Dr Abraham Joseph Vinaver - a Participant at the First Congress of Serbian Physicians and Naturalists, Belgrade 1904. "The Diagnostic Importance of X-rays in Lung Disease, especially in Initial Tuberculosis" and "Five Years of Treatment by X-Ray Machines" were the first works in the field of radiology in Serbia by this author. Dr Abraham Joseph Vinaver - Reserve Medical Officer in the Serbian Army. During the Balkan Wars, he was a volunteer with the rank of major engaged in military corps and he participated in the First World War as well. He died of malaria in 1915 in Gevgelija. His dedication to work during the typhus epidemics was put into verses of a poem by his son Stanislav Vinaver. Dr Avram Vinaver Joseph was a nobleman with a great heart, who selflessly sacrificed himself for the Serbian people and Serbia. He gave his contribution to the development of health services in Serbia, both in peacetime and wartime conditions. Dr Abraham Joseph Vinaver laid the foundations for today’s radiology in SerbiaDoktor Avram Josif Vinaver (1862−1915), Jevrejin iz Poljske, bio je pionir srpske radiologije. Diplomirao je na Medicinskom fakultetu u Varšavi (1887). Od 1890. godine živeo je i radio u Šapcu (Kraljevina Srbija). Nabavio je prvi rendgenski aparat i razvio radiološku službu u Šapcu, pet godina po otkriću X-zraka. Bili su to počeci radiologije u Srbiji. Uveo je u primenu arterške bunare. Dr Avram Josif Vinaver − učesnik Prvog kongresa srpskih lekara i prirodnjaka, Beograd 1904. godine. „Dijagnostička važnost Rentgenovih zrakova kod bolesti pluća, naročito kod početne tuberkuloze” i „Pet godina lečenja Rentgenovim zracima” bila su prva saopštenja iz oblasti radiologije u Srbiji ovog autora. Dr Avram Josif Vinaver - rezervni sanitetski major srpske vojske. Za vreme Balkanskih ratova bio je dobrovoljac sa činom majora angažovan u vojnom sanitetu. Učesnik je i I svetskog rata. Umro je od malarije 1915. godine u Đevđeliji. O požrtvovanom radu dr Avrama Josifa Vinavera u vreme epidemije pegavog tifusa u Srbiji svedoči i pesma njegovog sina Stanislava Vinavera. Doktor Avram Josif Vinaver je bio čovek plemenitog srca koji se nesebično žrtvovao za srpski narod i Srbiju. Dao je doprinos razvoju zdravstvene zaštite stanovništva Srbije podjednako i u mirnodopskim i u ratnim uslovima. Doktor Avram Vinaver je postavio temelje današnje radiologije u Srbiji


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    The paper presents surgical conditions of the abdomen viewed on a native abdominal radiograph in an upright position: atresia anus, the Chilaiditi syndrome, ileus, pneumo-peritoneum, calcified pancreas. Conclusion: A native radiograph of the abdomen in an upright position is a dominant examination method in diagnostics of an acute abdomen, intestinal obstruction and perforation and other pathological conditions of the abdomen

    Монитор медијског плурализма у дигиталној ери. примена монитора медијског плурализма у Европској Унији, Албанији, Црној Гори, Републици Северној Македонији, Србији и Турској у 2022. Години. Извештај о земљи : Србија

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    This report presents the results of the implementation of the Media Pluralism Monitor for the year 2022 (MPM2023) in Serbia. The MPM is a holistic tool geared at assessing the risks to media pluralism in EU member states and selected candidate countries (32 European countries in total, including Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey). The MPM takes into account legal, political and economic variables that are relevant to analysing the levels of plurality of media systems in a democratic society. The Media Pluralism Monitor has been implemented, on a regular basis, by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, since 2013/2014.Овај извештај представља резултате имплементације Монитора медијског плурализма за 2022. годину (МПМ2023) у Србији. МПМ је холистички алат усмерен на процену ризика за медијски плурализам у државама чланицама ЕУ и одабраним земљама кандидатима (укупно 32 европске земље, укључујући Албанију, Црну Гору, Републику Северну Македонију, Србију и Турску). МПМ узима у обзир правне, политичке и економске варијабле које су релевантне за анализу нивоа плуралитета медијских система у демократском друштву. Монитор медијског плурализма редовно спроводи Центар за медијски плурализам и слободу медија, од 2013/2014.The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom is co-financed by the European Unio

    Intratympanic Corticosteroid Perfusion in the Therapy of Meniere's Disease

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    Introduction Over the last two decades the intratympanic perfusion of corticosteroids has been used as a minimally invasive surgical therapy of Meniere's disease. According to experimental studies the antiinflammatory, immunoprotective, antioxidant and neuroprotective role of the locally perfused corticosteroids was noticed in the inner ear structures. The recovery of action potentials in the cells of the Corti organ was confirmed as well as a decreased expression of aquaporine-1, a glycoprotein responsible for labyrinth hydrops and N and K ions derangement. Objective The study showed results of intratympanic perfusion therapy with dexamethasone in patients with retractable Meniere's disease who are resistant to conservative treatment. Methods Single doses of 4 mg/ml dexamethasone were given intratympanically in 19 patients with retractable Meniere's disease. Six single successive doses of dexamethasone were administered in the posteroinferior quadrant of the tympanic membrane. Follow-up of the patients was conducted by using a clinical questionnaire a month after completed perfusion series as well as on every third month up to one year. Results One month after completed first course of perfusions, in 78% of patients, vertigo problems completely ceased or were markedly reduced. The recovery of hearing function was recorded in 68% and marked tinnitus reduction in 84% of patients. After a year of follow-up, in 63% of patients the reduction of vertigo persisted, while hearing function was satisfactory in 52%. Tinitus reduction was present in 73% of patients. Conclusion Intratympanic perfusion of dexamethasone in patients with Meniere's disease is a minimally invasive therapeutic method that contributes to the reduction of the intensity of vertigo recurrent attacks, decrease of the intensity of tinnitus and improvement of the average hearing threshold. Patients with chronic diseases and Meniere's disease who are contraindicted for systemic administration of cortocosteroids (hypertension, diabetes, glaucoma, peptic ulcer, etc.) have an additional therapeutic option by dexamethasone intratympanic perfusion

    Telemedicine in the Era of a Pandemic: Usefulness of a Novel Three-Lead ECG

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    The 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) is a first-line diagnostic tool for patients with cardiac symptoms. As observed during the COVID-19 pandemic, the ECG is essential to the initial patient evaluation. The novel KardioPal three-lead-based ECG reconstructive technology provides a potential alternative to a standard ECG, reducing the response time and cost of treatment and improving patient comfort. Our study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of a reconstructed 12-lead ECG obtained by the KardioPal technology, comparing it with the standard 12-lead ECG, and to assess the feasibility and time required to obtain a reconstructed ECG in a real-life scenario. A prospective, nonrandomized, single-center, adjudicator-blinded trial was conducted on 102 patients during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Dedinje Cardiovascular Institute in Belgrade. The KardioPal system demonstrated a high feasibility rate (99%), with high specificity (96.3%), sensitivity (95.8%), and diagnostic accuracy (96.1%) for obtaining clinically relevant matching of reconstructed 12-lead compared to the standard 12-lead ECG recording. This novel technology provided a significant reduction in ECG acquisition time and the need for personnel and space for obtaining ECG recordings, thereby reducing the risk of viral transmission and the burden on an already overwhelmed healthcare system such as the one experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Ispitivanje mobilne vršalice 'V-08' u vršidbi semena pšenice

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    U radu su ispitivane kvalitativne karakteristike mobilne vršalice tip V-08 proizvođača „ERNET“ iz Kikinde, namenjene za vršidbu semena ratarskih i povrtarskih kultura na oglednim poljima. Na malim oglednim parcelama posle košenja useva, vršidba je sastavni deo ubiranja semenske pšenice. Cilj ispitivanja je bio praktična primena i ocena kvaliteta rada uređaja u vršidbi sortnog semena pšenice u mikro ogledima. U toku istraživanja ustanovljeni su gubici semena na slamotresima i sitima vršalice koji se pojavljuju u neovršenim klasovima i slobodnom semenu u ovršenoj masi. Visina gubitaka i kvalitet ovršenog semena zavise od sorte, vlažnosti semena u momentu žetve, od broja obrtaja bubnja, zazora između bubnja i podbubnja, veličine otvora na sitima i njihove čistoće. U radu vršalice ukupni gubici semena kretali su se od 0,17-3,24% od čega je manji deo gubitka semena na sitima od 0-0,18% od prinosa, a ostalo su gubici na slamotresima. Kvalitet vršidbe određivan je na osnovu prosečnog uzorka uzetog iz kese-vrećice u koju je seme prikupljeno iz vršalice. Kasnije je u laboratoriji na separatoru tipa Dakota iz prosečnog uzorka izdvojeno celo, šturo i polomljeno seme i ostale primese. Kvalitet vršidbe je bio zadovojavajući jer se učešće čistog semena kretalo od 88-98,52%, šturog semena od 0,73-4,65% i primesa 0,73-9,95%. Pravilnim podešavanjem i načinom rada vršalice V-8 kvalitet ovršenog semena pšenice je zadovoljavajući sa minimalnim gubicima semena na vršalici i sitima


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    The results of the radiological study of the urinary system anomalies are presented on the material consisting of 8,568 urographies done from 1990 to 2001 at the Institute for Radiology, Niš. The paper shows exceptionally rare anomalies of the urinary system: a horse-shoe shaped kidney with pyelocaliceal systems in its arms and isthmus, heterolateral ectopia of the kidney with fusion, abdominal-medial ectopia of the kidney with ventral malrotation and cup hyperplasia, hypoplastic cup, triple pyeolcaliceal system, M. Lenarduzzi and blind-ending of the Y-shaped urethra. The author concludes that, for the sake of performing every day professional work, it is necessary to possess detailed knowledge of the rarest urinary system anomalies


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    The urosystem tumors are most often neoplasm. Their knowledge and diagnostics are of exceptional importance. The paper presents Wilms tumor, renal cell carcinoma, transitio cellular carcinoma of the pielocalcic system, transitio cellular carcinoma of the urinary bladder and others. The urosystem tumor diagnsotics is based upon clinic, radiological and pathohistological examinations


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    Primarius Dr Veselin G. Krajcic was the first radiologist in Nis. He was appointed in 1931 as the director of the Institute for Radiology in the State hospital in Nis. He had his own private practice. The paper presents his radiological finding. This paper was written as a contribution to the history of radiology in Serbia and Nis


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    The paper analyzes the undesired reactions at 6053 urographies (IVU) in thecorrelation of the iodic and the non-iodic contrast media (ICM).Depending on the allergological status the ICM (iodic or non-iodic) is chosenfor the sake of carrying out an urographic examination as well as the necessarypremedication measures.The undesired reactions to the TCM are registered in 4,87% (1:20 TVU),namely in 5,6% (1:17 TVU) to the iodic and in 2,39% (1:41 IVU) to the non-iodicICM.At the intravenous application of the iodic ICM at the IVU the undesiredreactions are registered for2,4 times more often than at the application of the non-iodicICM