2,382 research outputs found

    Blinded by the Light?

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    Cytokine imprinting - mechanisms for memory

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    Committee Deliberation and Gender Differences in Influences

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    This paper provides empirical evidence on the aggregation of information in committees. We analyze unique data from the decision-making process of hiring committees within a large private company. In the hiring process, committee members first conduct independent one-to-one interviews and give individual recommendations before deliberating on a collective hiring decision. We find that committees’ final hiring decisions are systematically less aligned with the initial recommendations of women than with those of men, even though women and men are equally qualified and experienced. This disparity in influence is strongest when recommendations exhibit high disagreement and when a single woman deliberates with two men. The estimated distribution of influence reveals that almost all men are more influential than the median woman. We offer suggestive evidence that these findings have implications for the effectiveness of gender quotas

    Selecting B cells and plasma cells to memory

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    Humoral immunity appears to be based on immunological memory provided by memory plasma cells, which secrete protective antibodies, and memory B cells, which react to antigen challenge by differentiating into plasma cells. How these differentiation pathways relate to each other, how cells are selected into these memory populations, and how these populations are maintained remains enigmatic

    Sequential polarization and imprinting of type 1 T-helper lymphocytes by interferon-γ and interleukin-12

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    Differentiation of naive T lymphocytes into type I T helper (Th1) cells requires interferon-γ and interleukin-12. It is puzzling that interferon-γ induces the Th1 transcription factor T-bet, whereas interleukin-12 mediates Th1 cell lineage differentiation. We use mathematical modeling to analyze the expression kinetics of T-bet, interferon-γ, and the IL-12 receptor β2 chain (IL-12Rβ2) during Th1 cell differentiation, in the presence or absence of interleukin-12 or interferon-γ signaling. We show that interferon-γ induced initial T-bet expression, whereas IL-12Rβ2 was repressed by T cell receptor (TCR) signaling. The termination of TCR signaling permitted upregulation of IL-12Rβ2 by T-bet and interleukin-12 signaling that maintained T-bet expression. This late expression of T-bet, accompanied by the upregulation of the transcription factors Runx3 and Hlx, was required to imprint the Th cell for interferon-γ re-expression. Thus initial polarization and subsequent imprinting of Th1 cells are mediated by interlinked, sequentially acting positive feedback loops of TCR-interferon-γ-Stat1-T-bet and interleukin-12-Stat4-T-bet signaling

    Gesetzliches unrecht und übergesetzliches recht

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    В оригіналі статті 1946 р. видатного німецького філософа права Ґустава Радбруха (1878-1949) на основі судової практики ФРН після падіння нацистського режиму та правовій теорії вченого про ідею права як справедливості викладається так звана “формула Радбруха” як підхід до вирішення су- перечності між «несправедливим законом» та “надзаконним правом”. Існують виключні випадки, “коли суперечність діючого закону щодо справедливості сягає настільки нестерпного масштабу, що закон як “несправедливе право” має поступитися справедливості.” Важко виокремити такі випадки, але чітким критерієм може служити відсутність прагнення до справедливості. Відтак в ідеї права Радбруха останнього його наукового періоду справедливості визначається провідна роль у порівняні з правопевністю та доцільністю.Based on the judicial practice of the after-Nazi West Germany and scholar’s legal theory of the idea of law as justice, the famous 1946 article by the prominent German philosopher of law Gustav Radbruch (1878-1949), sets forth the so-cold “Radbruch’s formula” as an approach to the solution of the conflict between “statutory non-law” and “suprastatutory law”. There might be exceptional cases when the conflict with justice reaches so intolerable a level that the statute becomes in effect “false law” and must therefore yield to justice. It is impossible to draw a sharper line between cases of statutory non-law and statutes that are valid despite their flaws. One line of distinction, however, can be drawn with utmost clarity: it is where there is not even an attempt at justice. Thus in the Radbruch’s idea of law in his post-War period, justice is provided with a predominant position in comparison to legal certainty and purposiveness.Передрук тексту оригіналу та друк перекладу здійснено з дозволу видавництва C. F. Müller Juristischer Verlag GmbH (Heidelberg). Переклад В. С. Бігуна за: Gesetzliches Unrecht und übergesetzliches Recht // Radbruch Gustav. Gesamtausgabe. Hrsg. von Arthur Kaufmann. – Heidelberg: Müller, Juristischer Verlag. – Band 3. Rechtsphilosophie. – 3 Bearb. von Winfried Hassemer. – 1990. – S. 83-93. Вперше опубліковано в: Süddeutsche Juristenzeitung. – 1946. – 1. S. 105-10