110 research outputs found
Molekuláris biológiai vizsgálatok a Kárpát-medencéből származó Cryphonectria parasitica izolátumokon
An Interreg Project for the Effective and Safe Plant Protection in the EU
The aim of this project is to develop regional, post-gradual plant
protectional courses and connecting extension services (databases) in the
areas of Hajdú-Bihar county (Hungary) and Bihor county (Romania) with
locations of Debrecen and Oradea (mirror projects). The programme
provides special post-gradual courses in the field of plant protection for
farmers in the region (25-25 persons in Debrecen and in Oradea) and can act
as models for further developments. In these projects EU-related curriculum
as well as handbooks, power point presentations (in Hungarian and
Romanian languages) planned to be developed in close collaboration.
Professional training books and CD-ROMs will be purchased to develop the
educational infrastructure. The results of the projects and continuous
professional education are not only more precise pesticide application or
less pesticide use in the agricultural sector but more healthy (and human
safe) agricultural products and positive impact on environmental-pollution
parameters. The information will be provided via fax, bulletins and special
WEB-pages for the target groups. At the end of the projects final evaluation
conferences (in Hungary and in Romania) will be held for the end-users
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