23 research outputs found

    Three principles for the progress of immersive technologies in healthcare training and education

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    Towards a positive cross-cultural lexicography: Enriching our emotional landscape through 216 ‘untranslatable’ words pertaining to well-being

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    Although much attention has been paid to culture-specific psychopathologies, there have been no comparable attempts to chart positive mental states that may be particular to certain cultures. This paper outlines the beginnings of a positive cross-cultural lexicography of ‘untranslatable’ words pertaining to wellbeing, culled from across the world’s languages. A quasi-systematic search uncovered 216 such terms. Using grounded theory, these words were organised into three categories: feelings (comprising positive and complex feelings); relationships (comprising intimacy and pro-sociality); and character (comprising personal resources and spirituality). The paper has two main aims. First, it aims to provide a window onto cultural differences in constructions of wellbeing, thereby enriching our understanding of wellbeing. Second, a more ambitious aim is that this lexicon may help expand the emotional vocabulary of English speakers (and indeed speakers of all languages), and consequently enrich their experiences of wellbeing. The paper concludes by setting out a research agenda to pursue these aims further

    O comércio intra-setorial e suas implicações para a economia cearense

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    Neste trabalho, analisou-se a participação do comércio intra-setorial nas exportações do estado do Ceará e os seus impactos sobre as principais variáveis econômicas durante o período de 1996 a 2004. Inicialmente, foi identificada a intensidade desse tipo de transação comercial, com base no índice proposto por Grubel e Lloyd (1975). A seguir, foi analisada a sua contribuição para o fluxo total de mercadorias comercializadas internacionalmente, com base na metodologia proposta por Menon e Dixon (1996). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o comércio intra-setorial tem uma pequena participação no comércio total e que, embora alguns produtos primários e minerais participem desse tipo de comércio, as manufaturas são os principais produtos. Em relação aos seus impactos sobre as principais variáveis econômicas, verificou-se que o comércio intra-setorial tem efeitos positivos sobre o emprego, porém sua intensificação pode provocar aumentos no grau de concentração da pauta de exportações e no nível de concentração de renda enquanto reduz o grau de abertura comercial do estado do Ceará.<br>This study aimed at the participation of intra-sectorial commerce of export results in Ceara state and its impacts on main economic variables from 1996 to 2004. The intensity of this type of commercial transactions was identified, based on the Index considered for Grubel and Lloyd (1975). Consequently, it was analyzed its contribution for the total of internationally commercialized merchandises, based on methodology proposed for Menon and Dixon (1996). The analysis of the data show that intra-sectorial commerce has a small contribution at total commerce results and, despite some primary products and mineral participate, manufactures are main products. Regarding impacts on main economic variable, it was verified that the intra-sectorial commerce has positive effect on the generation of new jobs. However, its intensification can provoke increases in the concentration of export guideline and in the income level while reduces the degree of commercial aperture of Ceara state