17 research outputs found

    Ukuran Organ Sistem Reproduksi Itik Jantan Yang Disuplementasi Probiotik Mep+ Berbagai Dosis Selama 30 Hari

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    Probiotics MEP+ can increase fowl weight and weft efficiency, therefore it is important to know probiotics MEP+ effect at different dosage toward reproduction aspect. This research aimed to examine duck reproduction organ size suplemented with probiotics MEP+ with different dosage within 30 days. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments with different dosages within 30 days which was without probiotic's application or control (K), 0,75 ml/kg wefts (P1) dose, 1,5 ml/kg wefts (P2) dose, a n d 3 ml/kg wefts (P3) dose. Each treatment repeated 8 times. Total 40 ducks raised in floor dry cage system. At 31st day of treatment duck reproduction system organ was measured. Whole results show increase average data (±SD) for weight of both right and left testis, and liver weight with highly probiotics dosage it, however the analysis result statistic not significant (P>0,05) except weight of right left testis with duck weight or gonadosomatic indeks (GSI) were very significant (P<0,01) among all treatment at different dosages was compared control. The results is confirmed that probiotic's MEP+ treatment with different dosages within 30 days gave no effect towards duck reproduction system organ size except to gonadosomatic indeks (GSI) male duck

    The Partnership Benefits in Low-cost Apartment Implementation Program in Surabaya Metropolitan Area

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    The low-cost apartment implementation program is one of the reliable solutions to reduce housing needs in East Java Province. Eventhough there were many problems facing the low cost apartmen program implementation, private sector is still highly expected to contribute in this program. The objective of this research is to identify public private partnership benefits from stakeholder perception. The benefit variables to better understand the low-cost apartment implementation which obtained from literature review studies were then validated by 32 purposive sampling respondents from both government and private sectors. These variables were then identified and analyzed using statistical analysis. The results show that the benefit factors from both government and private sector perception are better risk allocation and accelarate infrastructure developmen

    Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing Daerah Wilayah Pengembangan Satu Kabupaten Malang

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    Regional economic development is basically a multisectoral involving many development actors, so it needs cooperation and coordination among all interested parties. The purpose of this study is (1) to determine the appropriate criteria in measuring competitiveness, (2) finding the leading sectors, (3) make appropriate recommendations in order to increase regional competitiveness Region Development of Malang. Data analysis techniques using Multi Sector Analysis (MSA). The results showed (1) there are eleven criteria for measuring competitiveness, (2) Regional Development One Malang superior in the industrial sector, (3) Recommendation prepared is to strengthen the public private partnership, infrastructure improvements, ensure the availability of electricity and water.Pembangunan ekonomi daerah pada dasarnya bersifat multisektoral dengan melibatkan banyak pelaku pembangunan sehingga diperlukan kerja sama dan koordinasi di antara semua pihak yang berkepentingan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menentukan kriteria yang tepat dalam mengukur daya saing, (2) menemukan sektor unggulan, (3) menyusun rekomendasi yang tepat dalam rangka peningkatan daya saing daerah Wilayah Pengembangan satu Kabupaten Malang. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Multi Sector Analysis (MSA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) terdapat sebelas kriteria untuk mengukur daya saing, (2) Wilayah Pengembangan Satu Kabupaten Malang unggul dalam sektor industri, (3) rekomndasi yang disusun adalah memperkuat kerjasama pemerintah dengn swasta, perbaikan infrastruktur, menjamin ketersediaan listrik dan air

    Aktivitas Superoksida Dismutase Tikus Diabetes yang Diberi Ekstrak Batang Kapulaga dan Glibenklamid

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    Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) is an antioxidant enzyme which reduce anion superoxide radicals as well as known caused of diabetes. There are many natural additive was believed having capacity to repaired an antioxidant celluler status. Cardamom's stem were reported containing flavonoid and vitamin C which have been proven as in vitro antioxidant. There was no data showing its in vivo potency. This study aims to knoe the SOD activity of diabetes rats which were given cardamom stem extract (CSE) and glibenclamide. The research carried out with the use of experimentally Randomized Design Complete (RAL) by administering treatment on diabetes rat without CSE and glibenclamide as a control, consist of 100 mg/kg bodymass CSE and 2 mg/kg bodymass glibenclamide. The experiment consists of 3 treatments with 7 repetitions, blood sampling carried out experiments as much as 3 times with intervals of 7 days once. The data was analyzed using a variety of analysis (ANOVA). The result showed that the SOD activity increased from 4261 Unit/mg protein to 6604,668 Unit/mg protein (P<0.01) in diabetes rats treatment by CSE for 14 days