164 research outputs found

    Prevalensi Penyakit Tuberculosis Paru Di Kota Metro Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2011-2013

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is still a global health problem especially in developing countries including Indonesia. This disease can be transmitted from patient with Mycobacterium tuberculosis by releasing bacteria into the air when coughing and sneezing. High prevalence of TB and unsucessful of implementation of eradication programs.This disease as the number one killer infectious disease group. TB incidence in Lampung province was increasing from year to year even though the curing rate was already higher than 85%. In the last two years (2011 – 2013), the Lampung Provincial Health Office reported an increasing new TB cases as much as 15%. Similarly, the Metro city which is one of the districts / cities in Lampung province with the lowest numbers of TB case finding in Lampung province. This research was aimed to describe the prevalence TB and their distribution at Metro City that has been not yet available as far. This research was design as a descriptive study with a cross sectional approach. Data taken from 4 hospitals and 11 center for public health (Puskesmas) in Metro City during 2011 – 2013.with SITT software and the data were analyzed by using an Excel program. The results showed that in 2011-2013 found as many as 3618 cases of TB suspects with 247 cases of pulmonary TB smear positif.Patients in Metro City only 2% of TB patients Lampung Province. Many people were suffered by pulmonary tuberculosis at the age of 25-54 years and 67% of patients them were male

    Pengendalian Modal Kerja Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Profitabilitas Dan Likuiditas (Studi Pada Koperasi Pelita Sejahtera PT. Pln (Persero) Area Malang Periode 2011 – 2013)

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    Working capital is capital that must be spinning in a cooperative and capital turnover is expected to be able to generate maximum revenue because if there is a working capital management is not good, it will have an impact on the profitability and liquidity will be obtained that will be faced by the cooperative. This study aims to determine how capital controls work done Koperasi Pelita Sejahtera PT. PLN (Persero) Malang area as an effort to increase profitability and liquidity. This type of research is descriptive quantitative approach.. The results showed that the working capital owned cooperative in the past three years, namely in 2011, 2012, and 2013 experienced a reduction in working capital, which is evident from the statement of changes in working capital and sources and uses of working capital. Calculation of profitability ratio that covers ROA, ROE had passed, NPM, OPM experienced volatile, and GPM decreased. In the calculation of the liquidity ratio that covers the Current Ratio, Cash Ratio, Quick Ratio volatile. Based on the analysis of cooperative working capital on cash management has been utilized properly. Turnover on cooperative working capital has been effective so that the cooperative needs to maintain

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT Trias Sentosa, Krian Sidoarjo

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan kerja dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT Trias Sentosa, Krian Sidoarjo. Sampel yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah 80 karyawan yang dipilih berdasarkan sample random sampling. Data untuk penelitian diperoleh melalui kuesioner. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) pelatihan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan (2) motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan (3) pelatihan kerja dan motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan

    Analisis Algoritma C4.5 untuk Pengangkatan Karyawan Tetap Studi Kasus PT Citra Abadi Sejati Bogor

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    PT. Citra Abadi Sejati, merupakan Perusahaan garment produk tekstil yang berlokasi di daerah Bogor, Jawa Barat dan merupakan anak Perusahaan Texmaco Group. Peranan sumber daya manusia dalam Perusahaan sangatlah penting karena sebagai penggerak utama seluruh kegiatan atau aktivitas Perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuannya, baik untuk memperoleh keuntungan maupun untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup Perusahaan.Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) merupakan salah satu faktor yang untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kinerja suatu organisasi atau instansi.Salah satu upaya untuk mengoptimalkan produksi yang dihasilkan oleh PT. Citra Abadi Sejati perlu adanya pengangkatan karyawan kontrak dengan cara seleksi. Proses seleksi pengangkatan karyawan masih belum dilakukan secara professional, tetapi dilakukan dengan cara−cara penyuapan, pertemanan, atau hubungan kerja. Menilai kinerja kerja berarti membandingkan kinerja actual bawahan dengan standar yang ditetapkan oleh Perusahaan.Secara umum Algoritma C4.5 untuk membangun pohon keputusan, dan untuk analisa data dengan menggunakan Confusion Matrix. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapat karyawan seperti yang diharapkan, Perusahaan sehingga kualitas dan kuantitas produksi semakin meningkat dengan baik.Harapan dari hasil seleksi dengan menggunakan metode Algoritma C4.5 adalah mendapatkan karyawan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan standar nilai kinerja selaras dengan posis

    Pengaruh Jenis Media Kultur in Vitro Dan Jenis Eksplan Terhadap Morfogenesis Lili Oriental

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    . Pramanik, D. and F. Rachmawati. 2010. The Effect of In Vitro Culture Media and Explants onMorphogenesis of Oriental Lily. Tissue culture technique is the promising method for plant multiplication. Theaim of this study was to evaluate the effect of in vitro media and explants on the morphogenesis of oriental lily cv.Donau. The research was conducted by using randomized complete design with two factors and three replications.The first factor was media, that were A = Murashige and Skoog (MS)+BAP 1 ppm+2.4-D 1 ppm, B = MS+NAA0.5 ppm+TDZ 0.08 ppm, C = MS+NAA 1 ppm+TDZ 2 ppm, and D = MS+2.4-D 1.5 ppm+Kinetin 1 ppm+TDZ 1ppm. While second factors was explants, i.e. petal, peduncle, ovule, and bulb-scale. The results of the study showedthat there was a very significant difference of interaction between first factor and second factor to all parametersobserved. B medium combined with ovule explants gave the best treatment for explants-swollen induction. MeanwhileB medium with petal explants and D medium with petal and bulb-scale explants were the best treatment for callusinduction. A medium with bulb-scale explants provided the best condition for shoot and root formation. A mediumwith bulb-scale explants and C medium with peduncle explants showed the best treatment in micro-bulb induction.The best result on embryogenic callus induction was D medium combined with petal explants

    Pengaruh Pelayanan dan Asosiasi Merek terhadap Kepercayaan Pelanggan Bengkel Kendaraan Bermotor dan Dampaknya terhadap Preferensi Rekomendasi

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    The number of motorcycles being sold in Indonesia keeps increasing every year. Every manufacturer should stand firm on negotiating to what extent service and brand name impact to consumer trust and recommendation preference. This research aims to investigate this issue using path analysis. Sample is taken from community of car garage consumers. Then, data is verified by some statistical tools such as normality, validity and reliability before using path analysis. The research findings confirm that service quality, brand association and consumer trust are very important to attract trust over garage service. Concerning this issue, the researcher contributes some suggestions such as management should increase service quality by doing employee professionalism improvement. For doing this, the firm can exploit on employee training; implementing incentive strategy to motivate employees, exposing openness and positive atmosphere to interact with consumers and the last but not the least, to maintain good relationship for short and long term by providing consumers with a forum-based communication media

    Problem Diplomasi Perbatasan dalam Tata Kelola Perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia

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    The border diplomacy which is intended as tool for gaining national interest should be built on 3 foundations. Those fondations are law, social and economic development and also institution building. This article will highlight the importance of institution building in border diplomacy. In order to manage the cross border relation with neighbour country, the government needs certain institution to holds the task. Related to our case, we will discuss about KK Sosek Malindo as the main institution which has been managing the border issues between Indonesia and Malaysia. KK Sosek Malindo routinely meets to solve several problems arise between both countries in the border. Since 1985, theyve already agreed various cooperations related to border management and border area development. Unfortunately, this institution became useless when cannot implement those agreements and contribute more because distracted by inapropriate structure of KK Sosek Malindo. This article also tend to convince that restructuritation of KK Sosek Malindo should be done in order to optimalize the function of KK Sosek Malindo for better bilateral relation and border area development

    Pengaruh Kualitas Auditor terhadap Manajemen Laba (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Non Keuangan yang Terdaftar di Bei Tahun 2009-2011)

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    This study aims to analyze the association between the magnitude of earnings management and auditor quality. The information asymmetry motivates management to execute manipulate performance with earnings management. Auditor quality use industry specialist auditor and big four auditor. The Modified Jones Model is used to measure discretionary accruals (the proxy for earnings management). The sample used in this research was the secondary data from annual report of non financial companies which listed on Bursa Efek Indonesia in 2009-2011. The sample was taken using the method of purposive sampling, and those meeting the selection criteria were also taken. The sample used counts of 756 companies. The statistic method used was multiplied analysis linear regression with hypothesis testing of statistic t and F test. The results provide evidence that industry specialist auditor significantly influence the earnings management. Nonetheless, big four auditor wasn\u27t significant influence to the earnings management
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