26 research outputs found
Pemetaan Kesiapan Desa Menuju Desa Siaga Di Lima Propinsi
Mapping of village readiness toward "desa siaga" (village preparedness) is the first step in thedevelopment of the desa siaga model. Ministry of Health plans to facilitate acceleration to achieve higherthe health level of people by developing village preparedness. Various health facilities community basedsuch Poskesdes, Polindes, Pos Obat Desa, Dana Sehat, etc need to be studied as embryo as entry point toachieve desa siaga model. The research has been conducted in five provinces (West Sumatera, Bali, WestJava, Banten, DI Yogyakarta). This research used the secondary data that was collected with the villagepotential form. The research population were the selected regencies. As the sample in this research ischoose the whole villages that are in one city and two regencies in selected provinces purposively. Thisresearch result's that community health centres were not developed yet in five research locations, howeverthe embryo such polindes have already exist especially in rural areas, plus the existence of posyandu withtheir well cadre either in rural or urban areas. Most UKBM found is posyandu for children and Polindes formother's maternal health
Gambaran Perilaku Masyarakat Kaitannya Dengan Penularan Dan Upaya Pengendalian Penyakit Berbasis Lingkungan Di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Provinsi Jawa Barat
Various diseases like ARI, Diarrhea, TB, Malaria, Dengue Fever and even Toxoplasmosis remains a public health problem. Diarrhea and ARI are the major causes of infant and child mortality. All the disease problems are caused by the lack of community behavior and environment quality. Therefore, this study emphasizes to the behavior analysis and the reasons behind those behavior. This study was conducted in Sukabumi District, West Java Province as one of the areas of the highest infant mortality rate in Indonesia. This is a qualitative approach study by using ethnographic and survey method. The study was conducted in 47 sub-districts in the district. Data was collected by performing interview using structured questionnaire. Study respondents were the head of households with 3008 samples. Qualitative data was gathered from two sub-districts which were Pelabuhan Ratu and Cikidang Sub-districts. The study results showed that community behavior on environmental-based disease prevention such as diarrhea, ARI, TB,Malaria, Dengue Fever, Toxoplasmosis were quite good, even though their level of knowledge about the diseases were still poor. Community wrong perception about the disease causes, its transmission and prevention could be a problem
An Exploration of Cultural Perception and Communities Behaviour Related to Mortality: a Qualitative Study of Communities in Solo and Pekalongan, Central Java Province
Mortality data and understanding death patterns are considered to be essential for developing evidence-based health policy. This article is a qualitative research, examines current cultural perceptions of death in Indonesia that include a prominent and sensitive belief that emerged at the time of mourning/loss in Solo City and Pekalongan District, Central Java Province. The data collection was done by Focus group discussions (FGDs) with mosque officials, local health workers, local midwives, and staff of the community council, local school teachers, and local business people. Semi-structured interviews (SSIs) are conducted with key informants of bereaved and non-bereaved household. Also observation of the local economy and community activity patterns, modes of subsistence, cultural beliefs. The study revealed thatdeath notification and activities subsequent to a death fall into two parallel domains, the religious and the secular. Beliefs in the afterlife and the imperative of a speedy burial, with all that this implies in terms of treatment and disposal of the corpse, belong to the religious domain. The procedure for obtaining a death certificate occurs in a juridical framework also as the driving force to meet the needs of data on causes of death, acquire legal and financial arrangements associated with the death of household members, for example for inheritance issues. A further issue of interest was the timing of the verbal autopsy (VA). Ideally the VA should occur in the home of the deceased's family within 7-30 days after the death, and be conducted by a health official possibly accompanied by an office-bearing member of the local community. Coordination between all parties involved in the treatment of death is quite feasible
Background: Lack of information and basic knowledge of reproductive health cause street children vulnerable to complex problems, one of which is risky sexual behavior. Reproductive health education is an effort to reduce negative impacts and to protect adolescents from the risk of unwanted pregnancy, abortion, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS and sexual violence
Objective: This study aimed to explore the implementation and barriers of reproductive health education among street children at shelters under the program of PKPR in East Jakarta public health centers in DKI Jakarta
Method: This research used qualitative methods. Data were collected by in-depth interviews. There were 20 research informants consisting of program stakeholders for street children and school-aged children health program at the central level, health offices, social services, public health centers, managers of shelters and street children assisted by shelters in East Jakarta.
Results: Knowledge of reproductive health among street children was still poor. The implementation of reproductive health education carried out by PKPR in public health centers was still not optimal because it has not reached all street children at the shelter as well as the lack of trained health resources implementing PKPR trained.
Conclusion: Efforts are needed to optimize reproductive health education among street children by strengthening commitment and building networks
Keywords: reproductive health education, knowledge, PKPR, street children
Latar belakang: Kurangnya informasi dan pengetahuan dasar mengenai kesehatan reproduksi menyebabkan anak jalanan rentan terhadap permasalahan yang kompleks, salah satunya adalah perilaku seks berisiko. Pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengurangi dampak negatif serta melindungi remaja dari risiko kehamilan yang tidak dikehendaki, aborsi, Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS), HIV/AIDS dan kekerasan seksual.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali pelaksanaan dan hambatan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi pada anak jalanan di rumah singgah binaan PKPR puskesmas wilayah Jakarta Timur di DKI Jakarta
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam. Informan penelitian berjumlah 20 orang yang terdiri dari pemegang program anak jalanan dan kesehatan usia remaja dan sekolah di tingkat pusat, Dinas Kesehatan, Dinas Sosial, puskesmas, pengelola rumah singgah dan anak jalanan binaan rumah singgah di Jakarta Timur.
Hasil: Pengetahuan anak jalanan tentang kesehatan reproduksi masih kurang. Pelaksanaan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi yang dilakukan melalui program PKPR puskesmas masih belum maksimal karena belum menjangkau seluruh anak jalanan di rumah singgah serta kurangnya SDM kesehatan pelaksana PKPR yang terlatih.
Kesimpulan: Diperlukan upaya untuk memaksimalkan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi pada anak jalanan dengan memperkuat komitmen dan membangun jejaring
Kata kunci: pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi, pengetahuan, PKPR, anak jalana
To overcome community health problems, the government has launched the Healthy Indonesia Program through Family Approach (PIS-PK) since 2015. Until early 2018 the progress of this program over regions varies. The aim of this operational research conducted in Semarang in 2018 was to provide assistance for regions in implementing PIS-PK stages based on guidelines in order to produce an intervention model that can be sustainably applied with the commitments of related sectors and community participation. The result showed that Puskesmas Purwoyoso has implemented management of health service program throughout P1, P2, and P3 stages correctly in accordance with the guidelines. Based on healthy family indicators, RW 11 Purwoyoso Village was chosen as a priority area to be intervention model of hypertension prevention. The PIS-PK indicator showed that hypertension sufferers who were regularly treated was small in number. Several models used in handling hypertension cases through community empowerment approach including picking up patients with severe hypertension; blood pressure checking activity during social group gathering, so-called ‘arisan’ (CETAR), and anti-hypertension gardens. The intervention model had been implemented and established in RW 11 of Puskesmas Purwoyoso working area, therefore, other sectors involvement and community participation in hypertension prevention were expected
Keywords: Intervention model, hypertension, PIS-PK
Sejak tahun 2015 Pemerintah telah meluncurkan Program Indonesia Sehat dengan Pendekatan Keluarga (PIS PK) untuk menangani masalah kesehatan di masyarakat. Hingga awal tahun 2018, kemajuan pelaksanaan PIS PK di beberapa daerah bervariasi. Riset operasional yang dilakukan di Semarang pada tahun 2018 ini bertujuan untuk mendampingi daerah dalam melaksanakan tahapan pelaksanaan program PIS PK yang sesuai dengan pedoman, hingga menghasilkan model intervensi yang dapat diimplementasikan dengan melibatkan lintas sektor dan melibatkan peran serta masyarakat.Hasil pendampingan menunjukkan, Puskesmas Purwoyoso sudah menerapkan manajemen program pelayanan kesehatan Puskesmas melalui tahapan P1, P2, dan P3 sesuai pedoman. Berdasarkan nilai IKS dan cakupan indikator PIS PK yang belum berjalan dengan baik yaitu penderita hipertensi yang berobat teratur, maka dipilih RW 11 Kelurahan Purwoyoso sebagai wilayah prioritas untuk mendapat intervensi model penanggulangan hipertensi. Pemilihan model intervensi hipertensi melalui pendekatan pemberdayaan masyarakat adalah jemput pasien gawat hipertensi, cek tensi saat arisan (CETAR), dan taman hepi (anti hipertensi). Model intervensi telah ditetapkan dan diimplementasikan di RW 11 yang termasuk wilayah kerja Puskesmas Purwoyoso, dan diharapkan keterlibatan lintas sektor serta masyarakat untuk ikut berperan dalam penanggulangan hipertensi.
Kata kunci: Model intervensi, hipertensi, PIS-P
The Healthy Indonesia Program with Family Approach (PIS-PK) is an effort to strengthen basic health that began in 2015. To get more comprehensive data and information on the implementation of PIS-PK, in 2017 the Center for Public Health Efforts to carry out a PIS-PK evaluation study in several districts/cities in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative and qualitative approach, in one puskesmas in Labuan Bajo Regency, North Sumatra Province and Semarang City, Central Java Province. Data collection was carried out by means of in-depth interviews about the implementation of PIS-PK including input indicators (personnel, funds, tools and methods), processes (planning, implementation, supervision), and output. The results of the study show that the implementation of input indicators, such as the limited number of Puskesmas human resources in data collection and data entry, also not yet clear about the sources of funding for implementing PIS-PK. On output (results of family visits), there are differences in the results of the calculation of indicators between the results of data collection conducted by PIS-PK puskesmas officers and study results. When compared between the two puskesmas, Puskesmas H Semarang is more ready for PIS-PK than Puskesmas P in Labuan Batu Regency. It can be concluded that in the implementation of PIS-PK in both puskesmas still encountered problems, both in terms of inputs (personnel, funds, tools and methods), processes (planning, implementation, supervision), and output. As a suggestion, there needs to be more comprehensive planning in implementing PIS-PK.
Keywords: PIS-PK, evaluation research, input, process, and output indicator
Program Indonesia Sehat dengan Pendekatan Keluarga (PIS-PK) merupakan program upaya penguatan kesehatan dasar yang mulai dilaksanakan pada tahun 2015. Untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi yang lebih komprehensif tentang pelaksanaan PIS-PK, pada tahun 2017 Puslitbang Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat melakukan studi evaluasi PIS-PK di beberapa kabupaten/kota di Indonesia. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif, di salah satu puskesmas di Kabupaten Labuan Bajo, Provinsi Sumatera Utara dan Kota Semarang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam mengenai pelaksanaan PIS PK meliputi indikator input (tenaga, dana, alat dan metode), proses (perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan), dan output. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan untuk indikator input, seperti masih terbatasnya SDM puskesmas dalam melakukan pendataan maupun entri data, juga belum jelasnya sumber pembiayaan pelaksanaan PIS-PK. Pada output (hasil kunjungan keluarga) terdapat perbedaan hasil perhitungan indikator antara hasil pendataan yang dilakukan oleh petugas PIS-PK puskesmas dengan hasil studi. Jika dibandingkan diantara ke dua puskesmas, Puskesmas H Kota Semarang lebih siap PIS-PK daripada Puskesmas P Kabupaten Labuan Batu. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan PIS-PK di kedua puskesmas masih menemui permasalahan, baik dalam hal input (tenaga, dana, alat dan metode), proses (perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan), maupun output. Sebagai saran, perlu adanya perencanaan yang lebih komprehensif dalam implementasi PIS-PK.
Kata kunci: PIS PK, riset evaluasi, Indikator input, proses, dan outpu
ABSTRACT The number of mortality rate is a barometer status due to public health, especially the number of mother and infant mortality rate (AKI and AKB). Timor Tengah Selatan district, Nusa Tenggara Timur province, viewed from the side of geographic and socio-economic conditions were still in critical conditions whereas the maternal and infant mortality rate in the year 2009-2012 was still high. There is unique tradition in Timor Tengah Selatan district, namely Se’i (fogging) and Tatobi (hot compresses) that were given to the mother after they give birth. Se’i and Tatobi were a series of activity aimed to care pregnant mothers during the puerperium consist dietary restriction, fogging, roasting, and hot water compress for 40 days. This research was a qualitative research conducted to dig deeper about the tradition of Se’i and Tatobi, which held in Amanuban sub district, in Timor Tengah Selatan district, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province. The research was done by means of in-depth interviews to 10 mothers after 0-40 days delivery, biological mothers, mother-in-law, husband, midwives, and community leaders. The results of interview showed there was fear of feeling from mother post childbirth if they do not follow these series of tradition. It is recommended to health workers to improve the health services by using the approach of the culture and local customs, by providing counseling about pregnancy, birth, post birth, and baby care through ways that easily digested by their reason and logic. Keywords: Tradition,Se’i, Tatobi, postpartum care  ABSTRAK Angka kematian merupakan barometer status kesehatan masyarakat terutama kematian ibu dan kematian bayi (AKI dan AKB). Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dilihat dari sisi geografis dan keadaan sosial ekonomi masyarakatnya masih merupakan daerah kritis dimana angka kematian ibu dan bayi pada tahun 2009-2012 masih tinggi. Di daerah tersebut terdapat tradisi unik, yaitu pengasapan (Se’i) dan kompres panas pada ibu pasca persalinan (Tatobi). Tradisi Se’i dan Tatobi merupakan serangkaian kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk merawat ibu selama masa nifas yang terdiri dari pantangan terhadap makanan, pengasapan, pemanggangan, dan kompres kain panas selama 40 hari. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan untuk menggali lebih dalam tentang tradisi Se’i dan Tatobi di kecamatan Amanuban, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview) pada10 orang ibu pasca melahirkan 0-40 hari, ibu kandung, ibu mertua, suami, bidan, dan tokoh masyarakat. Hasil wawancara menunjukkan ada perasaan ketakutan dari ibu pasca persalinan bila tidak mengikuti pantangan dan anjuran yang dikatakan oleh orangtua, kerabat dan tetangganya. Disarankan kepada petugas kesehatan untuk menggunakan pendekatan budaya dan adat istiadat setempat dalam peningkatan pelayanan kesehatandengan memberikan penyuluhan sekitar kehamilan, kelahiran, pasca kelahiran, dan perawatan bayi melalui cara-cara yang mudah dicerna oleh daya nalar mereka. Kata kunci: Tradisi, Se’i, Tatobi, perawatan ibu pasca persalinan