863 research outputs found

    Evolving Molecular Cloud Structure and the Column Density Probability Distribution Function

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    The structure of molecular clouds can be characterized with the probability distribution function (PDF) of the mass surface density. In particular, the properties of the distribution can reveal the nature of the turbulence and star formation present inside the molecular cloud. In this paper, we explore how these structural characteristics evolve with time and also how they relate to various cloud properties as measured from a sample of synthetic column density maps of molecular clouds. We find that, as a cloud evolves, the peak of its column density PDF will shift to surface densities below the observational threshold for detection, resulting in an underlying lognormal distribution which has been effectively lost at late times. Our results explain why certain observations of actively star-forming, dynamically older clouds, such as the Orion molecular cloud, do not appear to have any evidence of a lognormal distribution in their column density PDFs. We also study the evolution of the slope and deviation point of the power-law tails for our sample of simulated clouds and show that both properties trend towards constant values, thus linking the column density structure of the molecular cloud to the surface density threshold for star formation.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication by MNRA

    Unbound Star-forming Molecular Clouds

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    We explore whether observed molecular clouds could include a substantial population of unbound clouds. Using simulations which include only turbulence and gravity, we are able to match observed relations and naturally reproduce the observed scatter in the cloud size-linewidth coefficient, at fixed surface density. We identify the source of this scatter as a spread in the intrinsic virial parameter. Thus these observational trends do not require that clouds exist in a state of dynamical equilibrium. We demonstrate that cloud virial parameters can be accurately determined observationally with an appropriate size estimator. All our simulated clouds eventually form collapsing cores, regardless of whether the cloud is bound overall. This supports the idea that molecular clouds do not have to be bound to form stars or to have observed properties like those of nearby low-mass clouds.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication by MNRA

    The interaction of polymer dispersed liquid crystal sensors with ultrasound

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    Polymer dispersed liquid crystals (PDLCs) have been shown to be sensitive to ultrasound through the acousto-optic effect. The acousto-optic response of PDLCs was studied over a broad frequency range (0.3–10 MHz). We demonstrate that the displacements required to produce acousto-optic clearing of PDLC films can be as low as a few nanometers, which is at least 103 times smaller than the PDLC droplet size, is 105 times smaller than the PDLC layer thickness, and of the order of the molecular size of the liquid crystal constituents. This suggests that the acousto-optic effect in PDLCs is due to the microscopic effects of the LC reorientation under torques or flows rather than the LC reorientation through macroscopic droplet deformation. The displacement required for clearing is related to the frequency of operation via an exponential decay. We attribute the observed frequency response to a freezing out of the rotational motion around the short axis of the liquid crystal. The reported frequency dependence and displacements required indicate that the effects and materials described here could be used for ultrasound visualization in a non-destructive testing context

    Community Partnership Interprofessional Program as Pedagogy: Process Outcomes and Faculty Impressions

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    Background: Since 1992, East Tennessee State University (ETSU) has augmented traditional health professions curricula with community-based, experiential learning through the Community Partnership Interprofessional Rural Health Program. The program was expanded in 2005 by including more interprofessional faculty, students, and community partners. Interprofessional teams of students and faculty work with community organizations to identify health needs and assets and implement health education programs or services.Methods and Findings: Course process outcomes were compiled from a survey of section reports and presentations. Faculty impressions of being involved in the course were gathered through conducting interviews with five interprofessional faculty. From 2005–2011, community partners included individuals, groups, and organizations within seven counties in Tennessee. Forty programs and services have been implemented through the program during the past seven years. Faculty reported the main reasons for being involved are their interests in interprofessional education and working in communities. Faculty also cited 12 different types of teaching strategies (pedagogical approaches) employed through the course.Conclusions: The Community Partnership Interprofessional Rural Health Program at ETSU is a testing ground for the unique combination of communitybased learning and interprofessional health education. Study findings demonstrate how the course has benefited faculty, students, and communities

    Connecting the Dots: Analyzing Synthetic Observations of Star-Forming Clumps in Molecular Clouds

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    In this paper, we investigate the extent to which observations of molecular clouds can correctly identify and measure star-forming clumps. We produced a synthetic column density map and a synthetic spectral-line data cube from the simulated collapse of a 5000 M⊙_{\odot} molecular cloud. By correlating the clumps found in the simulation to those found in the synthetic observations, clump masses derived from spectral-line data cubes were found to be quite close to the true physical properties of the clumps. We also find that the `observed' clump mass function derived from the column density map is shifted by a factor of ~ 3 higher than the true clump mass function, due to projection of low-density material along the line of sight. Alves et al. (2007) first proposed that a shift of a clump mass function to higher masses by a factor of 3 can be attributed to a star formation efficiency of 30 %. Our results indicate that this finding may instead be due to an overestimate of clump masses determined from column density observations.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Erosion and Accretion Trends of New Hampshire Beaches from December 2016 to March 2020: Results of the Volunteer Beach Profile Monitoring Program

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    New Hampshire Atlantic beaches were monitored from December 2016 to March 2020 to determine seasonal changes in morphology and elevation, assess the response of the beaches to storms with respect to erosion and subsequent recovery, and develop a baseline to determine long-term trends in beach size, elevation, and position. A unique aspect of this study was the involvement of community volunteers working together with the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, UNH Cooperative Extension, New Hampshire Sea Grant, and the New Hampshire Geological Survey. The monitoring network consisted of thirteen stations located at six of the major beaches, including each of the state beaches. Monitoring stations were located at Wallis Sands, Jenness Beach, North Hampton Beach, North Beach, Hampton Beach, and Seabrook Beach. At least two stations were located at each beach (Seabrook Beach had three stations). Beach elevation profiles were run routinely at each station at approximately three- to four-week intervals. Additional measurements were made following several major storms. In total, approximately 400 elevation profiles were run at the thirteen stations. The elevation profiles were run using the Emery (1961) method which utilizes two calibrated rods and the horizon for leveling. Sediment volume calculations were made for each profile that approximated the amount of material in the intertidal zone for that profile at that point in time for a one-meter wide swath of the beach. Seasonal changes and storm impacts on beach elevations, profile characteristics, and sediment volumes are discussed in detail for each beach and the major conditions and processes that control their stability discussed

    Swainson\u27s Thrushes Do Not Show Strong Wing Selectivity Prior to Crossing the Gulf of Mexico

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    During long-distance fall migrations, nocturnally migrating Swainson’s Thrushes often stop on the northern Gulf of Mexico coast before flying across the Gulf. To minimize energetic costs, trans-Gulf migrants should stop over when they encounter crosswinds or headwinds, and depart with supportive tailwinds. However, time constrained migrants should be less selective, balancing costs of headwinds with benefits of continuing their migrations. To test the hypotheses that birds select supportive winds and that selectivity is mediated by seasonal time constraints, we examined whether local winds affected Swainson’s Thrushes’ arrival and departure at Ft. Morgan, Alabama, USA at annual, seasonal, and nightly time scales. Additionally, migrants could benefit from forecasting future wind conditions, crossing on nights when winds are consistently supportive across the Gulf, thereby avoiding the potentially lethal consequences of depleting their energetic reserves over water. To test whether birds forecast, we developed a movement model, calculated to what extent departure winds were predictive of future Gulf winds, and tested whether birds responded to predictability. Swainson’s Thrushes were only slightly selective and did not appear to forecast. By following the simple rule of avoiding only the strongest headwinds at departure, Swainson’s Thrushes could survive the 1500 km flight between Alabama and Veracruz, Mexico

    Disparities in Healthy Food Zoning, Farmers\u27 Market Availability, and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among North Carolina Residents

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    Background: Context and purpose of the study. To examine (1) associations between county-level zoning to support farmers\u27 market placement and county-level farmers\u27 market availability, rural/urban designation, percent African American residents, and percent of residents living below poverty and (2) individual-level associations between zoning to support farmers\u27 markets; fruit and vegetable consumption and body mass index (BMI) among a random sample of residents of six North Carolina (NC) counties. Methods: Zoning ordinances were scored to indicate supportiveness for healthy food outlets. Number of farmers\u27 markets (per capita) was obtained from the NC-Community Transformation Grant Project Fruit and Vegetable Outlet Inventory (2013). County-level census data on rural/urban status, percent African American, and percent poverty were obtained. For data on farmers\u27 market shopping, fruit and vegetable consumption, and BMI, trained interviewers conducted a random digit dial telephone survey of residents of six NC counties (3 urban and 3 rural). Pearson correlation coefficients and multilevel linear regression models were used to examine county-level and individual-level associations between zoning supportiveness, farmers\u27 market availability, and fruit and vegetable consumption and BMI. Results: At the county-level, healthier food zoning was greater in more urban areas and areas with less poverty. At the individual-level, self-reported fruit and vegetable consumption was associated with healthier food zoning. Conclusions: Disparities in zoning to promote healthy eating should be further examined, and future studies should assess whether amending zoning ordinances will lead to greater availability of healthy foods and changes in dietary behavior and health outcomes
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