5 research outputs found


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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo compreender a assistĂȘncia ao parto durante a pandemia da Covid-19, a partir da experiĂȘncia das mulheres. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva, com abordagem fenomenolĂłgica. A amostra foi definida por saturação e composta por nove mulheres que vivenciaram o prĂ©-natal, trabalho de parto e parto durante a pandemia da Covid-19 em Manaus-AM, entre março e dezembro de 2021. A coleta de dados ocorreu no perĂ­odo de novembro de 2021 a fevereiro de 2022, por meio de entrevista guiada por roteiro semiestruturado, cujo foco foi direcionado Ă  assistĂȘncia obstĂ©trica recebida durante a pandemia da Covid-19. Os dados foram analisados pelo mĂ©todo fenomenolĂłgico de Giorgi. Como resultados foram encontradas trĂȘs unidades de significados: 1) Emoção bĂĄsica - medo; 2) Dificuldades declaradas e nĂŁo declaradas - a falta de orientação e comunicação; 3) Avaliação da assistĂȘncia obstĂ©trica na maternidade - boa receptividade da equipe de saĂșde. As conclusĂ”es indicam dĂ©ficit na comunicação entre profissional e parturiente, havendo uma lacuna de informaçÔes da assistĂȘncia obstĂ©trica durante a pandemia, coadunando com a falta de orientaçÔes para a prevenção da violĂȘncia obstĂ©trica. Os resultados da pesquisa ajudam a entender os problemas enfrentados na assistĂȘncia obstĂ©trica brasileira durante a pandemia da Covid-19. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Humanização da assistĂȘncia; Covid-19; ViolĂȘncia obstĂ©trica; SaĂșde da mulher

    Effect of Parathion-Methyl on Amazonian Fish and Freshwater Invertebrates: A Comparison of Sensitivity with Temperate Data

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    Parathion-methyl is an organophosphorous insecticide that is widely used in agricultural production sites in the Amazon. The use of this pesticide might pose a potential risk for the biodiversity and abundance of fish and invertebrate species inhabiting aquatic ecosystems adjacent to the agricultural fields. Due to a lack of toxicity data for Amazonian species, safe environmental concentrations used to predict the ecological risks of parathion-methyl in the Amazon are based on tests performed with temperate species, although it is unknown whether the sensitivity of temperate species is representative for those of Amazonian endemic species. To address this issue, the acute toxic effect (LC50–96 h) of parathion-methyl was assessed on seven fish and five freshwater invertebrate species endemic to the Amazon. These data were used to compare their pesticide sensitivity with toxicity data for temperate species collected from the literature. The interspecies sensitivity was compared using the Species Sensitivity Distribution (SSD) concept. The results of this study suggest that Amazonian species are no more, or less, sensitive to parathion-methyl than their temperate counterparts, with LC50 values ranging from 2900 to 7270 Όg/L for fish and from 0.3 to 319 Όg/L for freshwater arthropods. Consequently, this evaluation supports the initial use of toxicity data of temperate fish and freshwater invertebrate species for assessing the effects of parathion-methyl on Amazonian freshwater ecosystems

    Effects of malathion and carbendazim on Amazonian freshwater organisms: comparison of tropical and temperate species sensitivity distributions

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    The risk assessment of pesticides for freshwater ecosystems in the Amazon has relied on the use of toxicity data and water quality criteria derived for temperate regions due to a lack of ecotoxicological studies performed with indigenous species. This leaves an unknown margin of uncertainty for the protection of Amazonian ecosystems, as differences in environmental conditions and species sensitivity are not taken into account. To address this issue, the acute toxic effects of malathion (an organophosphorus insecticide) and carbendazim (a benzimidazole fungicide) were assessed on five fish and five freshwater invertebrates endemic to the Amazonian region. Subsequently, the intrinsic sensitivity of Amazonian and temperate freshwater species was compared using the species sensitivity distribution (SSD) concept. Amazonian species sensitivity to malathion was found to be similar to that of their temperate counterparts, with LC50 values ranging between 111 and 1507 Όg/l for fish species and 2.1–426 Όg/l for arthropod species. However, Amazonian fish appeared to be slightly less sensitive for carbendazim than temperate fish with LC50 values ranging between 1648 and 4238 Όg/l, and Amazonian invertebrates were found to be significantly more resistant than their temperate counterparts, with LC50 values higher than 16000 Όg/l. The results of this study suggest that for these compounds, the use of water quality criteria derived with laboratory toxicity data for temperate species will result in a sufficient protection level for Amazonian freshwater organisms. Recommendations for further research include the validation of threshold concentrations derived with temperate standard test species and with the SSD model with semi-field experiments considering larger assemblages of indigenous species under local environmental conditions

    Avanços e desafios na saĂșde das populaçÔes ribeirinhas na regiĂŁo amazĂŽnica: uma revisĂŁo integrativa

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    The aim of this study was to highlight, in national and international publications, the advances and challenges in the health of riverside populations living in the Brazilian Legal Amazon. An integrative review was carried out in which articles published between 2014 and 2021, indexed in the electronic databases of the VHL and SciELO, were selected. The search strategy returned 52 articles, however only 10 were included. There is a predominance of articles that address the challenges to be overcome in the health of riverside populations, with emphasis on the lack of preparation of health teams, the need to expand services that consider cultural differences and social determinants that reach these populations. It is observed that, despite the occurrence of some advances in health care for riverside populations in the Amazon, most studies describe that challenges are common and frequent and that changes to meet the needs of this population happen slowly and not meeting the current expectations of these communities.O objetivo deste estudo foi evidenciar, em publicaçÔes nacionais e internacionais, os avanços e desafios na saĂșde de populaçÔes ribeirinhas que vivem na AmazĂŽnia Legal brasileira. Foi realizada uma revisĂŁo integrativa entre os dias 1Âș e 30 de maio de 2021, na qual foram selecionados artigos publicados entre 2014 e 2021, indexados nas bases eletrĂŽnicas da BVS e SciELO. A estratĂ©gia de busca retornou 52 artigos, no entanto somente 10 foram incluĂ­dos. Destaca-se um predomĂ­nio de artigos que abordam os desafios a serem superados no atendimento Ă s populaçÔes ribeirinhas, sendo observado um destaque para a falta de preparo das equipes de saĂșde e para a necessidade de ampliação dos serviços que considerem as diferenças culturais e as determinantes sociais que atingem essas populaçÔes. Observa-se que, apesar da ocorrĂȘncia de alguns avanços no atendimento em saĂșde Ă s populaçÔes ribeirinhas da AmazĂŽnia, a maioria dos estudos descreve que desafios sĂŁo comuns e frequentes e que mudanças para que as necessidades dessa população sejam alcançadas acontecem de forma lenta, nĂŁo atendendo Ă s expectativas atuais dessas comunidades