4 research outputs found

    Coordination chemistry of amide-functionalised tetraazamacrocycles: structural, relaxometric and cytotoxicity studies

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    Three different tetraazamacrocyclic ligands containing four amide substituents that feature groups (namely allyl, styryl and propargyl groups) suitable for polymerisation have been synthesised. Gadolinium(III) complexes of these three ligands have been prepared as potential monomers for the synthesis of polymeric MRI contrast agents. To assess the potential of these monomers as MRI contrast agents, their relaxation enhancement properties and cytotoxicity have been determined. A europium(III) complex of one of these ligands (with propargyl substituents) is also presented together with its PARACEST properties. In addition, to gain further insight into the coordination chemistry of the tetra-propargyl substituted ligand, the corresponding zinc(II) and cadmium(II) complexes have been prepared. The X-ray crystal structures of the tetra-propargyl ligand and its corresponding gadolinium(III), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) complexes are also presented

    Effect of FePro- and Endorem-labelling on rat ST14A neural progenitor cell and neurosphere viability and growth in response to ischaemia in vitro

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    <p>MTT assay file legend:<br>MTT ((3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) colorimetric viability assay of ST14A rat neural progenitor cells treated with Endorem or FePro MRI contrasting agents compared to control. Values are absorbance at 560nm.</p> <p>Alamar blue ST14A legend: Alamar blue colorimetric viability assay of ST14A rat neural progenitor cells treated with Endorem or FePro MRI contrasting agents compared to control. Values are absorbance at 560nm.</p> <p>Alamar blue NPC legend: Alamar blue colorimetric viability assay of rat neurospheres treated with Endorem or FePro MRI contrasting agents compared to control. Values are absorbance at 560nm.</p> <p>Trypan blue NPC legend: Trypan blue viability assay of rat neurospheres treated with Endorem or FePro MRI contrasting agents compared to control. Number of viable cells is given as a percentage.</p> <p>Neuosphere diameter legend: Neurosphere diameter assay to assess cellular proliferation of rat neurospheres treated with Endorem or FePro MRI contrasting agents compared to control. Values given in um2.</p> <p>Neuosphere growth legend: Neurosphere growth assay to assess cellular proliferation of rat neurospheres treated with Endorem or FePro MRI contrasting agents compared to control. Values given as the number of neurpspheres formed per 1000 cells.</p> <p> </p

    Rat neurosphere response to cerebral ischaemia

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    <p>Neurosphere migration assay. Cell migration (um2) from E14 neurospheres at 72 hours with no proteins (N2 medium) or treatment with proteins from either normal rat brain homogenate (control tissue) or from different concentrations of 24 and 48 hours post middle cerebral artery occlusion homogenates.</p