259 research outputs found

    Climate change and woodland caribou in Northwestern Ontario: a risk analysis

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    Woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) range occupancy and populations have declined in northwestern (NW) Ontario over the last 100 years primarily due to human-induced factors. Recovery efforts are underway to halt this decline by reducing risk factors. Climate forecasts suggest a 4—5 oC increase in May—August mean temperature over the next century with little change in precipitation. Resulting increases in extreme weather events and increased fire weather severity will likely increase the amount of forest burned, reduce the area of older forest, alter distribution and abundance of forest tree species and plant communities, and increase abundance of alternate prey. The reduced amount of older forest preferred by caribou will be in greater demand by the forest industry leading to more conflict over ecological and economic values. Most of these factors will increase risk to caribou survival. Although forests may experience enhanced productivity, forest management practices will try to adapt harvest, regeneration, silviculture and fire management practices to both maintain economic benefits and increase the ability of forests to sequester carbon. The interaction of climate-induced forest change and forest management practices adds uncertainty to caribou conservation efforts at the southern edge of its current range. This uncertainty reinforces the need for a precautionary approach to forest management, increased research and monitoring effort, sustained emphasis on caribou recovery, and careful rationalization of restoration efforts where greatest opportunities for success may be realized

    Towards a Caribou Habitat Management Strategy for Northwestern Ontario: Running the Gauntlet

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    A management strategy for woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) habitat is being developed in northwestern Ontario. This strategy is based upon a set of draft Timber Management Guidelines for the Provision of Woodland Caribou Habitat. These guidelines recommend maintaining a sustainable supply of winter habitat within large tracts of old forest, protecting calving areas and minimizing human disturbance. Due to the large temporal and spatial scale of caribou habitat management, an ecosystem-based approach is recommended. Public response to the strategy shows a strong dichotomy between environmental and utilitarian values among all the major stakeholder groups. The major issues raised by the public include security of industrial wood supply, quality of the knowledge base, level of awareness of caribou, economic impacts on remote communities, concern about environmental impacts and silvicultural know-how. The government is responding to these concerns as the strategy evolves. Current emphasis is placed on increasing awareness of the public, training resource managers in caribou biology, management and habitat planning, implementing interim habitat management prescriptions and studying the potential impact on wood supply. The final direction for a northwestern Ontario strategy to conserve woodland caribou habitat has yet to be decided, although a commitment has been made to strive for the conservation of woodland caribou populations and their habitat

    In search of a critical habitat concept for woodland caribou, boreal population

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    A hierarchical approach to critical habitat identification has been proposed in the draft National Recovery Strategy for the Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), Boreal Population. This approach proposes that critical habitat for boreal caribou be identified as equivalent with caribou ranges and their composite range components, and that it be consistent with the biological needs of a wild, self-sustaining local population of woodland caribou. These components include seasonal ranges, high use areas and calving sites, each of which provide for important ecological functions and are subject to specific risks from human development activities. Protection of critical habitat is accomplished through management of the amount and type of human developments and potential natural disturbances, not by prohibiting all activity. This approach to critical habitat sets the stage for management and monitoring of habitat at spatial and temporal scales appropriate for conservation of a wide ranging species such as woodland caribou

    Three flying fox (Pteropodidae: Pteropus rufus) roosts, three conservation challenges in southeastern Madagascar

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    We visited three roosts of the Madagascar flying fox Pteropus rufus in December 2005 in the Anosy Region. Colony size was 900 at Berenty Private Reserve, 412 at Amborabao and 54 at Sainte Luce, based on single counts at each site. Hunting at the roost is prohibited at Berenty but P. rufus is trapped at night in the area surrounding the reserve, where it feeds on sisal. At Amborabao, the bats roost in a sacred forest and hunting is forbidden. At Sainte Luce, the forest is highly degraded and the bats are hunted frequently, despite efforts to engage the local community in forest conservation. Questionnaires with people living near the roosts revealed the flying foxes were regarded as pests of litchis in Amborabao and Sainte Luce. Berenty is the only site where tourists are able to observe roosting P. rufus. The role of sacred forests and local taboos (fady) is very relevant for P. rufus conservation and might be the only practical mechanism in sites where legislation on hunting and land use is not being enforced

    The predictors of persistent DSM-IV disorders in 3-year follow-ups of the British Child and Adolescent Mental Health Surveys 1999 and 2004.

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.BACKGROUND: The identification of the factors that influence the persistence of psychiatric disorder may assist practitioners to focus on young people who are particularly prone to poor outcomes, but population-based samples of sufficient size are rare. METHOD: This secondary analysis combined data from two large, population-based cross-sectional surveys in Great Britain (1999 and 2004) and their respective follow-ups (2002 and 2007), to study homotypic persistence among the 998 school-age children with psychiatric disorder at baseline. Psychiatric disorder was measured using the Development and Well-Being Assessment applying DSM-IV criteria. Factors relating to the child, family, and the severity and type of psychopathology at baseline were analysed using logistic regression. RESULTS: Approximately 50% of children with at least one psychiatric disorder were assigned the same diagnostic grouping at 3-year follow-up. Persistent attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and anxiety were predicted by poor peer relationship scores. Persistent conduct disorder was predicted by intellectual disability, rented housing, large family size, poor family function and by severer baseline psychopathology scores. CONCLUSIONS: Homotypic persistence was predicted by different factors for different groups of psychiatric disorders. Experimental research in clinical samples should explore whether these factors also influence response to interventions.Tamsin Ford was supported by a MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship while the bulk of this work was conducted, and Daniel Racey contributed while supported by a NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship. The initial surveys were funded by the English Departments of Health with contributions from their Scottish and Welsh counterparts, and data collection was led by the Office for National Statistics

    Can woodland caribou and the forest industry coexist: The Ontario scene

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    Ontario is in the process of developing a strategy to improve the likelihood of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) and the forest industry coexisting in the province. This strategy is described within a set of proposed Timber Management Guidelines for the Provision of Woodland Caribou Habitat. The proposed guidelines advocate managing for large blocks of suitable winter habitat across caribou range, large cutovers to regenerate caribou winter habitat and the protection of traditional calving areas and travel routes. Summer habitat will be provided by the resulting mosaic. The forest industry can provide a sustainable supply of woodland caribou habitat that was traditionally maintained by wildfire

    Caribou conservation and recovery in Ontario: development and implementation of the Caribou Conservation Plan

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    The range of Ontario’s woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) (forest-dwelling ecotype) has receded northward substantially over many decades, leading to its current Threatened designation. Ontario released its Caribou Conservation Plan (CCP) in the fall of 2009. This policy responded to public input and recommendations from the Ontario Woodland Caribou Recovery Team and the Caribou Science Review Panel, and outlines conservation and recovery actions to conserve and recover caribou. Within an adaptive management framework, the CCP builds upon a recent history of managing at large landscape scales in Ontario to implement a range management approach as the basis for recovery actions. These commitments and actions include enhanced research and monitoring, improved caribou habitat planning at the landscape scale, an integrated range analysis approach using advanced assessment tools to evaluate thresholds of habitat amount, arrangement and disturbance, the assessment of probability of persistence, consideration of cumulative effects, meeting forest management silvicultural performance requirements, consideration of caribou recovery implications when managing other wildlife, an initial focus on the southern edge of caribou distribution where threats are most significant, improved outreach and stewardship, and consideration of Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge in recovery actions. Implementation of the CCP signifies a long-term provincial commitment to caribou recovery, initially focusing on identified priorities within the CCP

    A conservation assessment of Rousettus madagascariensis (G. Grandidier, 1928, Pteropodidae) roosts in eastern Madagascar

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    We visited four cave roosts of the near threatened, and endemic, fruit bat Rousettus madagascariensis over a five year period and found major threats to the bats from hunting and deforestation. The conservation of this species is particularly challenging because it is legally hunted inside its cave roosts. Although provisional protected area status was obtained for two sites with community support, hunting continued. R. madagascariensis roosts were associated with humid forest and the loss of vegetation around caves rendered them unsuitable for the bats at two abandoned sites. A few individual hunters can have a rapid and destructive impact on R. madagascariensis roosts and future initiatives in this area should involve working with hunters to develop realistic solutions to reduce hunting. These efforts need to be supported by habitat protection measures.RÉSUMÉL’espèce de chauve - souris frugivore Quasi Menacée Rousettus madagascariensis est endémique à Madagascar. Nous avons étudié quatre gîtes dans des grottes où cette espèce a établi des dortoirs diurnes en procédant à des visites multiples au cours d’une période de cinq ans et avons trouvé que la chasse et la déforestation constituaient les principales menaces pesant sur R. madagascariensis. La conservation de cette espèce est particulièrement difficile dans la mesure où la chasse dans ses dortoirs ou gîtes est permise. Bien que les deux sites abritant l’espèce bénéficient du statut de Nouvelle Aire Protégée avec le soutien de la communauté locale, la chasse ne cesse de s’intensifier. Les gîtes de R. madagascariensis sont associés à la forêt humide, de sorte que la disparition de la végétation arborée autour de deux de ces gîtes les a rendus impropres à héberger R. madagascariensis qui a fini par les abandonner. La disparition de la végétation arborée autour du gîte pourrait être à l’origine d’un changement de microclimat à l’intérieur de la grotte qui constitue le gîte diurne. Les activités de certains chasseurs peuvent aussi avoir un impact destructif rapide sur les gîtes de R. madagascariensis et des initiatives à mener conjointement avec les chasseurs sont nécessaires pour élaborer des mesures réalistes afin de réduire la chasse. De tels efforts doivent être étendus et appuyés par des mesures de protection de l’habitat car plusieurs autres gîtes pourraient exister dans les forêts du versant est de Madagascar et subir les mêmes pressions anthropiques. Des recherches récentes ont également montré que l’histoire naturelle de R. madagascariensis est étroitement liée à la forêt naturelle, de sorte que la perte de la biodiversité de la forêt naturelle malgache menace les plantes dont se nourrit cette espèce ainsi que l’équilibre de l’ensemble de l’écosystème dont elle dépend

    Limiting opportunities for cheating stabilizes virulence in insect parasitic nematodes

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    Cooperative secretion of virulence factors by pathogens can lead to social conflict when cheating mutants exploit collective secretion, but do not contribute to it. If cheats outcompete cooperators within hosts, this can cause loss of virulence. Insect parasitic nematodes are important biocontrol tools that secrete a range of significant virulence factors. Critically, effective nematodes are hard to maintain without live passage, which can lead to virulence attenuation. Using experimental evolution, we tested whether social cheating might explain unstable virulence in the nematode Heterorhabditis floridensis by manipulating relatedness via multiplicity of infection (MOI), and the scale of competition. Passage at high MOI, which should reduce relatedness, led to loss of fitness: virulence and reproductive rate declined together and all eight independent lines suffered premature extinction. As theory predicts, relatedness treatments had more impact under stronger global competition. In contrast, low MOI passage led to more stable virulence and increased reproduction. Moreover, low MOI lineages showed a trade-off between virulence and reproduction, particularly for lines under stronger between-host competition. Overall, this study indicates that evolution of virulence theory is valuable for the culture of biocontrol agents: effective nematodes can be improved and maintained if passage methods mitigate possible social conflicts

    Mindfulness based cognitive therapy for young people and their carers: A mixed-methods feasibility study

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this record.We aimed to evaluate whether Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) was feasible and acceptable for young people, their parents and the clinicians working with them; whether a parallel course for parents was a useful addition; and whether attendance at MBCT was associated with improved outcomes. The design was a mixed methods service evaluation of an eight session MBCT programme for young people who were recovering from depression. The course was a manualised eight session group intervention. Both young people (n=18) and parents (n=21) completed validated measures before and after the course. Semi-structured interviews were completed with some group participants and clinical staff working in the service. Care records were searched for additional contact following the intervention. Qualitative data from young people, parents and clinicians suggested that MBCT was acceptable and feasible, and provided strategies to cope. The parent course was reported to provide personal support to parents and helped them cope with their childā€™s depression while also impacting the family, promoted shared understanding of depression and strategies to combat it, and addressed intergenerational aspects of depression. 84% of participants attended at least 6/8 sessions and 48% required no further intervention within the following year. Young people had statistically significant improvements across all outcome measures, while parents had statistically significant improvements in rumination, self-compassion and decentering.Daniel Racey completed this work whilst supported by an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship while Kelly Blockley and Vashti Berry are supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care South West Peninsula
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