6 research outputs found

    Social Behavior in Children of Special Olympics and Non-sporty Children with Intellectual Disability

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    Introduction There is a lack of longitudinal research in the field of social behavior in children with intellectual disability (ID). The first goal of the research was to find out and compare the social behavior of children who regularly participating in Special Olympics (SO) competitions with non-sporty children. The second goal was to show the trend in the development of children's social behavior and to find out whether summer holidays have any effect on children's behavior.   Methods The Reiss Screen Behavior questionnaire was used to determine social behavior. Participants were children with ID aged 6 - 20 years. A total of 4 measurements were performed over a two year period (the number of SO participants was n = 14, n = 18, n = 18, n = 13 and the number of non-sporty children was n = 42, n = 40, n = 39, n = 40).   Results Participants in SO have better social behavior by up to 16 % compared to non-sporty children. The trend of development in social behavior is unbalanced among SO participants, and summer holidays cause improvements in their behavior. Non-sporty children have a convex trend in social behavior and summer holidays have no effect on their behavior.   Conclusion In SO participants, social behavior differs by 0-9 % from the norm of ideal social behavior. In non-sporty children, social behavior differs by 5-25 % from the norm. Overall, the behavior of children with ID is very good, as it differs very little from the norm of ideal social behavior. In the Czech Republic, children with ID (participants in SO and non-sporty children) have much better social behavior than children with ID abroad

    Motivation Of Football, Ice-Hockey And Floorball Fans To Visit Matches Of Professional Sports Clubs

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    Článek se zabývá motivací spotřebitelů profesionálních sportovních klubů fotbalu, hokeje a florbalu k návštěvě jednotlivých utkání. I přes patrný drobný nárůst v dlouhodobé návštěvnosti u vybraných sportovních odvětvích, průměrná návštěvnost oproti zahraničním státům je výrazně nižší. Vliv na to může mít celá řada aspektů, počínaje neatraktivitou samotného utkání či hráčů, které za klub nastupují, špatně nastavená cenová politika jednotlivých klubů, nedostatečná propagace utkání, aj. Ke zjištění výsledků bylo využito především dotazníkového šetření během jednotlivých sportovních utkání, které bylo následně zpracováno a vyhodnoceno. Bylo zjištěno, že nejčastější motivací k návštěvě sportovních zápasů vybraných sportů jsou především lidé, se kterými dotyčné osoby chodí na utkání a pak také pocit odreagování se a atmosféra spojená s daným utkáním. Naopak cena vstupenky, ani osobnosti či individuality hrající za daný klub při rozhodování uživatelů nehrají výraznou roli.The article examines the motivation of consumers of professional sports clubs of football, hockey and floorball to visit matches. Despite the apparent small increase in long-term attendance in selected sports, the average number of visitors compared to foreign countries is significantly lower. This impact can have several aspects, ranging from the unappealing matches or the players themselves who are playing for the club. Bad pricing pricing policy of individual clubs and the lack of promotion of the match etc. To find out the results, a questionnaire survey was used during individual sports matches, processed and evaluated. The data has shown that the most frequent motives for visiting sports matches of selected sports are primarily the people who go to the match and then acquire the feeling of relaxation and the atmosphere associated with the given match. Ticket prices, even personalities and individuality of players who are playing for the club, don’t play a role in deciding process

    Tax Relief Of Employees Supporting Sports Teams Of Children And Young People

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    Článek má za cíl pomocí daně z příjmů zvýšit příjmy do rozpočtů družstev dětí a mládeže. Úpravy v zažitých trendech by mohly přinést vyšší zájem a podporu sportu v jeho okolí. Variabilita a kreativita je široká, a obecné řešení neexistuje. Jsou navrženy úpravy současné podpory ve formě peněžních a nepeněžních darů, a získávání peněz od zaměstnavatelů tak, aby byly využity ke snížení daňově povinnosti. Protože finanční zátěž přechází na rodiče, měla by být tato jejich činnost v rámci zákona zohledněna. Většina návrhů je uplatnitelná také v družstvech dospělých. Kluby by mohly získat modernizací své činnosti větší prestiž, atraktivitu a více peněz.The aim of this article is to increase incomes to the budgets of teams of children and young people by examining income tax. The changes in the usual trend could also arouse greater interest in supporting neighbourhood sport. Variability and creativity are broad and a general solution does not exist. Changes to current support in the form of gifts in cash, gifts in kind and getting money from employers are proposed in such a way that they might be used to reduce tax liability. Because the financial burden is shifted to parents, the law should take their activity into account. Most of the proposals are also applicable to adult teams. By modernisation the activities of their clubs, it could gain higher prestige, higher attractiveness and larger amounts of money

    Consumer Decision-Making of Football Fans in the Czech Republic

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    In the paper the results of a survey using questionnaires are presented. About 1600 football fans from the whole Czech Republic took part in the survey. The survey focused on identification of factors that decide, whether a fan visits a game of the highest football league in the Czech Republic or not. We present the first part of the survey in which preferences of fans in specific groups, segmented according to sex and age, are demonstrated.In the paper the results of a survey using questionnaires are presented. Approximately 1600 football fans from the Czech Republic took part in the survey. The survey focused on identification of factors that decide, whether a fan visits a game of the highest football league in the Czech Republic, or not. We present the first part of the survey in which the preferences of fans in specific groups, segmented according to sex and age, are demonstrated


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    In our article we present the preparation of football referees, who are duly registered under the banner of the FACR - Football Association of the Czech Republic. We deal with referees who participate in various educational programmes and seminars led by teachers and other practitioners. The main communication represents the structure of competition in the Czech Republic, a way of organizing football referee and course preparation at individual levels of performance, which is unique within Europe. Introducing individual education programmes that the FACR used for education and training of referees. We also describe the content of curricula for football referees. An integral part of the article is also showing the claims that are arbitration subject to performance levels