26 research outputs found

    Preliminary results of citraves™ effects on low density lipoprotein cholesterol and waist circumference in healthy subjects after 12 weeks: A pilot open-label study

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    Appropriate monitoring and control of modifiable risk factors, such as the level of lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and other types of dyslipidemia, have an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Recently, various nutraceuticals with lipid-lowering effects have gained attention. In addition to the plant-derived bioactive compounds, recent studies suggested that plant cells are able to release small lipoproteic structures named extracellular vesicles (EVs). The interaction between EVs and mammalian cells could lead to beneficial effects through anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. The present study aimed to assess the safety of the new patented plant-based product citraVes™, containing extracellular vesicles (EVs) from Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck juice, and to investigate its ability to modulate different CV risk factors in healthy subjects. A cohort of 20 healthy volunteers was recruited in a prospective open-label study. All participants received the supplement in a spray-dried formulation at a stable dose of 1000 mg/day for 3 months. Anthropometric and hematobiochemical parameters were analyzed at the baseline and after the follow-up period of 1 and 3 months. We observed that the supplement has an effect on two key factors of cardiometabolic risk in healthy subjects. A significant change in waist circumference was found in women after 4 (85.4 [79.9, 91.0] cm, p < 0.005) and 12 (85.0 [80.0, 90.0] cm, p < 0.0005) weeks, when compared to the baseline value (87.6 [81.7, 93.6] cm). No difference was found in men (baseline: 100.3 [95.4, 105.2] cm; 4 weeks: 102.0 [95.7, 108.3] cm; 12 weeks: 100.0 [95.3, 104.7] cm). The level of LDL-C was significantly lower at 12 weeks versus 4 weeks (p = 0.0064). Our study evaluated, for the first time, the effects of a natural product containing plant-derived EVs on modifiable risk factors in healthy volunteers. The results support the use of EV extracts to manage cardiometabolic risk factors successfully

    Nuclear receptor ligands induce TREM-1 expression on dendritic cells: analysis of their role in tumors

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) initiate adaptive immune responses after their migration to secondary lymphoid organs. The LXR ligands/oxysterols and the RXR ligand 9-cis Retinoic Acid (9-cis RA) were shown to dampen DC migration to lymphoid organs through the inhibition of CCR7 expression. We performed transcriptomics of DCs undergoing maturation in the presence of the LXR ligand 22R-Hydroxycholesterol (22R-HC). The analysis highlighted more than 1500 genes modulated by 22R-HC treatment, including the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM)-1, which was found markedly up-regulated. We tested the effect of other nuclear receptor ligands (NRL) and we reported the induction of TREM-1 following RXR, RAR and VDR activation. From a functional point of view, triggering of TREM-1 induced by retinoids increased TNF\u3b1 and IL-1\u3b2 release, suggesting an active role of NRL-activated TREM-1+ DCs in inflammation-driven diseases, including cancer. Consistently with this hypothesis we detected DCs expressing TREM-1 in pleural effusions and ascites of cancer patients, an observation validated by the induction of TREM-1, LXR and RAR target genes when monocyte-DCs were activated in the presence of tumor-conditioned fluids. Finally, we observed a better control of LLC tumor growth in Trem-1 12/- bone marrow chimera mice as compared to wild type chimera mice. Future studies will be necessary to shed light on the mechanism of TREM-1 induction by distinct NRL, and to characterize the role of TREM-1+ DCs in tumor growth

    Embelin binds to human neuroserpin and impairs its polymerisation

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    Neuroserpin (NS) is a serpin inhibitor of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) in the brain. The polymerisation of NS pathologic mutants is responsible for a genetic dementia known as familial encephalopathy with neuroserpin inclusion bodies (FENIB). So far, a pharmacological treatment of FENIB, i.e. an inhibitor of NS polymerisation, remains an unmet challenge. Here, we present a biophysical characterisation of the effects caused by embelin (EMB a small natural compound) on NS conformers and NS polymerisation. EMB destabilises all known NS conformers, specifically binding to NS molecules with a 1:1 NS:EMB molar ratio without unfolding the NS fold. In particular, NS polymers disaggregate in the presence of EMB, and their formation is prevented. The NS/EMB complex does not inhibit tPA proteolytic activity. Both effects are pharmacologically relevant: firstly by inhibiting the NS polymerisation associated to FENIB, and secondly by potentially antagonizing metastatic processes facilitated by NS activity in the brain

    Involvement of multiple myeloma cell-derived exosomes in osteoclast differentiation

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    Bone disease is the most frequent complication in multiple myeloma (MM) resulting in osteolytic lesions, bone pain, hypercalcemia and renal failure. In MM bone disease the perfect balance between bone-resorbing osteoclasts (OCs) and bone-forming osteoblasts (OBs) activity is lost in favour of OCs, thus resulting in skeletal disorders. Since exosomes have been described for their functional role in cancer progression, we here investigate whether MM cell-derived exosomes may be involved in OCs differentiation. We show that MM cells produce exosomes which are actively internalized by Raw264.7 cell line, a cellular model of osteoclast formation. MM cell-derived exosomes positively modulate pre-osteoclast migration, through the increasing of CXCR4 expression and trigger a survival pathway. MM cell-derived exosomes play a significant pro-differentiative role in murine Raw264.7 cells and human primary osteoclasts, inducing the expression of osteoclast markers such as Cathepsin K (CTSK), Matrix Metalloproteinases 9 (MMP9) and Tartrate-resistant Acid Phosphatase (TRAP). Pre-osteoclast treated with MM cell-derived exosomes differentiate in multinuclear OCs able to excavate authentic resorption lacunae. Similar results were obtained with exosomes derived from MM patient's sera. Our data indicate that MM-exosomes modulate OCs function and differentiation. Further studies are needed to identify the OCs activating factors transported by MM cell-derived exosomes

    Pharmacological Properties and Biological Functions of the GPR17 Receptor, a Potential Target for Neuro-Regenerative Medicine

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    In 2006, cells heterologously expressing the "orphan" receptor GPR17 were shown to acquire responses to both uracil nucleotides and cysteinyl-leukotrienes, two families of signaling molecules accumulating in brain or heart as a result of hypoxic/traumatic injuries. In subsequent years, evidence of GPR17 key role in oligodendrogenesis and myelination has highlighted it as a "model receptor" for new therapies in demyelinating and neurodegenerative diseases. The apparently contrasting evidence in the literature about the role of GPR17 in promoting or inhibiting myelination can be due to its transient expression in the intermediate stages of differentiation, exerting a pro-differentiating function in early oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs), and an inhibitory role in late stage maturing cells. Meanwhile, several papers extended the initial data on GPR17 pharmacology, highlighting a "promiscuous" behavior of this receptor; indeed, GPR17 is able to respond to other emergency signals like oxysterols or the pro-inflammatory cytokine SDF-1, underlying GPR17 ability to adapt its responses to changes of the surrounding extracellular milieu, including damage conditions. Here, we analyze the available literature on GPR17, in an attempt to summarize its emerging biological roles and pharmacological properties

    Preliminary Studies for the Preparation of Casein-loaded Liposomes to Inhibit A\u3b21-40 Fibrillogenesis

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    \u3b1s1-Casein is a natural protein which constitutes the most prevalent form of casein in bovine milk. \u3b1s1-Casein is amphiphilic, almost unfolded, and consist of two highly hydrophobic zones separated by an hydrophilic region. Previous studies have demonstrated the ability of \u3b1s1-Casein to inhibit in vitro the nucleation phase of amyloid \u3b2-peptide (A\u3b2) fibrillogenesis by sequestering A\u3b2 species on its surface. One of the main hallmark for Alzheimer Disease (AD) is the extracellular deposition in brain tissues of proteinaceous plaques, rich of well-ordered A\u3b2 peptide amyloid aggregates. Although such an evidence, oligomeric intermediates in the fibrillogenesis have been discovered to be the most toxic species able to interfere with membranes and disturbing the cell functioning. In this context, a challenging therapeutic approach could target such early toxic oligomeric species. In order to exploit the inhibiting action of \u3b1s1-Casein as a possible AD treatment, it is crucial to define a controlled method to efficiently load, protect and deliver the protein to the brain. Liposomes are spherical phospholipids-based vesicles characterized by excellent biocompatibility and biodegradability, low toxicity, ability to incorporate and protect both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs as well as to cross the Blood Brain Barrier in order to access the Central Nervous System. Based on all these considerations, novel proteoliposomes composed by phospholipids, cholesterol and \u3b1s1-Casein were prepared and characterized. The proteoliposome preparation protocol was optimized in order to obtain the best results. Nanosystems were characterized by different biophysics techniques, such as light scattering, zeta-potential, laurdan fluorescence, chromatography and AFM imaging

    Interleukin 3- receptor targeted exosomes inhibit in vitro and in vivo chronic myelogenous Leukemia cell growth

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    Despite Imatinib (IM), a selective inhibitor of Bcr-Abl, having led to improved prognosis in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) patients, acquired resistance and long-term adverse effects is still being encountered. There is, therefore, urgent need to develop alternative strategies to overcome drug resistance. According to the molecules expressed on their surface, exosomes can target specific cells. Exosomes can also be loaded with a variety of molecules, thereby acting as a vehicle for the delivery of therapeutic agents. In this study, we engineered HEK293T cells to express the exosomal protein Lamp2b, fused to a fragment of Interleukin 3 (IL3). The IL3 receptor (IL3-R) is overexpressed in CML blasts compared to normal hematopoietic cells and thus is able to act as a receptor target in a cancer drug delivery system. Here we show that IL3L exosomes, loaded with Imatinib or with BCR-ABL siRNA, are able to target CML cells and inhibit in vitro and in vivo cancer cell growth

    Museo e Parco archeologico. Tifernum Mataurense: antico municipio romano

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    L'obiettivo del progetto \ue8 stato quello di effettuare interventi e iniziative mirati alla conservazione, al restauro, alla valorizzazione, alla musealizzazione e alla fruizione turistica dei beni mobili e immobili di natura archeologica relativi all'antico municipio romano di Tifernum Mataurense, oggi Sant'Angelo in Vado, prov. PU. In particolare tra le iniziative si ricorda la creazione presso Palazzo Mercuri di Sant'Angelo in Vado della 'Sala dei mosaici' e della 'Sala della tessitura', mirate a musealizzare in modo divulgativo e sperimentale i reperti relativi all'arte musiva e tessile, proponendo e ricreando ambienti, oggetti, tecniche e modalit\ue0 di esecuzione. Altro intervento \ue8 stato quello di scavare stratigraficamente quattro sondaggi nell'area delle terme romane per l'alloggiamento dei quattro piloni di sostegno della tettoia con pannelli fotovoltaici, eretta a protezione del mosaico con thiasos marino, rinvenuto nelle scorse stagioni di scavo

    αS1-Casein-Loaded Proteo-liposomes as Potential Inhibitors in Amyloid Fibrillogenesis: In Vivo Effects on a C. elegans Model of Alzheimer's Disease

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    According to the amyloid hypothesis, in the early phases of Alzheimer's disease (AD), small soluble prefibrillar aggregates of the amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) interact with neuronal membranes, causing neural impairment. Such highly reactive and toxic species form spontaneously and transiently in the amyloid building pathway. A therapeutic strategy consists of the recruitment of these intermediates, thus preventing aberrant interaction with membrane components (lipids and receptors), which in turn may trigger a cascade of cellular disequilibria. Milk αs1-Casein is an intrinsically disordered protein that is able to inhibit Aβ amyloid aggregation in vitro, by sequestering transient species. In order to test αs1-Casein as an inhibitor for the treatment of AD, it needs to be delivered in the place of action. Here, we demonstrate the use of large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) as suitable nanocarriers for αs1-Casein. Proteo-LUVs were prepared and characterized by different biophysical techniques, such as multiangle light scattering, atomic force imaging, and small-angle X-ray scattering; αs1-Casein loading was quantified by a fluorescence assay. We demonstrated on a C. elegans AD model the effectiveness of the proposed delivery strategy in vivo. Proteo-LUVs allow efficient administration of the protein, exerting a positive functional readout at very low doses while avoiding the intrinsic toxicity of αs1-Casein. Proteo-LUVs of αs1-Casein represent an effective proof of concept for the exploitation of partially disordered proteins as a therapeutic strategy in mild AD conditions