937 research outputs found

    Gauge-mediated SUSY Breaking with a Gluino LSP

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    In gauge-mediated SUSY breaking models, messengers transmit SUSY breaking from a partially hidden sector to the standard model sector via common standard model gauge interactions. The minimal set of messengers has quantum numbers of a 5+5ˉ5 + \bar 5 of SU(5); identical to the quantum numbers of the minimal Higgs sector of an SU(5) GUT. We show in a simple model with messenger masses of order the GUT scale that Higgs - messenger mixing quite naturally leads to a low energy MSSM with gluinos as the lightest supersymmetric particles [LSP]. We study the phenomenological consequences of such a model.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, minor revisio

    Gauge coupling unification and light Exotica in String Theory

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    In this letter we consider the consequences for the LHC of light vector-like exotica with fractional electric charge. It is shown that such states are found in orbifold constructions of the heterotic string. Moreover, these exotica are consistent with gauge coupling unification at one loop, even though they do not come in complete multiplets of SU(5).Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Reconstruction of Quark Mass Matrices with Weak Basis Texture Zeroes from Experimental Input

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    All quark mass matrices with texture zeroes obtained through weak basis transformations are confronted with the experimental data. The reconstruction of the quark mass matrices M_u and M_d at the electroweak scale is performed in a weak basis where the matrices are Hermitian and have a maximum of three vanishing elements. The same procedure is also accomplished for the Yukawa coupling matrices at the grand unification scale in the context of the Standard Model and its minimal supersymmetric extension as well as of the two Higgs doublet model. The analysis of all viable power structures on the quark Yukawa coupling matrices that could naturally appear from a Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism is also presented.Comment: RevTeX4, 3 tables, 21 pages; misprints corrected and one reference adde

    DUSEL theory white paper

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    Journal ArticleThe scientific case for a Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory [DUSEL] located at the Homestake mine in Lead, South Dakota is exceptional. The site of this future laboratory already claims a discovery for the detection of solar neutrinos, leading to a Nobel Prize for Ray Davis. Moreover this work provided the first step to our present understanding of solar neutrino oscillations and a chink in the armor of the Standard Model of particle physics. We now know, from several experiments located in deep underground experimental laboratories around the world, that neutrinos have mass and even more importantly this mass appears to fit into the framework of theories which unify all the known forces of nature, i.e. the strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational

    Brave Forms of Mentoring Supported by Technology in Teacher Education

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    Indexación: Web of ScienceQuality education is undoubtedly a global concern, tied closely to preoccupations with economic and social development. Increasingly, the adoption and effective use of current technology tools are being recognized as visible signs of that quality. Scholars are providing increasing evidence of the kinds of empowered teacher identities that will adopt the effective use of technology tools in teaching. Less is being discussed about how technology can support the processes needed to mediate such identities. The context of Teacher Education is a strategic place to begin to initiate such processes. Our aim in this article is twofold: 1) to describe two recent examples of innovative, technology - supported mentoring processes that were conducted in the context of an EFL Teacher Education program in Chile; 2) to revisit the findings of these studies in light of new evidence from participants who have moved on in their careers. This evidence is viewed in the framework of recent scholarship on the responsibilities that Teacher Education plays in their development. The first 16-month study examined the influences of a guided reading program involving e-readers on the identities and literacy skills of pre-service teachers. The second was a student-conceived study. That inquiry sought to determine the influence of upper year students' peer mentoring, made available partly through a social media site (SMS), on the identities and investment in learning of 12 firs-year students in the pedagogy program. The initial evidence from ethnographic tools used in both studies indicated that the participants were struggling with confidence and doubting themselves as knowledgeable, effective future teachers - not predictive of a potential for quality teaching. Positive signs at the end of both studies and more recent reports from participants suggest that the mentoring had longitudinal benefits for some, although not uniformly. The potential of apprenticeship and mentoring in a technology-supported environment requires rethinking Teacher Education mandates if we are to empower emerging teachers to be quality teachers.http://www.ejel.org/issue/download.html?idArticle=48

    A solution to the mu problem in the presence of a heavy gluino LSP

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    In this paper we present a solution to the μ\mu problem in an SO(10) supersymmetric grand unified model with gauge mediated and D-term supersymmetry breaking. A Peccei-Quinn symmetry is broken at the messenger scale M1012M\sim 10^{12} GeV and enables the generation of the μ\mu term. The boundary conditions defined at MM lead to a phenomenologically acceptable version of the minimal supersymmetric standard model with novel particle phenomenology. Either the gluino or the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). If the gravitino is the LSP, then the gluino is the next-to-LSP (NLSP) with a lifetime on the order of one month or longer. In either case this heavy gluino, with mass in the range 25 - 35 GeV, can be treated as a stable particle with respect to experiments at high energy accelerators. Given the extensive phenomenological constraints we show that the model can only survive in a narrow region of parameter space resulting in a light neutral Higgs with mass 8691\sim 86 - 91 GeV and tanβ914\tan\beta \sim 9 - 14. In addition the lightest stop and neutralino have mass 100122\sim 100 - 122 GeV and 5072\sim 50 - 72 GeV, respectively. Thus the model will soon be tested. Finally, the invisible axion resulting from PQ symmetry breaking is a cold dark matter candidate.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure

    Investigating non-Fritzsch like texture specific quark mass matrices

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    A detailed investigation of all possible textures of Fritzsch-like and non-Fritzsch like, 144 for texture 6 zero and 432 for texture 5 zero mass matrices, have been carried out to ascertain their compatibility with the existing quark mixing data. It seems that all the texture 6 zero possibilities are completely ruled out whereas in the case of texture 5 zero mass matrices the only viable possibility looks to be that of Fritzsch-like.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in IJMP

    Can multi-TeV (top and other) squarks be natural in gauge mediation?

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    We investigate whether multi-TeV (1-3 TeV) squarks can be natural in models of gauge mediated SUSY breaking. The idea is that for some boundary condition of the scalar (Higgs and stop) masses, the Higgs (mass)2^2, evaluated at the renormalization scale O(100)\sim O(100) GeV, is not very sensitive to (boundary values of) the scalar masses (this has been called ``focussing'' in recent literature). Then, the stop masses can be multi-TeV without leading to fine-tuning in electroweak symmetry breaking. {\em Minimal} gauge mediation does {\em not} lead to this focussing (for all values of tanβ\tan \beta and the messenger scale): the (boundary value of) the Higgs mass is too small compared to the stop masses. Also, in minimal gauge mediation, the gaugino masses are of the same order as the scalar masses so that multi-TeV scalars implies multi-TeV gauginos (especially gluino) leading to fine-tuning. We discuss ideas to {\em increase} the Higgs mass relative to the stop masses (so that focussing can be achieved) and also to {\em suppress} gaugino masses relative to scalar masses (or to modify the gaugino mass relations) in {\em non-minimal} models of gauge mediation -- then multi-TeV (top and other) squarks can be natural. Specific models of gauge mediation which incorporate these ideas and thus have squarks (and in some cases, the gluino) heavier than a TeV without resulting in fine-tuning are also studied and their collider signals are contrasted with those of other models which have multi-TeV squarks.Comment: LaTeX, 29 pages, 9 eps figures. Replacing an earlier version. In version 3, some references and a minor comment have been added and typos have been correcte

    Neutrino Oscillations in an SO(10) SUSY GUT with U(2)xU(1)nU(2)xU(1)^{n} Family Symmetry

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    In a previous paper we analyzed fermion masses (focusing on neutrino masses and mixing angles) in an SO(10) SUSY GUT with U(2)\timesU(1)^n family symmetry. The model is "natural" containing all operators in the Lagrangian consistent with the states and their charges. With minimal family symmetry breaking vevs the model is also predictive giving a unique solution to atmospheric (with maximal νμντ\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau mixing) and solar (with SMA MSW νeνs\nu_e \to \nu_s mixing) neutrino oscillations. In this paper we analyze the case of general family breaking vevs. We now find several new solutions for three, four and five neutrinos. For three neutrinos we now obtain SMA MSW, LMA MSW or vacuum oscillation solutions for solar neutrinos. In all three cases the atmospheric data is described by maximal νμντ\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau mixing. In the four and five neutrino cases, in addition to fitting atmospheric and solar data as before, we are now able to fit LSND data. All this is obtained with the additional parameters coming from the family symmetry breaking vevs; providing only minor changes in the charged fermion fits