349 research outputs found

    Diagnosis and Location of Pinhole Defects in Tunnel Junctions using only Electrical Measurements

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    In the development of the first generation of sensors and memory chips based on spin-dependent tunneling through a thin trilayer, it has become clear that pinhole defects can have a deleterious effect on magnetoresistance. However, current diagnostic protocols based on Andreev reflection and the temperature dependence of junction resistance may not be suitable for production quality control. We show that the current density in a tunnel junction in the cross-strip geometry becomes very inhomogeneous in the presence of a single pinhole, yielding a four-terminal resistance that depends on the location of the pinhole in the junction. Taking advantage of this position dependence, we propose a simple protocol of four four-terminal measurements. Solving an inverse problem, we can diagnose the presence of a pinhole and estimate its position and resistance.Comment: 9 pages, eplain TeX, other macro files included; some versions of TeX epsf may have trouble with figures, in which case try the Postscript or PDF generated automatically by the Archiv


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    Administration of Cytoxan in doses capable of inhibiting both humoral and cellular immunity markedly potentiated primary systemic vaccinia virus infection in mice. Immunosuppressed mice did not form neutralizing antibody to vaccinia virus and had a prolonged and more severe viremia than nonimmunosuppressed control mice. Passive transfer of physiologic amounts of neutralizing antibody late in the course of infection, at a time when nonimmunosuppressed mice had similar levels of serum antibody, largely reversed the effect of Cytoxan on vaccinia virus infection. Transfer of 100 million immune spleen cells was much less effective than antibody in reversing the effect of Cytoxan on vaccinia virus infection, and mice receiving these cells did make some antibody. Serum interferon levels were not affected by Cytoxan. The results suggest an essential role for humoral antibody, but not for cellular immunity, in recovery from primary vaccinia virus infection in the mouse

    Thermoelectric Modeling of the Non-Ohmic Differential Conductance in a Tunnel Junction containing a Pinhole

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    To test the quality of a tunnel junction, one sometimes fits the bias-dependent differential conductance to a theoretical model, such as Simmons's formula. Recent experimental work by {\AA}kerman and collaborators, however, has demonstrated that a good fit does not necessarily imply a good junction. Modeling the electrical and thermal properties of a tunnel junction containing a pinhole, we extract an effective barrier height and effective barrier width even when as much as 88% of the current flows through the pinhole short rather than tunneling. A good fit of differential conductance to a tunneling form therefore cannot rule out pinhole defects in normal-metal or magnetic tunnel junctions.Comment: Revtex, 5 figure

    Photonic quasicrystals for general purpose nonlinear optical frequency conversion

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    We present a general method for the design of 2-dimensional nonlinear photonic quasicrystals that can be utilized for the simultaneous phase-matching of arbitrary optical frequency-conversion processes. The proposed scheme--based on the generalized dual-grid method that is used for constructing tiling models of quasicrystals--gives complete design flexibility, removing any constraints imposed by previous approaches. As an example we demonstrate the design of a color fan--a nonlinear photonic quasicrystal whose input is a single wave at frequency ω\omega and whose output consists of the second, third, and fourth harmonics of ω\omega, each in a different spatial direction

    Pinholes May Mimic Tunneling

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    Interest in magnetic-tunnel junctions has prompted a re-examination of tunneling measurements through thin insulating films. In any study of metal-insulator-metal trilayers, one tries to eliminate the possibility of pinholes (small areas over which the thickness of the insulator goes to zero so that the upper and lower metals of the trilayer make direct contact). Recently, we have presented experimental evidence that ferromagnet-insulator-normal trilayers that appear from current-voltage plots to be pinhole-free may nonetheless in some cases harbor pinholes. Here, we show how pinholes may arise in a simple but realistic model of film deposition and that purely classical conduction through pinholes may mimic one aspect of tunneling, the exponential decay in current with insulating thickness.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, plain TeX; submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    Fourier-Space Crystallography as Group Cohomology

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    We reformulate Fourier-space crystallography in the language of cohomology of groups. Once the problem is understood as a classification of linear functions on the lattice, restricted by a particular group relation, and identified by gauge transformation, the cohomological description becomes natural. We review Fourier-space crystallography and group cohomology, quote the fact that cohomology is dual to homology, and exhibit several results, previously established for special cases or by intricate calculation, that fall immediately out of the formalism. In particular, we prove that {\it two phase functions are gauge equivalent if and only if they agree on all their gauge-invariant integral linear combinations} and show how to find all these linear combinations systematically.Comment: plain tex, 14 pages (replaced 5/8/01 to include archive preprint number for reference 22

    A Spin Model for Investigating Chirality

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    Spin chirality has generated great interest recently both from possible applications to flux phases and intrinsically, as an example of a several-site magnetic order parameter that can be long-ranged even where simpler order parameters are not. Previous work (motivated by the flux phases) has focused on antiferromagnetic chiral order; we construct a model in which the chirality orders ferromagnetically and investigate the model's behavior as a function of spin. Enlisting the aid of exact diagonalization, spin-waves, perturbation theory, and mean fields, we conclude that the model likely has long-ranged chiral order for spins 1 and greater and no non-trivial chiral order for spin 1/2.Comment: uuencoded gzipped tarred plain tex fil

    Extinctions and Correlations for Uniformly Discrete Point Processes with Pure Point Dynamical Spectra

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    The paper investigates how correlations can completely specify a uniformly discrete point process. The setting is that of uniformly discrete point sets in real space for which the corresponding dynamical hull is ergodic. The first result is that all of the essential physical information in such a system is derivable from its nn-point correlations, n=2,3,>...n= 2, 3, >.... If the system is pure point diffractive an upper bound on the number of correlations required can be derived from the cycle structure of a graph formed from the dynamical and Bragg spectra. In particular, if the diffraction has no extinctions, then the 2 and 3 point correlations contain all the relevant information.Comment: 16 page

    Crossover from Poisson to Wigner-Dyson Level Statistics in Spin Chains with Integrability Breaking

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    We study numerically the evolution of energy-level statistics as an integrability-breaking term is added to the XXZ Hamiltonian. For finite-length chains, physical properties exhibit a cross-over from behavior resulting from the Poisson level statistics characteristic of integrable models to behavior corresponding to the Wigner-Dyson statistics characteristic of the random-matrix theory used to describe chaotic systems. Different measures of the level statistics are observed to follow different crossover patterns. The range of numerically accessible system sizes is too small to establish with certainty the scaling with system size, but the evidence suggests that in a thermodynamically large system an infinitesimal integrability breaking would lead to Wigner-Dyson behavior.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Revtex

    Level Statistics of XXZ Spin Chains with Discrete Symmetries: Analysis through Finite-size Effects

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    Level statistics is discussed for XXZ spin chains with discrete symmetries for some values of the next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) coupling parameter. We show how the level statistics of the finite-size systems depends on the NNN coupling and the XXZ anisotropy, which should reflect competition among quantum chaos, integrability and finite-size effects. Here discrete symmetries play a central role in our analysis. Evaluating the level-spacing distribution, the spectral rigidity and the number variance, we confirm the correspondence between non-integrability and Wigner behavior in the spectrum. We also show that non-Wigner behavior appears due to mixed symmetries and finite-size effects in some nonintegrable cases.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure
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