41 research outputs found

    Acute High Dose Reprotoxic Effects of Bisphenol-A on the Testicles of Adult Rodents.

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    Objectives: To evaluate the acute effects of high dose of bisphenol-A (BPA) induced in the testicles of adult rats.Methodology: An Experimental study was conducted at Anatomy Department, University of Health Sciences, Lahore, from January 2015 to December 2015.Twelve adult Wistar albino rats were weighed and divided into three groups of four rats each. Group A (control) was given corn oil (2ml/kg/day). Group B (BPA-100) was given BPA 100mg/kg/day dissolved in corn oil (2ml/kg/day). Group C (BPA-200) was given BPA 200mg/kg/day dissolved in corn oil (2ml/kg/day). The animals were sacrificed on the 8th day after weighing. Testis were weighed and fixed in Buoin’s solution. Johnson scoring was done in H&E stained slides. Basement membrane integrity was observed in PAS stained slides.Results: Group A rats showed normal parameters. Group B (BPA-100) showed a significant decrease in Johnson score and an increase in basement membrane disruption while the changes in body weight of animals and paired weight of testis was statistically insignificant. Group C (BPA 200) rats died within 3-4 days and the experiment was limited to two groups.Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate that a high dosage of Bisphenol A in rats causes significant disruption of the testicular histology and proves to be a significant reprotoxin even with a short duration of exposure

    Socio-demographic correlates of betel, areca and smokeless tobacco use as a high risk behavior for head and neck cancers in a squatter settlement of Karachi, Pakistan

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    BACKGROUND: Head and neck cancers are a major cancer burden in Pakistan. They share a common risk factor profile including regular consumption of products of betel, areca and tobacco. Use of paan, chaalia, gutka, niswar and tumbaku is acceptable in Pakistan and is considered a normal cultural practice. This cross-sectional study was carried out to understand the relation of socio-demographic factors for the consumption of paan, chaalia, gutka, niswar and tumbaku in Pakistani population. Through systematic sampling, 425 subjects from a squatter settlement in Karachi were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. High risk behavior was defined as Daily use of any of the above products. RESULTS: Daily use of all the substances except chaalia was higher among males compared to females. Chaalia use was higher among adolescents than adults while non-married consumed both chaalia and gutka more than married. Mohajir ethnicity had higher prevalence of paan, gutka and tumbaku use while Pathans had higher prevalence of niswar use. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of use of chewable products is high in Pakistan with particularly high use of certain substances related with socio-demographic profiles. Industrially prepared products, chaalia and gutka, are gaining popularity among youth. Policies and focused interventions can be developed taking into consideration the preferred use of products among different socio-demographic groups

    Effect of In Vitro Digestion on the Antioxidant and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Potential of Buffalo Milk Processed Cheddar Cheese

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    The purpose of this study was to develop an in-vitro digestion protocol to evaluate the antioxidant potential of the peptides found in processed cheddar cheese using digestion enzymes. We first studied antioxidant and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition and antioxidant activities of processed cheddar cheese with the addition of spices e.g., cumin, clove, and black pepper made from buffalo milk and ripened for 9 months. Then we conducted an in vitro digestion of processed cheddar cheese by gastric and duodenal enzymes. Freeze-dried water (WSE) and ethanol-soluble fractions (ESE) of processed cheddar cheese were also monitored for their ACE inhibition activity and antioxidant activities. In our preliminary experiments, different levels of spices (cumin, clove, and black pepper) were tested into a cheese matrix and only one level 0.2 g/100 g (0.2%) based on cheese weight was considered good after sensory evaluation. Findings of the present study revealed that ACE-inhibitory potential was the highest in processed cheese made from buffalo milk with the addition of 0.2% cumin, clove, and black pepper. A significant increase in ACE-inhibition (%) of processed cheddar cheese, as well as its WSE and ESE, was obtained. Lower IC50 values were found after duodenal phase digestion compared to oral phase digestion


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    Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorders clinically manifested by hyperglycemia. Diabetic patient having hypertension has more chances of heart diseases, peripheral vascular disease, nephropathy and retinopathy. The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of risk factors and related complications in diabetic patients having hypertension. This retrospective observational study was conducted by enrolling 250 patients for study. Results have indicated that there was higher percentage of female diabetics (60.16%) as compared to males due to more prevalence of obesity in females. Patients in pre-hypertensive stage were having more risk factors; salt intake (66.42%), fat intake (67.8%), aerobic exercise <30 minutes (70.2%) and even 50% were not exercising. They were experiencing more symptoms and complications such as thirst (63.1%), dryness of mouth (60.33%), loss of appetite (59.2%), abdominal pain (67.1%), nausea and vomiting (56.3%), frequent urination (56.7%) and high blood sugar level (56.33%). About 92.30% patients were satisfied with the treatment and were following the instructions by the doctors. The study inferred that the risk factors and complications related to diabetes were more prevalent in pre-hypertensive stage which could progress the disease to advanced stages


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    This paper addresses geographical significance in assessing quality of life among inhabitants of Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP), Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. The aim is to evaluate the degree of the extent to which the quality of life conditions of an average person living in particular regions of Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP). Findings indicated that relationship of perception of quality of life among mountain inhabitants was a significant contributor factor in their lives (physical, psychological, social and environmental well-being, and satisfaction in life with hope, diversity in level of hope and planning to meet their goals). The presence of hope is positively associated with quality of life and subjective well-being of CKNP inhabitants. This has been important in identifying differences in mountain men and women and difference in valleys. Implications for mountain life and healthy living are indicated. This project was funded by the Research Grant from SEED project of KIU/Evk2 CNR to the first author with 2nd author assisting, acknowledgement of all those involved in data collection

    Adsorptive Detoxification of Congo Red and Brilliant Green Dyes Using Chemically Processed Brassica Oleracea Biowaste from Waste Water

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    Water pollution being a potential risk to mankind is treated in several ways which includes chemical treatments. Among them, adsorption took a prominent position for the removal of many hazardous dyes from waste water. Here in this study, an environment-friendly, inexpensive, and broadly available leaves of Brassica oleracea were utilized for adsorption of two carcinogenic dyes, i.e., Congo red and brilliant green. The adsorbent Brassica oleracea leaves were collected, dried, and characterized by FTIR and SEM and then utilized in batch manner for dye removal. Isothermal modeling was carried out on data obtained after experiment which show the best fitting of Langmuir with qmax 42.553 and 103.093 mg.g-1 for Congo red (CR) and brilliant green (BG), respectively. Consequently, a homogenous, monolayer mode of adsorption was followed. Kinetic modeling supported pseudosecond order and Elovich model in most suitable manner. It was also found that a spontaneous, exothermic process provided by the values of thermodynamic parameters (∆G°, ∆H°, and ∆S°) was calculated