14 research outputs found

    Moral relevance of big data technologies: Moral to some but not others

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    Moral Persuasion - Longitudinal study

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    Publicaties en presentaties

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    Hier vindt u een lijst van mijn publicaties en presentatie

    Moral Persuasion - Data and Code

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    Registered data and cod

    Data and Code

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    Data and Code

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    Dissertation - The role of tradeoffs and moralization in the adoption of big data technologies - Chapter 5

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    This data package includes the data, analysis scripts, and relevant documents for Chapter 5 of the dissertation: The role of tradeoffs and moralization in the adoption of big data. The research in this chapter investigates how moral and non-moral persuasive frames affect people’s attitudes and moral convictions towards big data technologies

    Dissertation - The role of tradeoffs and moralization in the adoption of big data technologies - Chapter 3

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    This data package includes the data, analysis scripts, and relevant documents for Chapter 3 of the dissertation: The role of tradeoffs and moralization in the adoption of big data. The research in this chapter investigates how people make decisions to adopt big data technologies when either self or others’ privacy is violated

    Dissertation - The role of tradeoffs and moralization in the adoption of big data technologies - Chapter 4

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    This data package includes the data, analysis scripts, and relevant documents for Chapter 4 of the dissertation: The role of tradeoffs and moralization in the adoption of big data. The research in this chapter investigates what drives variation in moral relevance of big data technologies

    Moral relevance of big data technologies

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