1,549 research outputs found

    Modelling of reduced GB transmission system in PSCAD/EMTDC

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    Energy and environmental issues are two of the greatest challenges facing the world today. In response to energy needs and environmental concerns, renewable energy technologies are now considered the future technologies of choice. Renewable energy is produced from natural sources that are clean and free; however, it is widely accepted that renewable energy is not a solution without challenges. An example of this can be seen in the UK, where there is much interest amongst generation developers in the construction of new large scale onshore and offshore wind farms, especially in Scotland. The stability of electric power systems is also an important issue. It is important to have full knowledge of the system and to be able to predict the behaviour under different situations is an important objective. As a result, several industrial grade power system simulator tools have been developed in order to estimate the behaviour of the electric power system under certain conditions. This paper presents a reduced Great Britain (GB) system model for stability analysis using PSCAD/EMTDC. The reduced model is based upon a future GB transmission system model and, hence, contains different types and mix of generation, HVDC transmission lines and additional interconnection. The model is based on the reduced DIgSILENT PowerFactory model developed by National Grid

    Optimalisasi Fungsi Masjid Pendekatan Superimposisi (Desain Masjid Bulak)

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    Masjid memiliki peran penting dalam kemajuan peradaban manusia pada masa kejayaan islam. Namun saat ini di Indonesia masjid mengalami penyempitan makna dan fungsi. Jumlahnya banyak namun tidak berkualitas dan tidak makmur. Menghadirkan peran fungsi masjid yang sebenarnya diharapkan dapat menjadikan masjid pusat kegiatan masyarakat dan menyelesaikan masalah kemiskinan di kelurahan kedung cowek. Permasalahan desain yang timbul adaalah bagaimana masjid dapat menjadi pusat dari beragam kegiatan dan ibadah masyarakat kecamatan kedung cowek. Untuk mewujudkan itu berarti masjid harus mewadahi berbagai aktivitas dengan beragam program, berarti menggabungkan tempat ibadah yang diharuskan kondusif dengan tempat umum yang kurang kondusif. Untuk menjawab permasalahan desain tersebut digunakan pendekatan desain superimposisi. Program di eksplorasi sedemikian rupa untuk menimbulkan event-event baru yang tidak terduga agar masjid hidup dan makmur. Metode desain yang dipakai adalah programmatic dissociations yang dipakai Bernard tschumi dalam mendesain Tokyo opera house. Hasil rancangan berupa masjid yang terbuka dan menjadi wadah pusat kegiatan masyarakat

    Interference of five problematic weed species with rice growth and yield

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    Five weed species namely, Cyperus rotundus L., Cyperus difformis L., Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link., Paspalum paspaloides (Mich.) Scribner, and Marsilea minuta L. were selected for the assessment of their level of competition with two commonly grown rice varieties viz. Basmati-385 and Super Basmati. Root and shoot growth as well as grain yield, in both rice cultivars, were adversely affected due to the weed competition in the field experiments. In general, Super Basmati was found to be comparatively more tolerant to weed infestation than Basmati-385. There were 6 to 40% and 21 to 56% reduction in grain yield of Super Basmati and Basmati-385, respectively, due to different weed species. E. colonum was found to be the most damaging weed which resulted in the highest grain yield losses of 56 and 42% in Basmati-385 and Super Basmati, respectively. P. paspaloides was found to be the second most damaging weed species which caused 47% yield losses in Basmati-385. It was concluded from the study that E. colonum was the most competitive weed. It resulted in the highest yield losses in rice especially in var. Basmati-385.Keywords: Rice, weeds, yield losses

    Integrasi Budaya Dan Alam Dalam Preservasi Candi Gambarwetan

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    Banyak bangunan bersejarah atau cagar budaya yang mengalami kerusakan di Indonesia. Kerusakan ini dapat ditimbulkan oleh dua faktor. Faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal antara lain usia dan proses pelapukan. Sedangkan faktor eksternal antara lain faktor alam, lingkungan, dan manusia. Salah satu cagar budaya yang mengalami kerusakan adalah Candi Gambarwetan yang terletak di Desa Sumberasri, Kab. Blitar tepatnya di kaki Gunug Kelud. Candi ini masih dalam proses observasi oleh pihak BPCB (Badan Pelestarian Cagar Budaya) Mojokerto. Pelestarian cagar budaya yang baik adalah pelestarian dengan mempertimbangkan aktifitas masyarakat lokal dan wisatawan serta kondisi lingkungan. Metode narasi adalah metode penyampaian informasi dengan melibatkan elemen bangunan dan pengguna. Metode narasi diterapkan pada jalur sirkulasi, dimana terdapat dua pengguna yang memiliki jalur sirkulasi berbeda namun selaras dan tidak saling terganggu. Dalam proses pelestarian candi Gambarwetan tidak hanya menjaga candi dari kerusakan, tetapi juga membuat interaksi antar pengguna berjalan harmonis. Preservasi Candi Gambarwetan dikemas dalam bentuk museum terbuka, dimana wisatawan mendapatkan informasi mengenai kegiatan masyarakat lokal dan menikmati alam dari kawasan candi Gambarweta

    Hunian. Rumah Betang (Agregasi Budaya. Alkimia Arsitektur Dayak Demi Fundamentalisme Arsitektur Nusantara)

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    Perang. Perang dunia satu dan dua telah memberikan berbagai macam efek negatif ke seluruh penjuru dunia dalam berbagai aspek. Salah satu aspeknya adalah budaya, dimana budaya luar memaksa masuk dan menggantikan budaya-budaya yang sudah ada, seperti yang telah diungkapkan oleh Rem koolhaas “in 1914, it made sense to talk about a ‘chinese' architecture, a ‘Swiss' architecture, an ‘Indian' architecture. one hundred years later, under the influence of wars, diverse political regimes, different states of development, national and International architectural movements, individual talents, friendships, random personal trajectories and technological developments, architectures that were once specific and local have become interchangeable and global. national identity has seemingly been sacrificed to modernity”. Sama halnya dengan Indonesia, arsitektur Nusantara telah dikorbankan demi komodernan. Lantas apakah seorang arsitek hanya akan tinggal diam melihat kasus ini? Untuk menangani kasus ini maka sudah tentu diperlukan sebuah upaya arsitektur untuk meresponnya. Sebuah percobaan melalui angan-angan “akan seperti apa arsitektur Nusantara (rumah betang) jika perang dunia satu dan dua tidak pernah terjadi?”, “akan seperti apa arsitektur Nusantara (rumah betang) jika budaya luar masuk dan ditanggapi dengan pemikiran kritis?”. Objek rancangan ini selain bertujuan untuk memvisualisasikan arsiektur Nusantara (rumah betang) sekaligus juga untuk mengembalikan identitas nasional dan fundamentalisme arsitektur nusantara, karena sejatinya kehilangan identitas nasional merupakan kekalahan terbesar yang dapat dialami oleh sebuah Negara

    Therapeutic safety and efficacy of triple-immunosuppressants versus dual-immunosuppressants in severe-to-critical COVID-19: a prospective cohort study in Bangladesh

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    Background: Hyperinflammation-induced respiratory failure is a leading cause of mortality in COVID-19 infection. Immunosuppressants such as, Baricitinib and interleukin inhibitors are the drug-of-choice to suppress cytokine storm in COVID-19. Here, we compared the therapeutic safety and efficacy of triple-immunosuppressants with dual-immunosuppressants in patients with severe-to-critical COVID-19. Methods: This study was conducted on 103 confirmed COVID-19 patients. Of 103 patients, 49 (N) and 54 (N) patients received dual-immunosuppressants (baricitinib plus two doses of secukinumab) and triple immunosuppressants (baricitinib plus single dose of tocilizumab and secukinumab) in group A and group B, respectively. Groups were compared in terms of clinical outcome, critical support-requirement, survival, re-hospitalisation, and adverse events (AEs). Results: Patients in group B achieved normal blood oxygen saturation level (SpO2) earlier than the patients of group A [4 day (IQR: 3–12) vs 5 day (IQR: 5–14), p .05]. The 60-day re-hospitalisation rate was two-fold high in group A than group B (p =.024). Immunosuppressant-associated adverse events and secondary bacterial/fungal infections were relative high in patients of group B. Conclusions: Triple-immunosuppressants in severe-to-critical COVID-19 infection exhibited better clinical outcome; reduced ICU and MV requirement; shorter hospital stay with deceased 60-day all cause mortality and re-hospitalisation compared to dual-immunosuppressants