251 research outputs found

    The evaluation of residual chlorine from well drinking water in some quarters in Erbil city-north Iraq

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    The study was conducted in Erbil city north of Iraq. Everywhere in the world, the drinking water utilities face the challenge of providing water of good quality to their consumers as significant water quality changes can occur within drinking water distribution systems due to contamination. From this study, we have collected water samples from twenty well drinking water in some quarters from Erbil City with three replicas. Our results showed that the maximum value of free chlorine recorded in Badawa and Galawesh quarters which were greater than 0.5 mg/l, while, the values of free chlorine of most quarters were less than 0.2 mg/l, which were not within the recommended safe residual chlorine level of 0.2–0.5mg/l

    Compactıon And Cbr Propertıes Of Reclaımed Asphalt Pavement Mıxed Wıth Sand

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    Atık malzemelerin inşaat sektöründe kullanılması hem ekonomik hem de çevrenin korunması açısından oldukça faydalıdır. Atık asfalt (AA), geri dönüşümde kullanılan malzemelerden en önemlilerinden bir tanesi olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. AA asfalt karışımında agrega yerine kullanılan en önemli malzeme haline gelmiş durumdadır. Ayrıca, yol yapımında temel, alt temel ve dolgu malzemesi olarak ta kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, atık asfalt malzemesi belirli oranlarda kumla karıştırılarak karışımın sıkışma ve mukavemet parametreleri üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla Irak’ın Erbil şehrinde beş farklı bölgeden (Maxmwr, Shaqlawa, Mosul) numuneler alınmış ve bu numuneler üzerinde yoğunluk, su emme, elek analizi ve CBR deneyleri yapılmıştır. Deneyler sonucunda bu beş farklı bölgeden elde edilen atık asfaltların farklı yoğunluk, su emme ve basınç mukavemetlerine sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Öğütülerek agrega boyutlarına getirilen AA %5, %10, 1%5, %,20 %25 ve %50 oranlarında kumla karıştırıldıktan sonra, her bir karışım üzerinde modifiye Proktor ile kuru ve suya doygun CBR testleri yapılmıştır. Deney sonuçları, AA içine katılan kum miktarının artmasıyla maksimum kuru birim hacim ağırlığın ve optimum su muhtevasının arttığını ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, kum oranın artmasıyla CBR değerlerinin arttığı gözlenmiştir. Deney sonuçları, yapılan karışımlardan hiçbirinin AASHTO standartlarında temel ve alt temel yapımı için önerilen CBR şartlarını sağlamadığını ortaya koymuştur

    Setting key performance targets for Croatian shipyards

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    The aim of this paper is to use the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method to measure and analyze different relative efficiencies of five Croatian shipyards. The indicators are chosen to capture different aspects of shipbuilding performance in Croatia. Window analysis is used to determine shipyard efficiency and observe possible changes in shipyard efficiency over time. This leads to identifying a subset of efficient best practice shipyards, whereas for others the magnitude of their inefficiency is ascertained along with the specified efficient input and output targets. The importance of window analysis is that its results serve as an early warning system to all inefficient shipyards. In identifying the sources of inefficiencies and formulating proposals for improving shipyard performance observed over a six-year period (2007-2012), the results presented in this paper can be used to enhance and alter decisions

    An overview of data envelopment analysis application in studies on the socio-economic performance of OECD countries

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    Due to large and deepening development disparities among countries, comparisons across them have gained utmost importance, both in theoretical and empirical sense. At the same time, overuse of natural resources and climate change are among the most difficult issues today’s world is facing. Consequently, there is a growing research interest in investigating the performance of countries, especially in terms of environmental and energy efficiency. This paper brings a literature overview on the application of data envelopment analysis (DEA) to studies that empirically explore socio-economic efficiency of OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) member countries. The listed papers are categorised with regard to the relevance given to economic, environmental or energy indicators. Their basic content is summarised, along with the major findings. In this way, both measurement of countries’ performance and the nonparametric approach of DEA have been given deserved attention


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    In this paper, regional efficiency of Croatian counties is measured in three-year period (2005-2007) using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The set of inputs and outputs consists of seven socioeconomic indicators. Analysis is carried out using models with assumption of variable returns-to-scale. DEA identifies efficient counties as benchmark members and inefficient counties that are analyzed in detail to determine the sources and the amounts of their inefficiency in each source. To enable proper monitoring of development dynamics, window analysis is applied. Based on the results, guidelines for implementing necessary improvements to achieve efficiency are given. Analysis reveals great disparities among counties. In order to alleviate naturally, historically and politically conditioned unequal county positions over which economic policy makers do not have total control, categorical approach is introduced as an extension to the basic DEA models. This approach, combined with window analysis, changes relations among efficiency scores in favor of continental counties

    Efficiency Assessment of Croatian Counties in Tourism Using Data Envelopment Analysis

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    U ovom se radu analizira turistička efikasnost hrvatskih županija pomoću analize omeđivanja podataka (AOMP). Cilj je identificirati efikasne županije koje predstavljaju ogledne primjere turističkog poslovanja (benchmarking) kao i neefikasne županije čiju neefikasnost treba odgovarajućim mjerama minimizirati. Usporedba rezultata primjene modela s konstantnim i varijabilnim prinosima dala je prednost korištenju BCC modela, pri čemu je izabran model koji je usmjeren na outpute. Utvrđeni su izvori i iznosi neefikasnosti za svaki input i output, te su dane smjernice za poboljšanja. Na kraju je osnovni model proširen i analizom prozora u kojoj se efikasnost prati tijekom pet godina, i to kroz jedno petogodišnje i pet jednogodišnjih razdoblja.In this paper, we analyze the tourism efficiency of Croatian counties using data envelopment analysis (DEA) with the purpose of identifying counties which are efficient and which represent successful examples of tourism performance (benchmarking) as well as inefficient counties whose inefficiency should be minimized by undertaking certain necessary measures. Comparison of the results using models with constant and variable returns to scale has given preference to the BCC model, and the output-oriented model has been chosen. Sources and amounts of relative inefficiency were identified for each input and output, and guidelines for necessary improvements were given. As an extension of the basic model, we introduced window analysis which examines efficiency over five years, i.e., through one five-year and five one-year periods

    Measuring Sources of Economic Growth in OECD Countries

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    Growing socioeconomic inequalities and deepening polarization among and within nations indicate a major risk of political, social and economic instability. Policymakers need to deepen their awareness and understanding of the circumstances and find useful guidance and examples to inspire their effective qualitative and quantitative policies. This paper empirically investigates the relative dynamic socio-economic efficiency of thirty OECD countries using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology. As an extension to the basic output-oriented DEA models with variable returns-to-scale, window analysis is employed. The appropriate design of window length is also proposed in the study. In the first step, the relative efficiency of the countries was measured by four economic indicators. In the second step, four new indicators were added, covering social, institutional and environmental dimensions. It has been found that, in some cases, performance rankings change very significantly and that the overall relative performance of the OECD countries increases when the set of economic indicators is extended

    Options for IIASA's Future Agricultural Project: Preliminary Findings of the Feasibility Study: Start

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    The feasibility study "Strategies and Tactics for Agriculture Reconstruction and Transformation" was planned to investigate the possibility of a new future agricultural project at IIASA. In order to specify possible options for research in this field and to discuss the NMOS' proposals, a seminar on sustainable agriculture was held in Sopron, Hungary, 2-5 March 1987. In this paper the authors summarize the preliminary findings of the feasibility study, including also ideas raised and discussed during the seminar. A more detailed description of these findings will be available in the Proceedings of the seminar to be published later in 1987