22 research outputs found

    Sparse Reconstructions for Inverse PDE Problems

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    We are concerned with the numerical solution of linear parameter identification problems for parabolic PDE, written as an operator equation Ku=fKu=f. The target object uu is assumed to have a sparse expansion with respect to a wavelet system Psi=psilambdaPsi={psi_lambda} in space-time, being equivalent to a priori information on the regularity of u=mathbfuopPsiu=mathbf u^ opPsi in a certain scale of Besov spaces Bp,psB^s_{p,p}. For the recovery of the unknown coefficient array mathbfumathbf u, we miminize a Tikhonov-type functional begin{equation*} min_{mathbf u}|Kmathbf u^ opPsi-f^delta|^2+alphasum_{lambda}omega_lambda|u_lambda|^p end{equation*} by an associated thresholded Landweber algorithm, fdeltaf^delta being a noisy version of ff. Since any application of the forward operator KK and its adjoint involves the numerical solution of a PDE, perturbed versions of the iteration have to be studied. In particular, for reasons of efficiency, adaptive applications of KK and K∗K^* are indispensable cite{Ra07}. By a suitable choice of the respective tolerances and stopping criteria, also the adaptive iteration could recently be shown to have regularizing properties cite{BoMa08a} for p>1p>1. Moreover, the sequence of iterates linearly converges to the minimizer of the functional, a result which can also be proved for the special case p=1p=1, see [DaFoRa08]. We illustrate the performance of the resulting method by numerical computations for one- and two-dimensional inverse heat conduction problems. References: [BoMa08a] T. Bonesky and P. Maass, Iterated soft shrinkage with adaptive operator evaluations, Preprint, 2008 [DaFoRa08] S. Dahlke, M. Fornasier, and T. Raasch, Multiscale Preconditioning for Adaptive Sparse Optimization, in preparation, 2008 [Ra07] T.~Raasch, Adaptive wavelet and frame schemes for elliptic and parabolic equations, Dissertation, Philipps-Universit"at Marburg, 200

    Enabling and Sustaining Collaborative Innovation

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    This paper extends the principles of open source software development to a non-industry-specific level by introducing the Open Source Innovation (OSI) model. OSI exhibits main differences to other related models and concepts such as the private-collective model, commons-based peer production, R&D networks and is therefore an innovation model in its own right. In order for OSI projects to be successful, numerous factors need to be fulfilled. We make the distinction between four categories of factors: economic, technical, legal, and social. In each category, we differentiate between enabling and sustaining factors. The enabling factors must be met at the beginning of the project, whereas the sustaining factors must be satisfied as the project progresses.OSI, open source innovation, R&D

    Enabling and sustaining collaborative innovation

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    This paper extends the principles of open source software development to a non-industry-specific level by introducing the Open Source Innovation (OSI) model. OSI exhibits main differences to other related models and concepts such as the private-collective model, commons-based peer production, R&D networks and is therefore an innovation model in its own right. In order for OSI projects to be successful, numerous factors need to be fulfilled. We make the distinction between four categories of factors: economic, technical, legal, and social. In each category, we differentiate between enabling and sustaining factors. The enabling factors must be met at the beginning of the project, whereas the sustaining factors must be satisfied as the project progresses. --

    Spatial Besov Regularity for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations on Lipschitz Domains

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    We use the scale of Besov spaces B^\alpha_{\tau,\tau}(O), \alpha>0, 1/\tau=\alpha/d+1/p, p fixed, to study the spatial regularity of the solutions of linear parabolic stochastic partial differential equations on bounded Lipschitz domains O\subset R^d. The Besov smoothness determines the order of convergence that can be achieved by nonlinear approximation schemes. The proofs are based on a combination of weighted Sobolev estimates and characterizations of Besov spaces by wavelet expansions.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figure

    Adaptive Wavelet and Frame Schemes for Elliptic and Parabolic Equations

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    This thesis is concerned with the application of wavelet methods to the adaptive numerical solution of elliptic and parabolic operator equations over a polygonal domain. Driven by the insight that the construction of wavelet bases on more general domains is complicated and may pose stability problems, we analyze the option to replace the concept of wavelet bases by the more flexible concept of wavelet frames. Frames are redundant systems that still allow for stable decomposition and reconstruction of a given function. In the first part of this thesis, is shown how to construct so-called Gelfand frames on polygonal domains by a simple overlapping domain decomposition approach. Gelfand frames are able to characterize function spaces in a similar way as in the case of wavelet bases. The second part is concerned with the application of Gelfand frames to the adaptive numerical treatment of linear elliptic problems. We propose inexact versions of well-known iterative schemes for the frame coordinate representation of the given operator equation. Both convergence and optimality of the considered methods can be proved and illustrated by numerical examples. In the third part, we consider adaptive wavelet methods for the numerical treatment of linear parabolic equations. Due to the initial value problem structure of the latter, we consider a semidiscretization in time with linearly implicit methods first. The arising sequence of elliptic operator equations is then solved adaptively with wavelet methods. It is shown how to exploit the key properties of wavelet bases to a considerable extent, e.g., in preconditioning strategies and for the convergence and complexity analysis of the overall algorithm. We finish with numerical experiments in one and two spatial dimensions

    Adaptive wavelet and frame schemes . . .

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    From open source in the digital to the physical world: a smooth transfer?

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the transferability of the open source principles of product development from the realm of software to the realm of physical products