19 research outputs found

    Twenty years trends in mortality rates from stroke in Klaipeda

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    Background: During the past decades, mortality from stroke decreased in many western European countries; however, changes concerning long-term stroke mortality in eastern European countries are less evident. Objective: To assess age- and gender-specific trends in stroke mortality in Klaipeda (Lithuania) from 1994 to 2013. Design: Descriptive epidemiological study. Setting/subjects: Permanent population of Klaipeda. Methods: Data on 2509 permanent residents of Klaipeda aged 35-79 years who died from stroke between 1994 and 2013 were gathered. Directly, age-standardized (European population) stroke mortality rates were analyzed using joinpoint regression separately for specific age groups (35-64, 65-79, and 35-79 years) and by gender. Annual percentage change (APC) and 95% CIs were presented. Results: Stroke mortality in the 35- to 79-year-old age group peaked in 1994-1997, it then decreased by -9.9% (95% CI: -18.7, -0.2) yearly up until 2001 and leveled off by -0.2% (-5.1, 4.9) between 2001 and 2013. Among men aged 35-64 years, mortality decreased substantially by 12.8% (-21.5, -3.3) per year from 1994 to 2001 and turned positive by 6.3% (0.8, 12.1) between 2000 and 2013. Among women aged 35-64 years, mortality decreased significantly by 15.5% (-28.1, -0.7) from 1994 to 2000. There was evidence of recent plateauing of trends for 35- to 64-year-old women between 2000 and 2013. In the 65- to 79-year-old age group, mortality decreased from 1994 onward yearly by -5.5% (-7.9, -3.0) in women and by -3.3% (-5.6, -0.9) in men. Conclusions: Joinpoint regression revealed steadily decreasing trend in stroke mortality between 1994 and 2001. The decline in death rates flattened out in the recent decade. Mortality rates varied among age groups and were more pronounced in adults aged 35-64 years. It is essential to monitor and manage stroke risk factors, especially among middle-aged population

    Klaipėdos gyventojų mirtingumo nuo galvos smegenų insulto pokyčiai 1994ā€“2008 m

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    The objective of the study was to evaluate the trends in stroke mortality in the population of Klaipėda aged 35ā€“79 years from 1994 to 2008. Material and Methods. Mortality data on all permanent residents of Klaipėda aged 35ā€“79 years who died from stroke in 1994ā€“2008 were gathered for the study. All death certificates of permanent residents of Klaipėda aged 35ā€“79 years who died during 1994ā€“2008 were examined in this study. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9 codes 430ā€“436, and ICD-10 codes I60ā€“I64) was used. Sex-specific mortality rates were standardized according to the Segiā€™s world population; all the mortality rates were calculated per 100 000 population per year. Trends in stroke mortality were estimated using log-linear regression models. Sex-specific mortality rates and trends were calculated for 3 age groups (35ā€“79, 35ā€“64, and 65ā€“79 years). Results. During the entire study period (1994ā€“2008), a marked decline in stroke mortality with a clear slowdown after 2002 was observed. The average annual percent changes in mortality rates for men and women aged 35ā€“79 years were ā€“4.6% (P=0.041) and ā€“6.5% (P=0.002), respectively. From 1994 to 2002, the stroke mortality rate decreased consistently among both Klaipėda men and women aged 35ā€“64 years (20.4% per year, P=0.002, and 14.7% per year, P=0.006, respectively) and in the elderly population aged 65ā€“79 years (13.8% per year, P=0.005; and 12% per year, P=0.019). During 2003ā€“2008, stroke mortality increased by 16.3% per year in middle-aged men (35ā€“64 years), whereas among women (aged 35ā€“64 and 65ā€“79 years) and elderly men (aged 65ā€“79 years), the age-adjusted mortality rate remained relatively unchanged. Conclusions. Among both men and women, the mortality rates from stroke sharply declined between 1994 and 2008 with a clear slowdown in the decline after 2002. [...]

    Stroke Mortality Trends in the Population of Klaipėda From 1994 to 2008

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    The objective of the study was to evaluate the trends in stroke mortality in the population of Klaipėda aged 35ā€“79 years from 1994 to 2008. Material and Methods. Mortality data on all permanent residents of Klaipėda aged 35ā€“79 years who died from stroke in 1994ā€“2008 were gathered for the study. All death certificates of permanent residents of Klaipėda aged 35ā€“79 years who died during 1994ā€“2008 were examined in this study. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9 codes 430ā€“436, and ICD-10 codes I60ā€“I64) was used. Sex-specific mortality rates were standardized according to the Segiā€™s world population; all the mortality rates were calculated per 100 000 population per year. Trends in stroke mortality were estimated using log-linear regression models. Sex-specific mortality rates and trends were calculated for 3 age groups (35ā€“79, 35ā€“64, and 65ā€“79 years). Results. During the entire study period (1994ā€“2008), a marked decline in stroke mortality with a clear slowdown after 2002 was observed. The average annual percent changes in mortality rates for men and women aged 35ā€“79 years were ā€“4.6% (P=0.041) and ā€“6.5% (P=0.002), respectively. From 1994 to 2002, the stroke mortality rate decreased consistently among both Klaipėda men and women aged 35ā€“64 years (20.4% per year, P=0.002, and 14.7% per year, P=0.006, respectively) and in the elderly population aged 65ā€“79 years (13.8% per year, P=0.005; and 12% per year, P=0.019). During 2003ā€“2008, stroke mortality increased by 16.3% per year in middle-aged men (35ā€“64 years), whereas among women (aged 35ā€“64 and 65ā€“79 years) and elderly men (aged 65ā€“79 years), the age-adjusted mortality rate remained relatively unchanged. Conclusions. Among both men and women, the mortality rates from stroke sharply declined between 1994 and 2008 with a clear slowdown in the decline after 2002. Stroke mortality increased significantly among middle-aged men from 2003, while it remained without significant changes among women of the same age and both elderly men and women

    An Association between leisure physical activities and the presence of symptoms of depression in working population

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    Background. An association of symptoms of depression with routine and leisure physical activities was evaluated in working population. Methods. 136 inhabitants of Palanga having a permanent job, 48 men (35%) and 88 women (65%), ranging from 35 to 58 years of age, participated in the study. WHO Wellbeing Index was used to assess depressive mood. Participants filled in forms with information on their leisure physical and sport activities (raiding a bike, attending aerobics, attending gym, running, swimming, playing basketball or volleyball, riding a horse etc.), exercising at least 30 min. a day, and how long it takes walking to the job and back home. Results. An association between symptoms of depression and different forms of routine physical activities, such as exercise (p<0,01); walking to the job (p<0,01); or sport activities in leisure time (p<0,05) was found. Symptoms of depression were more prevalent among those with lower incomes (p<0,05). Marital status and education had no impact on the presence of symptoms of depression. Conclusion. Routine physical activities independently from their form are related with the lower presence of symptoms of depression in working population

    Klaipėdos gyventojų mirtingumo nuo galvos smegenų insulto pokyčiai 1994ā€“2008 m

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    The objective of the study was to evaluate the trends in stroke mortality in the population of Klaipėda aged 35ā€“79 years from 1994 to 2008. Material and Methods. Mortality data on all permanent residents of Klaipėda aged 35ā€“79 years who died from stroke in 1994ā€“2008 were gathered for the study. All death certificates of permanent residents of Klaipėda aged 35ā€“79 years who died during 1994ā€“2008 were examined in this study. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9 codes 430ā€“436, and ICD-10 codes I60ā€“I64) was used. Sex-specific mortality rates were standardized according to the Segiā€™s world population; all the mortality rates were calculated per 100 000 population per year. Trends in stroke mortality were estimated using log-linear regression models. Sex-specific mortality rates and trends were calculated for 3 age groups (35ā€“79, 35ā€“64, and 65ā€“79 years). Results. During the entire study period (1994ā€“2008), a marked decline in stroke mortality with a clear slowdown after 2002 was observed. The average annual percent changes in mortality rates for men and women aged 35ā€“79 years were ā€“4.6% (P=0.041) and ā€“6.5% (P=0.002), respectively. From 1994 to 2002, the stroke mortality rate decreased consistently among both Klaipėda men and women aged 35ā€“64 years (20.4% per year, P=0.002, and 14.7% per year, P=0.006, respectively) and in the elderly population aged 65ā€“79 years (13.8% per year, P=0.005; and 12% per year, P=0.019). During 2003ā€“2008, stroke mortality increased by 16.3% per year in middle-aged men (35ā€“64 years), whereas among women (aged 35ā€“64 and 65ā€“79 years) and elderly men (aged 65ā€“79 years), the age-adjusted mortality rate remained relatively unchanged. Conclusions. Among both men and women, the mortality rates from stroke sharply declined between 1994 and 2008 with a clear slowdown in the decline after 2002. [...]

    Affective Symptoms and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence: Cross-Sectional Study

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    Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between affective symptoms, clinical variables of uro-gynaecological history and health-related quality of life (QoL) among women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) in comparison to healthy controls

    Regos haliucinacijų iÅ”sivystymo sąsajos su tikėjimu ir asmenine tikėjimo svarba sergant Å”izofrenija

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    Bibliogr.: p. 48 (1 pavad.)Kauno medicinos universiteto Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos institutas, [email protected] medicinos universiteto Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos institutas, [email protected]Å”oji ÄÆstaiga Vilniaus miesto psichikos sveikatos centras, [email protected] Didžiojo universiteta

    Relationship between personal religiosity and religiuos content of delusions in patients with schizophrenia

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    Kauno medicinos universiteto Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos institutas, [email protected] medicinos universiteto Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos institutas, [email protected] medicinos universiteto Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos institutas, [email protected]Å”oji ÄÆstaiga Vilniaus miesto psichikos sveikatos centrasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Ar religinio turinio kliedesiai yra susiję su Å”izofrenija sergančių ligonių religingumu?

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    Tyrimo tikslas. IÅ”tirti Å”izofrenija sergančių ligonių religinių kliedesių pobÅ«dÄÆ ir nustatyti paraleles tarp religingumo ir religinių kliedesių turinio. Mes iÅ”analizavome Å”izofrenija sergančių ligonių kliedesių turinÄÆ, panaudodami Vienos (Austrija) universiteto Tarptautinės kultÅ«rinės psichiatrijos tyrimo grupės sukurtą klausimyną ā€žFragebogen fur psychotische Symptome (FPS)ā€œ. Tyrime dalyvavo 295 Å”izofrenija sergantys ligoniai, gydomi Vilniaus psichikos sveikatos centre, iÅ” kurių 63,3 proc. papasakojo religinio turinio kliedesius. Dažniausiai pasitaikantis moterų religinis kliedesys buvo jų tikėjimas, kad jos yra Å”ventosios, o vyrų religinis kliedesys, kad jie manė esantys dievai. Atlikta vienmatės logistinės regresijos analizė parodė, kad religinių kliedesių atsiradimui didelę ÄÆtaką turėjo keturi veiksniai: Å”eimos padėtis, gimimo vieta, iÅ”silavinimas ir subjektyvi religijos reikÅ”mė. Tačiau daugiamatė analizė parodė, jog Å”eimos padėtis (iÅ”siskyrę, gyvenantys atskirai ā€“ Å S (Å”ansų santykis)=2,0; 95 proc. PI 1,1ā€“3,5) ir iÅ”silavinimas (aukÅ”tasis ir vidurinis ā€“ Å S=2,3; 95 proc. PI 1,4ā€“3,9), bet ne asmeninis religingumas yra lemiami religinių kliedesių veiksniai. Mes padarėme iÅ”vadą, kad Å”izofrenija sergančių ligonių kliedesių religinÄÆ turinÄÆ lemia ne asmeninis religingumas, bet Å”eimos padėtis ir iÅ”silavinimasThis article attempts to explore the phenomenology of religious delusions inpatients suffering from schizophrenia and to determine parallels between personal religiosity and content of religious delusions. We have studied the content of delusions in patients with schizophrenia looking for religious themes using Fragebogen fur psychotische Symptome (FPS) - a semi-structured questionnaire developed by the Cultural Psychiatry International research group in Vienna. A total of 295 patients suffering from schizophrenia participated in this study at Vilnius Mental Health Center in Lithuania, among whom 63.3% reported religious delusions. The most frequent content of religious delusion in women was their belief that they were saints and in men - that they imagined themselves as God Univariate multiple logistic regression analyses revealed that four factors such as marital status, birthplace, education, and subjective importance of religion were significantly related to the presence of religious delusions. However multivariate analyses revealed that marital status (divorced/separated vs. married OR (odds ratio) =2.0; 95 % Cl, 1.1 to 3.5) and education (postsecondary education vs. no postsecondary education OR=2.3; 95% CI, 1.4 to 3.9), but not personal religiosity, were independent predictors of the religious delusions. We conclude that the religious content of delusions is not influenced by personal religiosity; it is rather related to marital status and education of schizophrenic patientsKauno medicinos universitetasKauno medicinos universiteto Psichofiziologijos ir reabilitacijos institutasPsichikos sveikatos centras, VilniusVytauto Didžiojo universiteta