4 research outputs found

    Global online trade in primates for pets

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    The trade in primates as pets is a global enterprise and as access to the Internet has increased, so too has the trade of live primates online. While quantifying primate trade in physical markets is relatively straightforward, limited insights have been made into trade via the Internet. Here we followed a three-pronged approach to estimate the prevalence and ease of purchasing primates online in countries with different socioeconomic characteristics. We first conducted a literature review, in which we found that Malaysia, Thailand, the USA, Ukraine, South Africa, and Russia stood out in terms of the number of primate individuals being offered for sale as pets in the online trade. Then, we assessed the perceived ease of purchasing pet primates online in 77 countries, for which we found a positive relationship with the Internet Penetration Rate, total human population and Human Development Index, but not to Gross Domestic Product per capita or corruption levels of the countries. Using these results, we then predicted the levels of online primate trade in countries for which we did not have first-hand data. From this we created a global map of potential prevalence of primate trade online. Finally, we analysed price data of the two primate taxa most consistently offered for sale, marmosets and capuchins. We found that prices increased with the ease of purchasing primates online and the Gross Domestic Product per capita. This overview provides insight into the nature and intricacies of the online primate pet trade and advocates for increased trade regulation and monitoring in both primate range and non-range countries where trade has been substantially reported. © 2023 The Author

    Predictors of Musical Preferences

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    Dosadašnja istraživanja glazbenih preferencija upućuju na njihovu značajnu povezanost s mnogim ljudskim karakteristikama poput dobi, spola, osobina ličnosti i inteligencije. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati prediktore glazbenih preferencija iz perspektive evolucijske psihologije, pri čemu su u obzir uzeti odnos glazbenih preferencija i inteligencije te glazbenih preferencija i upotreba glazbe. Teorijsku osnovu pružila je Kanazawina hipoteza o inteligenciji(2004). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 482 učenika trećih razreda srednjih škola. Mjerni instrumenti korišteni u istraživanju su „Neverbalni test nizova“ (Ljubotina, u pripremi), „Upitnik upotreba glazbe“ (Chamorro-Premuzic i Furnham, 2007) te „Ljestvica glazbenih preferencija“ konstruirana za potrebe istraživanja. Rezultati pokazuju da je opća inteligencija značajno povezana s preferencijom instrumentalne glazbe te da je njome moguće predviđati preferenciju iste. Suprotno očekivanjima, inteligencija se pokazala korisnom i u predviđanju preferencije vokalno-instrumentalne glazbe, no u znatno manjoj mjeri. Značajnim prediktorom, u slučaju instrumentalne glazbe, pokazala se kognitivna upotreba glazbe. Faktorskom analizom Skale glazbenih preferencija dobiveno je pet faktora: refleksivni, popularni, konzervativni, intenzivni i sofisticirani. Kognitivna upotreba glazbe značajno je povezana s preferencijom glazbe refleksivnog, intenzivnog te sofisticiranog faktora, kao i s preferencijom instrumentalne glazbe.Previous studies of musical preferences have shown the significant relation to many human characteristics, including age, sex, personality traits and intelligence. The goal of this study was to examine the predictors of musical preferences from the perspective of evolutionary psychology. To accomplish this, the relationship of these predictors with intelligence and the uses of music were investigated. The theoretical basis was provided by Kanazawa's intelligence hypothesis (2004). This research was conducted on 482 third-grade high school students. „Nonverbal Sequence Test“ (Ljubotina, in print), „Uses of Music“ questionnaire (Chamorro-Premuzic, Furnham, 2007) and „Scale of Musical Preferences“ (constructed for the purpose of this reasearch) were used. The results show significant correlation between intelligence and a preference for instrumental music, suggesting it's possible to use intelligence for prediction of said preference. Unexpectedly, intelligence was also useful in predicting a preference for vocalinstrumental music, but to a much lesser extent. Cognitive use of music was also a significant predictor of a preference for instrumental music. Using a factor analysis, five factors were extracted from the „Musical Preferences Scale“: reflexive, popular, conservative, intense and sophisticated. Cognitive use of music is significantly correlated with a preference for music of reflexive, intense and sophisticated factors, as well as a preference for instrumental music

    Lemurs as protectors of the forest: Red-collared brown lemur seed dispersal, forest regeneration, and local livelihoods in the littoral forest fragments of southeastern Madagascar

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    Protected areas are essential to conservation. They are expected to safeguard the wildlife and their habitat, so it is important to investigate their effects on species’ population and ecology. Creating a protected area can also affect local people. Positive effects can include the preservation of ecosystem services and eco-tourism, with job opportunities and increased infrastructure stemming from such socio-economic development. On the other hand, forest protection often restricts the use of natural resources, thus interfering with traditional livelihoods and local economics. These negative effects can lead to antagonistic attitudes towards the protected area, which can undermine conservation efforts. Understanding the implications of forest protection for the livelihoods local people, along with their attitudes towards, and acceptance or opposition of forest protection can help mitigate the risks of social conflict and support conservation success. In this study, I investigated how forest protection affected the ecology of red-collared brown lemurs (Eulemur collaris) in two littoral forests in southeastern Madagascar (Sainte Luce, Mandena). Since 1999, 14 behavioural studies have been conducted on this lemur species in these littoral forests, focusing on their diet, behaviour, activity pattern, and ranging. As protected areas were established in both Sainte Luce (in 2005) and Mandena (in 2002), I examined whether the previously observed differences have persisted. I also explored local ecological knowledge about this lemur, the impacts of forest protection on local livelihoods, and perceptions of forest protection and several stakeholders. I collected data between August 2017 and October 2018. To assess lemur diet and ranging, I collected data from three groups via focal animal instantaneous sampling (diurnally), and auditory group sampling (nocturnally). To examine the relationship between lemur presence and forest regeneration, I compared the numbers of seedlings and saplings in fragments in which this lemur was present and absent. To understand how forest protection affected local people, I surveyed 60 adults using a semi-structured interview. Similar to the results of previous studies, this study confirms that Eulemur collaris is frugivorous year-round. While Mandena lemurs were previously reported to have larger and more fragmented home ranges than the lemurs in Sainte Luce, in this study, Mandena lemurs’ home range was smaller and less fragmented. Lemurs consumed more fruit and showed higher dietary diversity in the wet season. Their defecation was related to their resting patterns. Fragments with Eulemur collaris regenerated more. Most participants had a positive attitude towards Eulemur collaris and did not hunt it. Plant species were used locally as timber, medicine and fuelwood. Eulemur collaris consumed 52 utilitarian species. Perceptions of tourism and the NGO were largely positive, while perceptions of mining and forest protection were mixed due to their negative impacts on traditional livelihoods. This study shows forest protection has impacted both lemurs and people. Emphasising their interdependence might benefit both, and help preserve traditional livelihoods. As 98 % of lemurs and 70 % of primates are threatened, monitoring how conservation measures affect them is important. The urgency to conserve biodiversity should be matched with the urgency to document and conserve the cultural heritage associated with it

    Global online trade in primates for pets

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    The trade in primates as pets is a global enterprise and as access to the Internet has increased, so too has the trade of live primates online. While quantifying primate trade in physical markets is relatively straightforward, limited insights have been made into trade via the Internet. Here we followed a three-pronged approach to estimate the prevalence and ease of purchasing primates online in countries with different socioeconomic characteristics. We first conducted a literature review, in which we found that Malaysia, Thailand, the USA, Ukraine, South Africa, and Russia stood out in terms of the number of primate individuals being offered for sale as pets in the online trade. Then, we assessed the perceived ease of purchasing pet primates online in 77 countries, for which we found a positive relationship with the Internet Penetration Rate, total human population and Human Development Index, but not to Gross Domestic Product per capita or corruption levels of the countries. Using these results, we then predicted the levels of online primate trade in countries for which we did not have first-hand data. From this we created a global map of prevalence of primate trade online. Finally, we analysed price data of the two primate taxa most consistently offered for sale, marmosets and capuchins. We found that prices increased with the ease of purchasing primates online and the Gross Domestic Product per capita. This overview provides insight into the nature and intricacies of the online primate pet trade and advocates for increased trade regulation and monitoring in both primate range and non-range countries where trade has been substantially reported