3 research outputs found

    Effect of LHRH analogs on lower urinary tract symptoms associated with advanced prostate cancer in real clinical practice: ANALUTS study

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    Androgen deprivation; Hormonal therapy; RadiotherapyPrivación de andrógenos; Terapia hormonal; RadioterapiaPrivació d'andrògens; Teràpia hormonal; RadioteràpiaAims To estimate the prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in patients with prostate cancer scheduled to receive LHRH analogs, and to assess the effectiveness of LHRH analogs on LUTS in patients presenting moderate/severe symptoms. Methods Prospective, noninterventional, multicenter study conducted at 28 centers in Spain and Portugal. LUTS were evaluated using the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) at baseline, 24 and 48 weeks after initiation of treatment. Subanalyses were performed according to age and concomitant treatment (radiotherapy, alpha-blockers, and antiandrogens). Results A total of 354 patients were treated with LHRH analogs for 48 weeks. The percentage of patients with moderate/severe LUTS (IPSS > 7) decreased from 60.2% (n = 213/354) at baseline to 52.8% (n = 187/354) at Week 48. Among patients with moderate/severe LUTS at baseline: 73.7% (n = 157/213) still had moderate/severe LUTS at Week 48; percentage reductions of patients with LUTS at Week 48 were statistically significant (p < 0.05) overall and by age or concomitant treatment, except for alpha-blockers (84.2% patients receiving them still had moderate/severe LUTS at Week 48). All IPSS items, including quality of life for urinary symptoms, improved throughout the study. The only predictor of response to treatment with LHRH analogs that improved IPSS by 3 points after 48 weeks was baseline testosterone levels. Lower baseline testosterone levels were associated with greater improvement in IPSS after treatment with LHRH analogs (odds ratio 0.998, 95% confidence interval 0.996–1.000, p = 0.0277). Conclusion LHRH analogs have a positive effect in patients with locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer presenting moderate/severe LUTS regardless of age or concomitant treatment received (radiotherapy, antiandrogens, or alpha-blockers).The study was funded by Ipsen Pharma S.A.U

    Effect of LHRH analogs on lower urinary tract symptoms associated with advanced prostate cancer in real clinical practice : ANALUTS study

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    To estimate the prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in patients with prostate cancer scheduled to receive LHRH analogs, and to assess the effectiveness of LHRH analogs on LUTS in patients presenting moderate/severe symptoms. Prospective, noninterventional, multicenter study conducted at 28 centers in Spain and Portugal. LUTS were evaluated using the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) at baseline, 24 and 48 weeks after initiation of treatment. Subanalyses were performed according to age and concomitant treatment (radiotherapy, alpha-blockers, and antiandrogens). A total of 354 patients were treated with LHRH analogs for 48 weeks. The percentage of patients with moderate/severe LUTS (IPSS > 7) decreased from 60.2% (n = 213/354) at baseline to 52.8% (n = 187/354) at Week 48. Among patients with moderate/severe LUTS at baseline: 73.7% (n = 157/213) still had moderate/severe LUTS at Week 48; percentage reductions of patients with LUTS at Week 48 were statistically significant (p < 0.05) overall and by age or concomitant treatment, except for alpha-blockers (84.2% patients receiving them still had moderate/severe LUTS at Week 48). All IPSS items, including quality of life for urinary symptoms, improved throughout the study. The only predictor of response to treatment with LHRH analogs that improved IPSS by 3 points after 48 weeks was baseline testosterone levels. Lower baseline testosterone levels were associated with greater improvement in IPSS after treatment with LHRH analogs (odds ratio 0.998, 95% confidence interval 0.996-1.000, p = 0.0277). LHRH analogs have a positive effect in patients with locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer presenting moderate/severe LUTS regardless of age or concomitant treatment received (radiotherapy, antiandrogens, or alpha-blockers)

    Association of Performance Status and Pain in Metastatic Bone Pain Management in the Spanish Clinical Setting

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    <p><strong>Article full text</strong></p> <p><br> The full text of this article can be found <a href="https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12325-016-0435-1"><b>here</b>.</a><br> <br> <strong>Provide enhanced digital features for this article</strong><br> If you are an author of this publication and would like to provide additional enhanced digital features for your article then please contact <u>[email protected]</u>.<br> <br> The journal offers a range of additional features designed to increase visibility and readership. All features will be thoroughly peer reviewed to ensure the content is of the highest scientific standard and all features are marked as ‘peer reviewed’ to ensure readers are aware that the content has been reviewed to the same level as the articles they are being presented alongside. Moreover, all sponsorship and disclosure information is included to provide complete transparency and adherence to good publication practices. This ensures that however the content is reached the reader has a full understanding of its origin. No fees are charged for hosting additional open access content.<br> <br> Other enhanced features include, but are not limited to:<br> • Slide decks<br> • Videos and animations<br> • Audio abstracts<br> • Audio slides<u></u></p