3 research outputs found

    Social capital, social participation and life satisfaction among Chilean older adults

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    OBJECTIVE To examine factors associated with social participation and their relationship with self-perceived well-being in older adults. METHODS This study was based on data obtained from the National Socioeconomic Characterization (CASEN) Survey conducted in Chile, in 2011, on a probability sample of households. We examined information of 31,428 older adults living in these households. Descriptive and explanatory analyses were performed using linear and multivariate logistic regression models. We assessed the respondents’ participation in different types of associations: egotropic, sociotropic, and religious. RESULTS Social participation increased with advancing age and then declined after the age of 80. The main finding of this study was that family social capital is a major determinant of social participation of older adults. Their involvement was associated with high levels of self-perceived subjective well-being. We identified four settings as sources of social participation: home-based; rural community-based; social policy programs; and religious. Older adults were significantly more likely to participate when other members of the household were also involved in social activities evidencing an intergenerational transmission of social participation. Rural communities, especially territorial associations, were the most favorable setting for participation. There has been a steady increase in the rates of involvement of older adults in social groups in Chile, especially after retirement. Religiosity remains a major determinant of associativism. The proportion of participation was higher among older women than men but these proportions equaled after the age of 80. CONCLUSIONS Self-perceived subjective well-being is not only dependent upon objective factors such as health and income, but is also dependent upon active participation in social life, measured as participation in associations, though its effects are moderate

    Capital social, participación en asociaciones y satisfacción personal de las personas mayores en Chile

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    OBJECTIVE To examine factors associated with social participation and their relationship with self-perceived well-being in older adults. METHODS This study was based on data obtained from the National Socioeconomic Characterization (CASEN) Survey conducted in Chile, in 2011, on a probability sample of households. We examined information of 31,428 older adults living in these households. Descriptive and explanatory analyses were performed using linear and multivariate logistic regression models. We assessed the respondents’ participation in different types of associations: egotropic, sociotropic, and religious. RESULTS Social participation increased with advancing age and then declined after the age of 80. The main finding of this study was that family social capital is a major determinant of social participation of older adults. Their involvement was associated with high levels of self-perceived subjective well-being. We identified four settings as sources of social participation: home-based; rural community-based; social policy programs; and religious. Older adults were significantly more likely to participate when other members of the household were also involved in social activities evidencing an intergenerational transmission of social participation. Rural communities, especially territorial associations, were the most favorable setting for participation. There has been a steady increase in the rates of involvement of older adults in social groups in Chile, especially after retirement. Religiosity remains a major determinant of associativism. The proportion of participation was higher among older women than men but these proportions equaled after the age of 80. CONCLUSIONS Self-perceived subjective well-being is not only dependent upon objective factors such as health and income, but is also dependent upon active participation in social life, measured as participation in associations, though its effects are moderate.OBJETIVO Analizar los factores relacionados con la participación en asociaciones y su vínculo con la percepción de bienestar en las personas mayores. MÉTODOS Se utilizan los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Caracterización Socioeconómica de Chile del año 2011, basada en una muestra probabilística de los hogares chilenos. Se analizan los datos de 31.428 adultos mayores que viven en dichos hogares. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos y explicativos, utilizando modelos de regresión multivariada logística y lineal. Se distinguieron distintos tipos de participación: egotrópica, sociotrópica y religiosa. RESULTADOS Los porcentajes de participación en asociaciones aumentaron con la edad hasta los 80 años, para luego descender. El principal hallazgo del estudio consistió en la importancia que tenía el capital social familiar sobre la participación individual de los mayores. Se constató que esta participación se relacionaba con una mayor percepción de bienestar subjetivo. Se identificaron cuatro fuentes de participación social en la vejez: el hogar, el entorno rural, la política social y la religiosidad. Cuando en el hogar había otras personas que participaban se incrementaron significativamente las probabilidades de participar, transmitiéndose además el tipo de asociación en que se participaba. Los entornos rurales eran más propicios para la participación, principalmente de tipo territorial. Las agrupaciones de adultos mayores habían ido en continuo aumento en Chile, siendo más importantes después de la jubilación. La religiosidad seguía siendo una importante fuente de asociativismo. Las mujeres participaban más que los hombres, y sólo se equiparaban a los hombres después de los 80 años. CONCLUSIONES La percepción de bienestar subjetivo no depende únicamente de las condiciones objetivas de vida de como la salud e ingresos, sino también de una inserción activa en la sociedad, medida como participación en asociaciones, a pesar de que los efectos son moderados

    Social capital, social participation and life satisfaction among Chilean older adults

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    OBJECTIVE To examine factors associated with social participation and their relationship with self-perceived well-being in older adults. METHODS This study was based on data obtained from the National Socioeconomic Characterization (CASEN) Survey conducted in Chile, in 2011, on a probability sample of households. We examined information of 31,428 older adults living in these households. Descriptive and explanatory analyses were performed using linear and multivariate logistic regression models. We assessed the respondents’ participation in different types of associations: egotropic, sociotropic, and religious. RESULTS Social participation increased with advancing age and then declined after the age of 80. The main finding of this study was that family social capital is a major determinant of social participation of older adults. Their involvement was associated with high levels of self-perceived subjective well-being. We identified four settings as sources of social participation: home-based; rural community-based; social policy programs; and religious. Older adults were significantly more likely to participate when other members of the household were also involved in social activities evidencing an intergenerational transmission of social participation. Rural communities, especially territorial associations, were the most favorable setting for participation. There has been a steady increase in the rates of involvement of older adults in social groups in Chile, especially after retirement. Religiosity remains a major determinant of associativism. The proportion of participation was higher among older women than men but these proportions equaled after the age of 80. CONCLUSIONS Self-perceived subjective well-being is not only dependent upon objective factors such as health and income, but is also dependent upon active participation in social life, measured as participation in associations, though its effects are moderate