74 research outputs found

    Fixed Point Theorems for Set-Valued Mappings on TVS-Cone Metric Spaces

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    In the context of tvs-cone metric spaces, we prove a Bishop-Phelps and a Caristi's type theorem. These results allow us to prove a fixed point theorem for (δ,L)(\delta, L)-weak contraction according to a pseudo Hausdorff metric defined by means of a cone metric

    The Hawkes process with different excitation functions and its asymptotic behavior

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    Análisis y propuesta de uso de herramientas 2.0 en bibliotecas municipales de Castilla y León = Analysis and proposed use of tools 2.0 in municipal libraries of Castilla y León

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    Se pretende conocer la situación actual, en relación al uso que hacen de la web social, de las bibliotecas públicas municipales de municipios de Castilla y León cuyo número de habitantes esté comprendido entre 2000 y 5000 individuos. A través de una encuesta se valoran los resultados y se constata que el uso de estas herramientas por parte de las bibliotecas es muy escaso. A continuación se realiza un análisis de herramientas 2.0 susceptibles de formar parte de la propuesta de uso para las bibliotecas, se seleccionan cinco y se elabora una breve guía para que los bibliotecarios puedan hacer uso de ella con, relativamente, poco gasto en tiempo y en esfuerz

    Fixed points of set-valued mappings satisfying a Banach orbital condition

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    In this note, we prove a fixed point existence theorem for set-valued functions by extending the usual Banach orbital condition concept for single valued mappings. As we show, this result applies to various types of set-valued contractions existing in the literature

    Prueba de homogeneidad para procesos de poisson

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    Una prueba de hipótesis asintótica para verificar homogeneidad de un proceso de Poisson sobre ciertos subintervalos es desarrollada. Bajo la hipótesis nula, estimadores máximo verosímiles para los valores de la función intensidad sobre los subintervalos mencionados son determinados y usados en el test de homogeneidad.We developed an asymptotically optimal hypothesis test concerning the homogeneity of a Poisson process over various subintervals. Under the null hypothesis, maximum likelihood estimators for the values of the intensity function on the subintervals are determined, and are used in the test for homogeneity

    Bonding of the sector external as support to competitiveness in the public universities in the department of Cesar

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    El proyecto analiza la vinculación de la Instituciones educativas con el sector externo, como apoyo a la competitividad en los Universidades Públicas del Departamento del Cesar-Colombia; ya que se ha evidenciado, la necesidad de un mejor accionar en la vinculación y la competitividad con el fin de plantearse metas a corto y mediano plazo; fue pertinente la revisión de antecedentes referidos al área objeto de estudio, así como, las teorías conceptuales de mayor relevancia en el desarrollo del mismo. Para ello se desarrolló una investigación de diseño no experimental tipo transaccional descriptivo. La población de interés incluyó cuatro universidades públicas y cuatro empresas representativas en el Departamento del Cesar, y en estas ocho instituciones, se tomó una muestra de 48 personas por el criterio de estar comprometidas en el proceso de vinculación: Universidad- Sector empresarial. Se aplicaron dos cuestionarios de 24 preguntas cada uno, los cuales fueron validados por expertos de la Universidad Belloso Chacín. La conclusión con relación a las variables de vinculación, mostró un comportamiento significativo, respecto a las dimensiones incidencia de los factores condicionantes y los modelos de vinculación universidad/ sector productivo. En cuanto a la variable Competitividad, compuesta por las dimensiones factores determinantes y ventajas competitivas, mostraron un alto grado de incidencia en la construcción de estrategias competitivas en los entes organizacionales del departamento del Cesar.Abstract: The project referred to the area of the external sector involvement and Competitiveness, with the object, analyze the links to the external sector, to support competitiveness in the public universities of the Department of Cesar, Colombia, The aspect that justify this research, are framed within the theoretical, practical and methodological. As evidence, the need for these, in the field of action and linking competitiveness to set goals in the short and medium term, considering relevant background checks relating to the area under study, as well as conceptual theories more relevant in the development. Thus developed a descriptive, field and transactional non experimental descriptive Universe evaluating a population of 48 people and characterized as the same population sample related to the area under study, by applying two questionnaire consisting of 24 questions each, which were validated by an expert group affiliated to the University Belloso Chacin. The conclusion with regard to linking variables, showed a significant performance, regarding dimensions incidence of the conditioning factors and models linking University/productive sector. In terms of competitiveness, a variable composed of dimensions determining factors and competitive advantages, they showed a high degree of emphasis on the construction of competitive strategies in the organizational entities of the Department of Cesar

    Evaluation of Ecuadorian Cattle Farms.

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    A group of 146 dairy farms from the northwest highlands region of Ambato Canton, Ecuador,  was  evaluated. The techniques used were survey, observation of the technological process, and selection of 20 produ ction indicators as variables of conglomerate classification and analysis. An average of 1.9 and 1.5 ha were allocated to pasture production, with a stocking rate of 1.3 of adult bovine unit s/ha, 22 animals per farm (17 being milked).  Dairy production is 6.1 l/cow/farm/day, and 10.1 l/farm/day. Two different groups  of units were made for pasturelands,  stocking rate, production per animal, farm/day, and farm/year; as well as for hygiene, husbandry, and reproduction. The first group was made up of 119 units, and had the lower results; the second group was made up of 27 animals. The group with the better results, located  in areas with improved pasture, received better nutrition,  and genetic breeding was performed. Actions are proposed to enhance production in the less efficient group. These results,  combined with previous social and economic studies are the basis for further implementation by the provincial Government of Tungurahua, and other national bodies