23 research outputs found

    Matrix composition mediates effects of habitat fragmentation: a modelling study

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    Context Habitat loss has clear negative effects on biodiversity, but whether fragmentation per se (FPS), excluding habitat loss does is debatable. A contribution to this debate may be that many fragmentation studies tend to use landscapes of fragmented focal-habitat and a single vastly different species-poor intervening land cover (the matrix). Objectives How does matrix composition influence the effect of FPS on biodiversity?. Methods Using an individual-based model to investigate the effect of different configurations of the matrix on the relationship between FPS and biodiversity of the focal-habitat. We manipulated the number and quality of land cover types in the matrix, and their similarity to the focal-habitat. Results Extremely different matrix, caused an order of magnitude stronger effect of FPS on alpha- and gamma-diversity and beta-diversity to decline. Low FPS led to high gamma-diversity. Increasing FPS caused a dramatic decline to low diversity. In contrast landscapes with a more similar matrix had lower diversity under low FPS declining little with increasing FPS. Having few matrix types caused beta-diversity to decline in general compared to landscapes with a larger numbers. Conclusions The effects of FPS on biodiversity may change depending on the number of matrix types and their similarity to the focal-habitat. We recommend that fragmentation studies should consider a greater variety of landscapes to help assess in which cases FPS does not have a negative impact and allow better predictions of the impacts of fragmentation. We show the importance of having a diversity of matrix land cover types and improving the hospitability of the matrix for species dependent on the focal-habitat

    Natural history of the Neotropical arboreal ant, Odontomachus hastatus: Nest sites, foraging schedule, and diet

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)The ecology of most arboreal ants remains poorly documented because of the difficulty in accessing ant nests and foragers in the forest canopy. This study documents the nesting and foraging ecology of a large (similar to 13 mm total length) arboreal trap-jaw ant, Odontomachus hastatus (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a sandy plain forest on Cardoso Island, off the coast of Southeast Brazil. The results showed that O. hastatus nested in root clusters of epiphytic bromeliads, most commonly Vriesea procera (70% of nest plants). Mature O. hastatus colonies include one to several queens and about 500 workers. Foraging by O. hastatus is primarily nocturnal year-round, with increased foraging activity during the wet/warm season. The foragers hunt singly in the trees, preying on a variety of canopy-dwelling arthropods, with flies, moths, ants, and spiders accounting for > 60% of the prey captured. Although predators often have impacts on prey populations, the ecological importance of O. hastatus remains to be studied.12Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino, a Pesquisa e a Extensao (FAEPEX)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Interactions between ant species increase arrival rates of an ant parasitoid

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    Behaviours or traits associated with aggression and communication may increase an animal's conspicuousness to predators or parasitoids. Most examples of this come from instances of aggression or communication within a species. We tested whether interspecific encounters between ants enhance the host location success of a parasitoid (Diptera: Phoridae) that attacks ants in the genus Linepithema. At food resources recruited to by Linepithema, parasitoid discovery rates were lower when Linepithema was alone than when other ant species were present. In experimentally controlled encounters, parasitoid discovery rates were elevated when Linepithema confronted an ant species that elicited use of chemicals, but not when it confronted an ant species that primarily elicited physical aggression. These results indicate that phorid parasitoids of Linepithema use the ant's chemicals as host location cues. Because Linepithema is known to abandon food resources in the presence of its phorid parasitoids, its use of chemicals during interspecific encounters may diminish its competitive success when phorids are nearby. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf or The Association for the Study or Animal Behaviour.6561187119

    Nesting patterns, ecological correlates of polygyny and social organization in the neotropical arboreal ant Odontomachus hastatus (Formicidae, Ponerinae)

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Queen number varies in the population of O. hastatus in SE Brazil. Here, we evaluate how nesting ecology and colony structure are associated in this species, and investigate how reproduction is shared among nestmate queens. Queen number per colony is positively correlated with nesting space (root cluster of epiphytic bromeliads), and larger nest sites host larger ant colonies. Plant samplings revealed that suitable nest sites are limited and that nesting space at ant-occupied bromeliads differs in size and height from the general bromeliad community. Dissections revealed that queens in polygynous colonies are inseminated, have developed ovaries, and produce eggs. Behavioral observations showed that reproduction in polygynous colonies is mediated by queen-queen agonistic interactions that include egg cannibalism. Dominant queens usually produced more eggs. Field observations indicate that colonies can be initiated through haplometrosis. Polygyny in O. hastatus may result either from groups of cofounding queens (pleometrosis) or from adoption of newly mated queens by established colonies (secondary polygyny). Clumping of bromeliads increases nest space and probably adds stability through a strong root system, which may promote microhabitat selection by queens and favor pleometrosis. Rainstorms that frequently knock down bromeliads can be a source of colony break-up and may promote polygyny. Bromeliads are limited nest sites and may represent a risk for young queens leaving a suitable nest, thus favoring secondary polygyny. Although proximate mechanisms mediating queen number are poorly understood, this study suggests that heterogeneous microhabitat conditions probably contribute to the coexistence of variable forms of social structure in O. hastatus.582207217Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)University Paul SabatierFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)FAPESP [08/54058-1, 2000/00442-3]CNPq [304521/2006-0, 301853/2009-6