17 research outputs found

    Impacto do exercício físico isolado e combinado com dieta sobre os níveis séricos de HDL, LDL, colesterol total e triglicerídeos Impact of isolated and combined with diet physical exercise on the HDL, LDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides plasma levels

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    Adequados hábitos alimentares e a prática de exercícios físicos exercem efeito benéfico sobre as dislipidemias. Se associados, podem ainda otimizar as mudanças do perfil lipoprotéico plasmático, sendo, além disso, intervenções de custo moderado quando comparados com tratamentos medicamentosos e dependentes de alta tecnologia. Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar o impacto do exercício físico isolado e combinado com dieta sobre o perfil lipídico em indivíduos com sobrepeso/obesos. O presente trabalho é do tipo retrospectivo analítico observacional. Nele foi analisada a evolução do perfil lipídico e do peso, por período entre três e seis meses, de 30 indivíduos, divididos em dois grupos: grupo exercício (prática de exercício físico) e grupo dieta (prática de exercício físico associada à intervenção nutricional). Foram encontradas reduções estatisticamente significativas no CT (-14,4mg/dl; P = 0,022) e no LDL-c (-20,9mg/dl; P = 0,013) para os componentes do grupo exercício. Tal redução também ocorreu em relação à razão CT/HDL-c (-0,9; P = 0,005) para os componentes do grupo dieta. Foi observada elevação dos níveis de HDL-c, apenas no grupo dieta (+4,2 mg/dl). Nesse mesmo grupo verificou-se diminuição no CT (-8mg/dl) e no LDL-c (-9,8mg/dl), bem como redução de peso (-2,6kg), no entanto, tais resultados não foram estatisticamente significativos. Quanto aos níveis de TG, não foi verificada evolução positiva em ambos os grupos. Concluiu-se que o efeito isolado do exercício físico foi mais evidente em relação às variáveis CT e LDL-c. Os TG não sofreram modificações positivas com a prática exclusiva de exercícios físicos ou com sua associação à dieta. Para as variáveis HDL-c e peso, a combinação da dieta com o exercício físico apresentou maiores benefícios.<br>Adequate eating habits and physical exercise have a beneficial effect on dislipidemies. When associated, they might even optimize changes to the plasmatic lipoproteic profile, apart of which they are moderate-cost interventions if compared to drug-based and high-tech depending treatments. The present study aims at assessing the impact of physical exercise as isolated and combined with a diet on the lipidic profile of overweight/obese individuals. Tn observational analytical retrospective study has looked into the evolution of the lipidic profile and weight over a period of 3 to 6 months of 30 individuals divided in two groups: the exercise group (physical exercise practice) and the diet group (physical exercise associated with a nutritional intervention). Significant statistical reductions were found in the CT (-14.4 mg/dl; P=0,022) and in the LDL-c (-20.9 mg/dl; P = 0,013) for the components in the exercise group. Such reduction has also occurred regarding the CT/HDL-c (-0,9; P = 0,005) ratio for the components of the diet group. The increase in the HDL-c levels was observed only in the diet group (+4.2 mg/dl). In this same group a decrease in the CT (-8 mg/dl) and in the LDL-c (-9,8 mg/dl) was observed as well as a weight reduction (-2.6 Kg), however, such results have not been statistically significant. Regarding the TG levels, there was no evidence for a positive evolution in either group. As a conclusion, the isolated effect of physical exercise was more evident concerning the variables CT and LDL-c. The TG did not undergo positive modifications upon the exclusive practice of physical exercise or with their association with the diet. As for variables HDL-c and weight, the combination of diet and physical exercise has proven to bring enhanced benefits

    Maturational changes in automated EEG spectral power analysis in preterm infants

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    Item does not contain fulltextOur study aimed at automated power spectral analysis of the EEG in preterm infants to identify changes of spectral measures with maturation. Weekly (10-20 montage) 4-h EEG recordings were performed in 18 preterm infants with GA <32 wk and normal neurological follow-up at 2 y, resulting in 79 recordings studied from 27(+4) to 36(+3) wk of postmenstrual age (PMA, GA + postnatal age). Automated spectral analysis was performed on 4-h EEG recordings. The frequency spectrum was divided in delta 1 (0.5-1 Hz), delta 2 (1-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha (8-13 Hz), and beta (13-30 Hz) band. Absolute and relative power of each frequency band and spectral edge frequency were calculated. Maturational changes in spectral measures were observed most clearly in the centrotemporal channels. With advancing PMA, absolute powers of delta 1 to 2 and theta decreased. With advancing PMA, relative power of delta 1 decreased and relative powers of alpha and beta increased, respectively. In conclusion, with maturation, spectral analysis of the EEG showed a significant shift from the lower to the higher frequencies. Computer analysis of EEG will allow an objective and reproducible analysis for long-term prognosis and/or stratification of clinical treatment