332 research outputs found

    Does sensory relearning improve tactile function after carpal tunnel decompression? A pragmatic, assessor-blinded, randomized clinical trial

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    Despite surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) being effective in 80-90% of cases, chronic numbness and hand disability can occur. The aim of this study was to investigate whether sensory relearning improves tactile discrimination and hand function after decompression. In a multi-centre, pragmatic, randomized, controlled trial, 104 patients were randomized to sensory relearning (n=52) or control (n=52) group. 93 patients completed 12 week follow-up. Primary outcome was the Shape-Texture Identification (STI) test at 6 weeks. Secondary outcomes were touch threshold, touch localisation, dexterity and self-reported hand function. No significant group differences were seen for the primary outcome (STI) at 6 weeks or 12 weeks. Similarly, no significant group differences were observed on secondary outcomes, with the exception of self-reported hand function. A secondary Complier-Averaged-CausalEffects (CACE) analysis showed no statistically significant treatment effect on the primary outcome. Sensory relearning for tactile sensory and functional deficits after carpal tunnel decompression is not effective

    Turnover of Carbohydrate-Rich Vegetal Matter During Microaerobic Composting and After Amendment in Soil

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    We propose that microaerobic composting (MC) can be used to decompose vegetal matter with a short turnover time and large carbon (C) recycling potential. We used a novel method for measuring the degree of fragmentation of water-insoluble acid-soluble (WIAS) polysaccharides as a proxy in tracking their relative degree of degradation (i.e., fragmentation endpoint index). Oak leaves and food scrap processed by MC reached a fragmentation end point within 2 weeks. After amending the MC products into soil, the half-life of the polysaccharide residues was ~6–7 times longer (~100–110 days) than that measured during MC. The main products given up during MC were volatile organic acids (VOAs), alcohols and soluble carbohydrates in the compost tea, and CO2. These products accounted for about 2% of the initial carbon in the feedstock. Very small amounts of VOAs, particularly butyric acid, were formed in the amended soil. Based on a residence time of materials in fermentors of 2 weeks, a ~100-m3 capacity MC facility could process 2,000–4,000 metric tons of vegetable matter amended in ten hectares of arable land per year

    An adolescent with both Wegener's Granulomatosis and chronic blastomycosis

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    We report a case of Wegener's Granulomatosis (WG) associated with blastomycosis. This appears to be the first case report of WG co-existing with a tissue proven blastomycosis infection. The temporal correlation of the two conditions suggests that blastomycosis infection (and therefore possibly other fungal infections), may trigger the systemic granulomatous vasculitis in a predisposed individual; a provocative supposition warranting further study

    Age-associated mitochondrial DNA mutations cause metabolic remodelling that contributes to accelerated intestinal tumorigenesis.

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    Oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) defects caused by somatic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations increase with age in human colorectal epithelium and are prevalent in colorectal tumours, but whether they actively contribute to tumorigenesis remains unknown. Here we demonstrate that mtDNA mutations causing OXPHOS defects are enriched during the human adenoma/carcinoma sequence, suggesting they may confer a metabolic advantage. To test this we deleted the tumour suppressor Apc in OXPHOS deficient intestinal stem cells in mice. The resulting tumours were larger than in control mice due to accelerated cell proliferation and reduced apoptosis. We show that both normal crypts and tumours undergo metabolic remodelling in response to OXPHOS deficiency by upregulating the de novo serine synthesis pathway (SSP). Moreover, normal human colonic crypts upregulate the SSP in response to OXPHOS deficiency prior to tumorigenesis. Our data show that age-associated OXPHOS deficiency causes metabolic remodelling that can functionally contribute to accelerated intestinal cancer development

    Room temperature mid-IR single photon spectral imaging

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    Spectral imaging and detection of mid-infrared (mid-IR) wavelengths are emerging as an enabling technology of great technical and scientific interest; primarily because important chemical compounds display unique and strong mid-IR spectral fingerprints revealing valuable chemical information. While modern Quantum cascade lasers have evolved as ideal coherent mid-IR excitation sources, simple, low noise, room temperature detectors and imaging systems still lag behind. We address this need presenting a novel, field-deployable, upconversion system for sensitive, 2-D, mid-IR spectral imaging. Measured room temperature dark noise is 0.2 photons/spatial element/second, which is a billion times below the dark noise level of cryogenically cooled InSb cameras. Single photon imaging and up to 200 x 100 spatial elements resolution is obtained reaching record high continuous wave quantum efficiency of about 20 % for polarized incoherent light at 3 \mum. The proposed method is relevant for existing and new mid-IR applications like gas analysis and medical diagnostics

    Measuring Fluorescent Dye in the Bubbly and Sediment-Laden Surfzone

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    Decisions about recreational beach closures would be enhanced if better estimates of surfzone contaminant transport and dilution were available. In situ methods for measuring fluorescent Rhodamine WT dye tracer in the surfzone are presented, increasing the temporal and spatial resolution over previous surfzone techniques. Bubbles and sand suspended by breaking waves in the surfzone interfere with in situ optical fluorometer dye measurements, increasing the lower bound for dye detection (≈ 1 ppb) and reducing (quenching) measured dye concentrations. Simultaneous turbidity measurements are used to estimate the level of bubble and sand interference and correct dye estimates. After correction, root-mean-square dye concentration errors are estimated to be < 5% of dye concentration magnitude, thus demonstrating the viability of in situ surfzone fluorescent dye measurements. The surfzone techniques developed here may be applicable to other environments with high bubble and sand concentrations (e.g., cascading rivers and streams)

    Mechanism of action for N-substituted benzamide-induced apoptosis

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    We have analysed the mechanism of action for induction of apoptosis by N-substituted benzamides using declopramide as a lead compound. We show here that declopramide at doses above 250 μM in the mouse 70Z/3 pre-B cell line or in the human promyeolocytic cancer cell line HL60 induced cytochrome c release into the cytosol and caspase-9 activation. The broad spectrum caspase inhibitor zVADfmk and caspase-9 inhibitor zLEDHfmk inhibited apoptosis and improved cell viability when administrated to cells 1 h before exposure to declopramide, whereas the caspase-8 inhibitor zIEDHfmk had less effect. Also, the over expression of Bcl-2 by transfection in 70Z/3 cells inhibited declopramide-induced apoptosis. Prior to the induction of apoptosis, a G2/M cell cycle block was induced by declopramide. The cell cycle block was also observed in the presence of broad spectrum caspase inhibitor zVADfmk and in a transfectant expressing high levels of Bcl-2. Furthermore, while p53 was induced in 70Z/3 cells by declopramide, neither the apoptotic mechanism nor the G2/M cell cycle block were dependent on p53 activation since both effects were also seen in p53 deficient HL60 cells after addition of declopramide

    Drug transporters: recent advances concerning BCRP and tyrosine kinase inhibitors

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    Multidrug resistance is often associated with the (over)expression of drug efflux transporters of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) protein family. This minireview discusses the role of one selected ABC-transporter family member, the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2), in the (pre)clinical efficacy of novel experimental anticancer drugs, in particular tyrosine kinase inhibitors