26 research outputs found

    Reliability of two behavioral tools to assess pain in preterm neonates

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    CONTEXT: One of the main difficulties in adequately treating the pain of neonatal patients is the scarcity of validated pain evaluation methods for this population. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the reliability of two behavioral pain scales in neonates. TYPE OF STUDY: Cross-sectional. SETTING: University hospital neonatal intensive care unit. PARTICIPANTS: 22 preterm neonates were studied, with gestational age of 34 ± 2 weeks, birth weight of 1804 ± 584 g, 68% female, 30 ± 12 hours of life, and 30% intubated. PROCEDURES: Two neonatologists (A and B) observed the patients at the bedside and on video films for 10 minutes. The Neonatal Facial Coding System and the Clinical Scoring System were scored at 1, 5, and 10 minutes. The final score was the median of the three values for each observer and scale. A and B were blinded to each other. Video assessments were made three months after bedside evaluations. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: End scores were compared between the observers using the intraclass correlation coefficient and bias analysis (paired t test and signal test). RESULTS: For the Neonatal Facial Coding System, at the bedside and on video, A and B showed a significant correlation of scores (intraclass correlation score: 0.62), without bias between them (t test and signal test: p > 0.05). For the Clinical Scoring System bedside assessment, A and B showed correlation of scores (intraclass correlation score: 0.55), but bias was also detected between them: A scored on average two points higher than B (paired t test and signal test: p 0,05). Para a Escala de Conforto Clínico à beira do leito, os escores obtidos por A e B mostraram uma correlação significante (0,55), foi detectado: o escore obtido por A foi, em média, dois pontos superior ao de B (teste t e do sinal: p < 0,05). Para a mesma escala aplicada em vídeo, os escores obtidos por A e B não mostraram correlação (0,25) e detectou-se viés (teste t e do sinal: p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados reforçam a confiabilidade do Sistema de Codificação da Atividade Facial Neonatal aplicado à beira do leito para a avaliação da dor no recém-nascido pré-termo.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Neonatal DivisionUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Department of EpidemiologyUNIFESP, EPM, Neonatal DivisionUNIFESP, EPM, Department of EpidemiologySciEL

    Darwin's Duchenne: Eye constriction during infant joy and distress

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    Darwin proposed that smiles with eye constriction (Duchenne smiles) index strong positive emotion in infants, while cry-faces with eye constriction index strong negative emotion. Research has supported Darwin's proposal with respect to smiling, but there has been little parallel research on cry-faces (open-mouth expressions with lateral lip stretching). To investigate the possibility that eye constriction indexes the affective intensity of positive and negative emotions, we first conducted the Face-to-Face/Still-Face (FFSF) procedure at 6 months. In the FFSF, three minutes of naturalistic infant-parent play interaction (which elicits more smiles than cry-faces) are followed by two minutes in which the parent holds an unresponsive still-face (which elicits more cry-faces than smiles). Consistent with Darwin's proposal, eye constriction was associated with stronger smiling and with stronger cry-faces. In addition, the proportion of smiles with eye constriction was higher during the positive-emotion eliciting play episode than during the still-face. In parallel, the proportion of cry-faces with eye constriction was higher during the negative-emotion eliciting still-face than during play. These results are consonant with the hypothesis that eye constriction indexes the affective intensity of both positive and negative facial configurations. A preponderance of eye constriction during cry-faces was observed in a second elicitor of intense negative emotion, vaccination injections, at both 6 and 12 months of age. The results support the existence of a Duchenne distress expression that parallels the more well-known Duchenne smile. This suggests that eye constriction-the Duchenne marker-has a systematic association with early facial expressions of intense negative and positive emotion. © 2013 Mattson et al

    Multidimensional pain assessment of preterm newborns at the 1st, 3rd and 7th days of life

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: It is challenge to assess and treat pain in premature infants. The objective of this study was to compare the multidimensional pain assessment of preterm neonates subjected to an acute pain stimulus at 24 hours, 72 hours and seven days of life. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective cohort study, at Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). METHODS: Eleven neonates with gestational age less than 37 weeks that needed venepuncture for blood collection were studied. The exclusion criteria were Apgar score < 7 at five minutes, presence of any central nervous system abnormality, and discharge or death before seven days of life. Venepuncture was performed in the dorsum of the hand, and the heart rate, oxygen saturation and pain scales [Neonatal Facial Coding System (NFCS), Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS), and Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP)] were assessed at 24 hours, 72 hours and 7 days of life. NFCS and NIPS were evaluated prior to procedure (Tpre), during venepuncture (T0), and two (T2) and five (T5) minutes after needle withdrawal. Heart rate, O2 saturation and PIPP were measured at Tpre and T0. Mean values were compared by repeated-measurement analysis of variance. RESULTS: The pain parameters did not differ at 24 hours, 72 hours and 7 days of life: heart rate (p = 0.22), oxygen saturation (p = 0.69), NFCS (p = 0.40), NIPS (p = 0.32) and PIPP (p = 0.56). CONCLUSION: Homogeneous pain scores were observed following venepuncture in premature infants during their first week of life.CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: É um desafio avaliar e tratar a dor do bebê prematuro. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar, diante de um mesmo estímulo doloroso agudo, as respostas multidimensionais à dor obtidas ao longo da primeira semana de vida de prematuros. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Coorte prospectiva, na Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). MÉTODOS: Estudo de 11 neonatos com idade gestacional inferior a 37 semanas e necessidade de punção venosa para coleta de sangue, sendo excluídos aqueles com Apgar < 7 aos cinco minutos, alterações do sistema nervoso central e os que faleceram ou tiveram alta até sete dias de vida. A punção venosa foi feita no dorso da mão e avaliou-se a freqüência cardíaca, a saturação de oxigênio e as seguintes escalas de dor: NFCS (Neonatal Facial Coding System), NIPS (Neonatal Infant Pain Scale) e PIPP (Premature Infant Pain Profile) com 24, 72 horas e no sétimo dia de vida. A NFCS e a NIPS foram pontuadas antes da punção venosa (Tpré), durante (T0), dois (T2) e cinco (T5) minutos após. A freqüência cardíaca, a saturação de oxigênio e a PIPP foram analisadas em Tpré e T0. Compararam-se os valores médios das variáveis nos três momentos por análise de variância com medidas repetidas. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças no primeiro, terceiro e sétimo dias para freqüência cardíaca (p = 0,22), saturação de oxigênio (p = 0,69), NFCS (p = 0,40), NIPS (p = 0,32) e PIPP (p = 0,56). CONCLUSÃO: Houve homogeneidade da avaliação da dor causada por punção venosa em prematuros, ao longo da primeira semana de vida.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Department of PediatricsUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Department of Preventive MedicineUNIFESP, EPM, Department of PediatricsUNIFESP, EPM, Department of Preventive MedicineCAPES: 1068-02SciEL

    ICD-10 coding algorithms for defining comorbidities of acute myocardial infarction

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    BACKGROUND: With the introduction of ICD-10 throughout Canada, it is important to ensure that Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) comorbidities employed in risk adjustment methods remain valid and robust. Therefore, we developed ICD-10 coding algorithms for nine AMI comorbidities, examined the validity of the ICD-10 and ICD-9 coding algorithms in detection of these comorbidities, and assessed their performance in predicting mortality. The nine comorbidities that we examined were shock, diabetes with complications, congestive heart failure, cancer, cerebrovascular disease, pulmonary edema, acute renal failure, chronic renal failure, and cardiac dysrhythmias. METHODS: Coders generated a comprehensive list of ICD-10 codes corresponding to each AMI comorbidity. Physicians independently reviewed and determined the clinical relevance of each item on the list. To ensure that the newly developed ICD-10 coding algorithms were valid in recording comorbidities, medical charts were reviewed. After assessing ICD-10 algorithms' validity, both ICD-10 and ICD-9 algorithms were applied to a Canadian provincial hospital discharge database to predict in-hospital, 30-day, and 1-year mortality. RESULTS: Compared to chart review data as a 'criterion standard', ICD-9 and ICD-10 data had similar sensitivities (ranging from 7.1 – 100%), and specificities (above 93.6%) for each of the nine AMI comorbidities studied. The frequencies for the comorbidities were similar between ICD-9 and ICD-10 coding algorithms for 49,861 AMI patients in a Canadian province during 1994 – 2004. The C-statistics for predicting 30-day and 1 year mortality were the same for ICD-9 (0.82) and for ICD-10 data (0.81). CONCLUSION: The ICD-10 coding algorithms developed in this study to define AMI comorbidities performed similarly as past ICD-9 coding algorithms in detecting conditions and risk-adjustment in our sample. However, the ICD-10 coding algorithms should be further validated in external databases

    A vibração torácica na fisioterapia respiratória de recém-nascidos causa dor? Does chest vibration during respiratory physiotherapy in neonates cause pain?

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a dor em recém-nascidos pré-termo (RNPT) submetidos à fisioterapia respiratória em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com recém-nascidos prematuros, com indicação de fisioterapia respiratória, em respiração espontânea. Foi aplicada uma técnica de vibração torácica com a mão do terapeuta realizando pequenas oscilações sobre o tórax do paciente e feita a avaliação da frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (FR), saturação de pulso de oxigênio (SpO2) e do Sistema de Codificação da Atividade Facial Neonatal (NFCS) para a avaliação da dor antes, durante, imediatamente após (pós-i) e 30 minutos após (pós-30) a vibração no tórax do paciente. Utilizou-se a análise de variância para medidas repetidas para comparação entre as fases, considerando-se significante p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 13 RNPT, com média de idade gestacional 32,5±2,0 semanas e peso de nascimento 1830±442g. Não foi observada pontuação de dor durante toda a avaliação: pré: 0,5±1,7; durante: 1,5±1,4; pós-i: 1,0±1,3; pós-30: 0±0,3, porém houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a fase pós-i e pós-30 na escala NFCS (p<0,05). A FC variou de 120 a 150bpm, a SpO2 permaneceu acima de 95%, e a FR entre 40 e 62rpm, sem diferenças entre os períodos. CONCLUSÕES: Neste grupo de pacientes prematuros internados em UTI neonatal e submetidos à realização de fisioterapia respiratória pela técnica de vibração torácica, não foram observadas alterações fisiológicas e comportamentais de dor<br>OBJECTIVE: To observe pain score during chest physiotherapy (CP) in preterm newborns (PTNB) assisted in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out with PTNB with spontaneous breathing that needed respiratory physiotherapy. A vibration technique was employed, with the hand of the therapist applying oscillations on the patients' thorax. The following variables were assessed: heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR) and oxygen saturation (O2Sat), as well as the Neonatal Facial Coding System (NFCS) to analyze pain before (pre), during, just after and 30 minutes after the thoracic vibration technique. Repeated measures analysis of variance was applied to analyze the protocol phases, being significant p<0.05. RESULTS: Thirteen PTNB were assessed. The mean gestational age was 32.5±2.0 weeks, and the birth weight was 1830±442g. No pain was observed during the evaluation: "pre": 0.5±1.7; "during": 1.5±1.4; "just after": 1.0±1.3; "30 min after": 0±0.3, but there was difference in the NFCS scores between the periods "just after" and "30 minutes after" (p<0.05). The HR varied between 120 and 150bpm, O2Sat levels remained over 95%, and RR oscillated from 40 to 62mpm, without differences between periods. CONCLUSIONS: Preterm patients spontaneously breathing and submitted to respiratory physiotherapy by thoracic vibration, no evidence of physiological or behavioral pain indicators were observe

    Neonatal Pain-Related Stress and NFKBIA Genotype Are Associated with Altered Cortisol Levels in Preterm Boys at School Age

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    Neonatal pain-related stress is associated with elevated salivary cortisol levels to age 18 months in children born very preterm, compared to full-term, suggesting early programming effects. Importantly, interactions between immune/inflammatory and neuroendocrine systems may underlie programming effects. We examined whether cortisol changes persist to school age, and if common genetic variants in the promoter region of the NFKBIA gene involved in regulation of immune and inflammatory responses, modify the association between early experience and later life stress as indexed by hair cortisol levels, which provide an integrated index of endogenous HPA axis activity. Cortisol was assayed in hair samples from 128 children (83 born preterm ≤32 weeks gestation and 45 born full-term) without major sensory, motor or cognitive impairments at age 7 years. We found that hair cortisol levels were lower in preterm compared to term-born children. Downregulation of the HPA axis in preterm children without major impairment, seen years after neonatal stress terminated, suggests persistent alteration of stress system programming. Importantly, the etiology was gender-specific such that in preterm boys but not girls, specifically those with the minor allele for NFKBIA rs2233409, lower hair cortisol was associated with greater neonatal pain (number of skin-breaking procedures from birth to term), independent of medical confounders. Moreover, the minor allele (CT or TT) of NFKBIA rs2233409 was associated with higher secretion of inflammatory cytokines, supporting the hypothesis that neonatal pain-related stress may act as a proinflammatory stimulus that induces long-term immune cell activation. These findings are the first evidence that a long-term association between early pain-related stress and cortisol may be mediated by a genetic variants that regulate the activity of NF-κB, suggesting possible involvement of stress/inflammatory mechanisms in HPA programming in boys born very preterm