591 research outputs found

    Coexistence of Single and Double-Quantum Vortex Lines

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    We discuss the configurations in which singly and doubly quantized vortex lines may coexist in a rotating superfluid. General principles of energy minimization lead to the conclusion that in equilibrium the two vortex species segregate within a cylindrical vortex cluster in two coaxial domains where the singly quantized lines are in the outer annular region. This is confirmed with simulation calculations on discrete vortex lines. Experimentally the coexistence can be studied in rotating superfluid 3^3He-A. With cw NMR techniques we find the radial distribution of the two vortex species to depend on how the cluster is prepared: (i) By cooling through TcT_c in rotation, coexistence in the minimum energy configuration is confirmed. (ii) A glassy agglomerate is formed if one starts with an equilibrium cluster of single-quantum vortex lines and adds to it sequentially double-quantum lines, by increasing the rotation velocity in the superfluid state. This proves that the energy barriers, which separate different cluster configurations, are too high for metastabilities to anneal.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures; Changed content, 15 pages, 14 figure

    Composite defect extends cosmology - 3He analogy

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    Spin-mass vortices have been observed to form in rotating superfluid 3He-B following the absorption of a thermal neutron and a rapid transition from the normal to superfluid state. The spin-mass vortex is a composite defect which consists of a planar soliton (wall) which terminates on a linear core (string). This observation fits well within the framework of a cosmological scenario for defect formation, known as the Kibble-Zurek mechanism. It suggests that in the early Universe analogous cosmological defects might have formed.Comment: RevTeX file, 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., modified according to referee repor

    Nucleation of vortices by rapid thermal quench

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    We show that vortex nucleation in superfluid 3^3He by rapid thermal quench in the presence of superflow is dominated by a transverse instability of the moving normal-superfluid interface. Exact expressions for the instability threshold as a function of supercurrent density and the front velocity are found. The results are verified by numerical solution of the Ginzburg-Landau equation.Comment: 4 Pages, 4 Figure, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    ``Cosmological'' scenario for A-B phase transition in superfluid 3He

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    At a very rapid superfluid transition in 3^3He, follows after a reaction with single neutron, the creation of topological defects (vortices) has recently been demonstrated in accordance with the Kibble-Zurek scenario for the cosmological analogue. We discuss here the extension of the Kibble-Zurek scenario to the case when alternative symmetries may be broken and different states nucleated independently. We have calculated the nucleation probability of the various states of superfluid 3^3He during a superfluid transition. Our results can explain the transition from supercooled AA phase to the BB phase, triggered by nuclear reaction. The new scenario is an alternative to the well-known ``baked Alaska'' scenario.Comment: RevTex file, 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Evidence for Thermally Activated Spontaneous Fluxoid Formation in Superconducting Thin-Film Rings

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    We have observed spontaneous fluxoid generation in thin-film rings of the amorphous superconductor Mo3_3Si, cooled through the normal-superconducting transition, as a function of quench rate and externally applied magnetic field, using a variable sample temperature scanning SQUID microscope. Our results can be explained using a model of freezout of thermally activated fluxoids, mediated by the transport of bulk vortices across the ring walls. This mechanism is complementary to a mechanism proposed by Kibble and Zurek, which only relies on causality to produce a freezout of order parameter fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Defect formation and local gauge invariance

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    We propose a new mechanism for formation of topological defects in a U(1) model with a local gauge symmetry. This mechanism leads to definite predictions, which are qualitatively different from those of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism of global theories. We confirm these predictions in numerical simulations, and they can also be tested in superconductor experiments. We believe that the mechanism generalizes to more complicated theories.Comment: REVTeX, 4 pages, 2 figures. The explicit form of the Hamiltonian and the equations of motion added. To appear in PRL (http://prl.aps.org/

    Transition to superfluid turbulence governed by an intrinsic parameter

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    Hydrodynamic flow in both classical and quantum fluids can be either laminar or turbulent. To describe the latter, vortices in turbulent flow are modelled with stable vortex filaments. While this is an idealization in classical fluids, vortices are real topologically stable quantized objects in superfluids. Thus superfluid turbulence is thought to hold the key to new understanding on turbulence in general. The fermion superfluid 3He offers further possibilities owing to a large variation in its hydrodynamic characteristics over the experimentally accessible temperatures. While studying the hydrodynamics of the B phase of superfluid 3He, we discovered a sharp transition at 0.60Tc between two regimes, with regular behaviour at high-temperatures and turbulence at low-temperatures. Unlike in classical fluids, this transition is insensitive to velocity and occurs at a temperature where the dissipative vortex damping drops below a critical limit. This discovery resolves the conflict between existing high- and low-temperature measurements in 3He-B: At high temperatures in rotating flow a vortex loop injected into superflow has been observed to expand monotonically to a single rectilinear vortex line, while at very low temperatures a tangled network of quantized vortex lines can be generated in a quiescent bath with a vibrating wire. The solution of this conflict reveals a new intrinsic criterion for the existence of superfluid turbulence.Comment: Revtex file; 5 pages, 2 figure

    Vortex Multiplication in Applied Flow: the Precursor to Superfluid Turbulence

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    The dynamics of quantized vortices in rotating 3^3He-B is investigated in the low density (single-vortex) regime as a function of temperature. An abrupt transition is observed at 0.5Tc0.5 T_{\rm c}. Above this temperature the number of vortex lines remains constant, as they evolve to their equilibrium positions. Below this temperature the number of vortices increases linearly in time until the vortex density has grown sufficiently for turbulence to switch on. On the basis of numerical calculations we suggest a mechanism responsible for vortex formation at low temperatures and identify the mutual friction parameter which governs its abrupt temperature dependence.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; version submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Defect Formation in Quench-Cooled Superfluid Phase Transition

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    We use neutron absorption in rotating 3He-B to heat locally a 10 micrometer-size volume into normal phase. When the heated region cools back in microseconds, vortex lines are formed. We record with NMR the number of lines as a function of superflow velocity and compare to the Kibble-Zurek theory of vortex-loop freeze-out from a random network of defects. The measurements confirm the calculated loop-size distribution and show that also the superfluid state itself forms as a patchwork of competing A and B phase blobs. This explains the A to B transition in supercooled neutron-irradiated 3He-A.Comment: RevTex file, 4 pages, 3 figures, resubmitted to Phys. Rev. Let
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