10 research outputs found

    The role of patient characteristics and the effects of angiogenic therapies on the microvasculature of the meniscus: A systematic review

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    Background: Considerable interindividual variation in meniscal microvascularization has been reported. The purpose of this review was to identify which patient characteristics affect meniscal microvascularization and provide a structured overview of angiogenic therapies that influence meniscal neovascularization. Methods: A systematic literature search was undertaken using PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane library and Emcare from inception to November 2021. Studies reporting on (1) Patient characteristics that affect meniscal microvascularization, or (2) Therapies that induce neovascularization in meniscal tissue were included. Studies were graded in quality using the Anatomical Quality Assessment (AQUA) tool. The study was registered with PROSPERO(ID:CRD42021242479). Results: Thirteen studies reported on patient characteristics and eleven on angiogenic therapies. The influence of Age, Degenerative knee, Gender, and Race was reported. Age is the most studied factor. The entire meniscus is vascularized around birth. With increasing age, vascularization decreases from the inner to the peripheral margin. Around 11 years, blood vessels are primarily located in the peripheral third of the menisci. There seems to be a further decrease in vascularization with increasing age in adults, yet conflicting literature exists. Degenerative changes of the knee also seem to influence meniscal vascularization, but evidence is limited. Angiogenic therapies to improve meniscal vascularization have only been studied in preclinical setting. The use of synovial flap transplantation, stem cell therapy, vascular endothelial growth factor, and angiogenin has shown promising results. Conclusion: To decrease failure rates of meniscal repair, a better understanding of patient-specific vascular anatomy is essential. Translational clinical research is needed to investigate the clinical value of angiogenic therapies

    Resposta de híbridos de milho irrigado à densidade de plantas em três épocas de semeadura Response of irrigated corn hybrids to plant density in three sowing dates

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    A determinação da densidade ótima de semeadura do milho, além de ser influenciada pelas características dos híbridos, pelo nível de fertilidade do solo e pela disponibilidade hídrica, pode também variar de acordo com a época da semeadura, uma vez que ela afeta o crescimento e desenvolvimento da planta. Com o objetivo de determinar a densidade ótima de planta em híbridos de milho com elevado potencial de rendimento de grãos, em três épocas de semeadura, com relação a rendimento de grãos, componentes do rendimento e outras características agronômicas, foram feitos quatro experimentos na região fisiográfica da Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul, município de Eldorado do Sul, com suplementação hídrica por aspersão. Os tratamentos constaram de quatro híbridos (Pioneer 3063, Pioneer 3207, XL 212 e Cargill 901), quatro densidades de plantas (50, 70, 90 e 110.000 pl/ha) e de três épocas de semeadura (agosto, outubro e dezembro). Não há resposta à densidade de plantas dos híbridos de milho testados nas épocas de semeadura de agosto e dezembro. O aumento na densidade de plantas somente foi vantajosa na semeadura de outubro, quando se obtiveram maiores rendimentos de grãos na densidade de 70.000 pl/ha, independentemente do híbrido avaliado, nas duas estações de crescimento.<br>Plant density response of corn besides influenced by hybrids traits, soil fertility level and water availability, could also vary with sowing date, since it affects plant growth and development. With the objective of determining the most adequate plant density of corn hybrids with high potential grain yields, in three sowing dates, in relation to grain yields, yield components and other agronomic traits, four experiments were conducted in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with complementary irrigation. The treatments were composed by four hybrids (Pioneer 3063, Pioneer 3207, XL 212 and Cargill 901), four plant densities (50, 70, 90 and 110,000 pl/ha) and three sowing dates (August, October and December). There was no response to plant density of corn hybrids tested at sowing dates of August and December. The increase in plant density was beneficial only in the sowing date of October, when the highest grain yield with 70,000 pl/ha was obtained in two growing seasons, out of regard to the hybrids tested

    Sistemas de control de malezas en maiz (Zea mays L.): efecto de metodos de control, densidad y distribucion del cultivo Weed control systems in corn: effects of control methods, density and plant distribution

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    Con el objetivo de integrar diferentes prácticas culturales en un sistema de control de malezas en maíz, se instaló un ensayo en el Campo Experimental de la Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México) (2250 msnm, precipitación media anual 550 mm, suelo franco, 1.7% M.O.) bajo condiciones de secano, en donde se evaluaron dos densidades (44.400 y 66.600 pl/ha), dos distribuciones (normal y equidistante) y siete métodos de control de malezas (cyanazine + alachlor (1,2 + 1,92 kg/ha), atrazine + alachlor (1,2 + 1,44 kg/ha), un escarda, dos escardas, testigo siempre desmalezado, testigo siempre desmalezado + dos escardas y testigo siempre enmalezado). Las principales malezas presentes fueron: quelite (Amaranthus sp.), perlilla (Lopezia mexicana Jacq.), rosilla chita (Galinsoga parviflora Cav.), acahual (Encelia mexicana Mart.), Sporobulus poiretti (Roem, et Sch.) Hichc. y fresadilla (Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.). El aumento de la densidad de siembra no se reflejó en el control de malezas, incidencia de enfermedades, crescimiento vegetativo y reproductivo del cultivo. La distribución equidistante aparejó un mejor control de malezas, en relación a la distribución normal, pero la incidencia de enfermedades fue mayor, lo que quizá pudo haber determinado la ausencia de diferencias en crecimiento vegetativo, un menor número de mazorcas/ha y consecuentemente la ausencia de respuesta en rendimiento de grano. De los tratamientos químicos, atrazine + alachlor tuvo un comportamiento superior a cyanazine + alachlor, en control de malezas, aunque sólo fue detectable estadisticamente en las evaluaciones. No hubo diferencia entre ambos en la incidencia de enfermedades, ni en su efecto sobre el cultivo. aunque el rendimiento de cyanazine + alachlor fue ligeramente inferior. Los métodos químicos fueron superiores a los mecánicos en control de malezas, pero no difirie -ron en la incidencia de enfermedades ni en los parámetros de desarrollo del cultivo. La realización de una escarda adicional no mejora significativamente el control de malezas, no afectando tampoco la incidencia de enfermedades, ni el desarrollo del cultivo, por lo cual resulta innecesaria. Las escardas tienen como principal efecto eliminar la interfe rencia presentada por las malezas y si éstas son eliminadas de otra manera, la realización de aquéllas no apareja beneficios significativos.<br>An experiment was conducted at the Research Station of the University of Chapingo (Mexico) (2250 m above sea level, average annual rainfall 550 mm( loamy soil, 1,7% O.M.), where different cultural practices were combined in order to design a weed control system for corn. The work was done under rainfed conditions and the variables included were: two population densities (44.400 and 66.600 pl/ha), two plant distributions (normal and equidistant) and seven weed control methods (cyanazine + alachlor (1,2 + 1,92 kg/ha), atrazine + alachlor (1,2 + 1,44 kg/ha), one cultivation, two cultivations, a weeded check, a weeded check + two cultivations and a weedy check). The main weed species were: pigweed (Amaranthus sp.), Lopezia mexicana Jacq., hairy galinsoga (Galin-soga parviflora Cay.), Encelia mexicana Mart., Sporobulus poiretti (Roem. et Sch.) Hich., and large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.). The increase in plant population had no effect on the degree of weed control, incidence of diseases and crop growth. The equidistant distribution improved weed control over the normal one, but it also had a nigher incidence of diseases; this, is turn, may have caused the lack of differences in vegetative growth, a lower amount of cobs per ha and the lack of difference in grain yield between the two distributions. Atrazine + alachlor was better than cyanazine + alachlor in terms of weed control, although the difference was statistically observed only for the visual ratings. There were no differences between both chemical treatments in terms of incidence of diseases or their effect on crop growth, but grain yield for cyanazine + alachlor was slightly lower. The chemical methods were better than the mechanical ones regarding weed control, but no differences were detected in terms of in cidence of diseases or crop growth. One additional weeding does not improved weed control significantly, nor does it affect the incidence of diseases or crop growth, thus appearing to be unnecessary. The main effect of cultivations is weed control, and if this can be done in any other way, cultivating does not bring about additional benefits


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    The genetic relationships between rice varieties were analysed by using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), with arbitrary oligonucleotide primers in the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. PCR with 22 arbitrary primers applied to 37 varieties produced 144 useful markers, of which 67% were polymorphic. Thus, with selected primers sufficient polymorphism could be detected to allow identification of individual varieties. Visual examination of electrophoresis gels and analysis of banding patterns confirmed that commercial Australian and USA lines and their relatives were very closely related, with similarity indices of 88-97%. Three varieties originating from more distant geographical centres were easily distinguished, producing variety-specific amplification profiles and expressing a lower similarity index of 80% to all other varieties tested. PCR offers a potentially simple, rapid and reliable method for rice genotype identification and recognition of lines that could contribute genetic diversity to new commercial varieties