37 research outputs found

    Usefulness of bronchoalveolar lavage in suspect COVID-19 repeatedly negative swab test and interstitial lung disease

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    The diagnosis of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) relies on nasopharyngeal swab, which shows a 20–30% risk of false negativity [1]. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is reported to be useful in patients with pulmonary interstitial infiltrates on high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT). We investigated the usefulness of BAL in symptomatic patients with positive HRCT and a repeatedly negative swab test (‘grey zone’)

    Hören! Haltung!

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    Die Kunstform der Klangkunst ist nur wenige Jahrzehnte alt, ihre Bezeichnung als solche in der Musikwissenschaft ist naturgemäß noch wesentlich jünger. Auf der Suche nach ihrem Gegenstand lässt sich an ihre Herkunftsgattungen anknüpfen – die Architektur und andere visuelle, aber auch darstellende Künste, und nicht zuletzt an die Musik. In diesem Artikel wird der These nachgegangen, inwieweit das zentrale Moment der installativen Klangkunst die Inszenierung des Hörens selbst sein könnte. Dabei wird die Verlagerung vom Klang auf das Hören in der Musikgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts skizziert und Anhaltspunkte für eine zunehmende Thematisierung des Hörenden in Klanginstallationen gesucht

    Exsolution and hydration of pyroxenes from partially-serpentinized harzburgites

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    Ortho- and clinopyroxenes within partially-hydrated harzburgites from Elba and Val di Cecina (Italy) show lamellar exsolution textures and variable replacement by biopyriboles, talc-chlorite-serpentine mixed layers and serpentine. Chemical and geothermometric data suggest that the pyroxenes crystallized at 1240ÿ1051ëC, followed by subsolidus exsolution at slightly lower T (1145ÿ1025ëC for clinopyroxene lamellae + orthopyroxene matrix pairs and a 1033ÿ982ëC range for orthopyroxene lamellae + clinopyroxene matrix pairs). Investigation by transmission electron microscopy of exsolved enstatite and augite reveals a multistage hydration process. The first stage (highest T, probably in the amphibole stability field) leads to the formation of biopyribole lamellae within exsolved augite, leaving the enstatite matrix unaffected. The second stage (~500ÿ300ëC) corresponds to the topotactic replacement of enstatite by layer silicates (talc + chlorite + serpentine, with (001)layer silicates parallel to (100)enstatite). Enstatite is also replaced by randomly oriented, poorly crystalline serpentine. The last hydration stage (<300ëC) corresponds to the disappearence of augite and recrystallization of serpentine, leading to completely hydrated bastites with random lizardite lamellae, polygonal serpentine and minor chrysotile

    Oriented, not-topotactic olivine-serpentine replacement in mesh-textured serpentinized peridotites

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    Partially serpentinized harzburgites from Southern Tuscany, Italy, show serpentine replacing the peridotitic minerals, as rims around olivine and thin lamellae parallel to pyroxene cleavage. Exempt from post-serpentinization tectonometamorphic overprints, these mesh-textured serpentinites offer a favourable setting for the study of seafloor serpentinization. Studied by HRTEM and AEM, the olivine serpentine replacement reveals a complex sequence of reaction steps. Initially, olivine dissolves forming a silicon-enriched amorphous domain, where early serpentine nuclei are formed. These nuclei recrystallize producing oriented columnar lizardite. The lizardite in the rim shows silicon excess, due to intermixed amorphous or talclike layers. No chrysotile fiber occurs at the reaction front. Although the olivine-to-lizardite reaction is clearly not-topotactic, recrystallization of early formed serpentine leads to large lizardite sectors, oriented with (001) almost parallel to the reaction front. As the olivine-to-lizardite reaction is estimated to occur in the upper 300-500°C range, lizardite has to be considered as the high-temperature serpentine phase in retrograde serpentinites

    “Once again text &amp; parenthesis – sound synthesis with Foo”

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    Foo is a sound synthesis tool based on the Scheme language, a clean and powerful Lisp dialect. Foo is used for high-quality non-realtime sound synthesis and-processing. By scripting Foo like a shell it is also a neat tool for implementing common tasks like soundfile conversion, resampling, multichannel extraction etc. Note: According to the talk at the Linux Audio Conference, this text will mainly cover the Foo kernel layer. This is because the main author of this text, Martin Rumori, is mostly involved with porting and developing the Foo kernel. Quotation from [5]: Whereas the Foo kernel layer implements the generic sound synthesis and processing modules as well as a patch description and execution language, the Foo control layer offers a symbolic interface to the kernel and implements musically salient control abstractions. Find out more about the Foo control layer in [4] and [5] and the Foo control layer’s source code at [1].

    Colangite in terapia intensiva: un caso atipico

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    Paziente di 62 anni, dolori addominali e sintomatologia neurologica. In anamnesi colecistectomia. Diagnosi di colangite severa con aplasia midollare. Necessario il ricovero in terapia intensiva