144 research outputs found

    Linkage mapping bovine EST-based SNP

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    BACKGROUND: Existing linkage maps of the bovine genome primarily contain anonymous microsatellite markers. These maps have proved valuable for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) to broad regions of the genome, but more closely spaced markers are needed to fine-map QTL, and markers associated with genes and annotated sequence are needed to identify genes and sequence variation that may explain QTL. RESULTS: Bovine expressed sequence tag (EST) and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)sequence data were used to develop 918 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers to map genes on the bovine linkage map. DNA of sires from the MARC reference population was used to detect SNPs, and progeny and mates of heterozygous sires were genotyped. Chromosome assignments for 861 SNPs were determined by twopoint analysis, and positions for 735 SNPs were established by multipoint analyses. Linkage maps of bovine autosomes with these SNPs represent 4585 markers in 2475 positions spanning 3058 cM . Markers include 3612 microsatellites, 913 SNPs and 60 other markers. Mean separation between marker positions is 1.2 cM. New SNP markers appear in 511 positions, with mean separation of 4.7 cM. Multi-allelic markers, mostly microsatellites, had a mean (maximum) of 216 (366) informative meioses, and a mean 3-lod confidence interval of 3.6 cM Bi-allelic markers, including SNP and other marker types, had a mean (maximum) of 55 (191) informative meioses, and were placed within a mean 8.5 cM 3-lod confidence interval. Homologous human sequences were identified for 1159 markers, including 582 newly developed and mapped SNP. CONCLUSION: Addition of these EST- and BAC-based SNPs to the bovine linkage map not only increases marker density, but provides connections to gene-rich physical maps, including annotated human sequence. The map provides a resource for fine-mapping quantitative trait loci and identification of positional candidate genes, and can be integrated with other data to guide and refine assembly of bovine genome sequence. Even after the bovine genome is completely sequenced, the map will continue to be a useful tool to link observable phenotypes and animal genotypes to underlying genes and molecular mechanisms influencing economically important beef and dairy traits

    Disruption of Ant-Aphid Mutualism in Canopy Enhances the Abundance of Beetles on the Forest Floor

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    Ant-aphid mutualism is known to play a key role in the structure of the arthropod community in the tree canopy, but its possible ecological effects for the forest floor are unknown. We hypothesized that aphids in the canopy can increase the abundance of ants on the forest floor, thus intensifying the impacts of ants on other arthropods on the forest floor. We tested this hypothesis in a deciduous temperate forest in Beijing, China. We excluded the aphid-tending ants Lasius fuliginosus from the canopy using plots of varying sizes, and monitored the change in the abundance of ants and other arthropods on the forest floor in the treated and control plots. We also surveyed the abundance of ants and other arthropods on the forest floor to explore the relationships between ants and other arthropods in the field. Through a three-year experimental study, we found that the exclusion of ants from the canopy significantly decreased the abundance of ants on the forest floor, but increased the abundance of beetles, although the effect was only significant in the large ant-exclusion plot (80*60 m). The field survey showed that the abundance of both beetles and spiders was negatively related to the abundance of ants. These results suggest that aphids located in the tree canopy have indirect negative effects on beetles by enhancing the ant abundance on the forest floor. Considering that most of the beetles in our study are important predators, the ant-aphid mutualism can have further trophic cascading effects on the forest floor food web

    Effect of apoptosis in neural stem cells treated with sevoflurane

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    BACKGROUND: At present, sevoflurane inhalation anesthesia used on infants is well-known. But long-time exposure to inhalation anesthetic could cause neurologic disorder, especially nerve degeneration in infant and developing brain. The central nervous system degeneration of infants could affect the memory and cognitive function. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a known inhibitory neurotransmitter in central nervous system. Inhalation anesthetic sevoflurane may activate GABA(A) receptor to inhibit central nervous system, leading to apoptosis of neural degeneration, cognitive dysfunction in the critical period of brain development. METHODS: Neural stem cells were derived from Wistar embryos, cultured in vitro. Third generation of neural stem cells were randomly divided into four groups according to cultured suspension: Sevoflurane group (Group S), GABA(A) receptor antagonists, Bicuculline group (Group B), Sevoflurane + GABA(A) receptor antagonists, Bicuculline group (Group S + B), dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) group (Group D). Group B and Group D did not receive sevoflurane preconditioning. Group S and Group S + B were pretreated with 1 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) sevoflurane for 0 h, 3 h, 6 h, and 12 h. Group S + B and Group B were pretreated with bicuculline (10 uM). Group D was treated with DMSO (10 uL/mL). After treatments above, all groups were cultured for 48 h. Then we measured the cells viability by Cell Counting Kit (CCK-8) assay, cytotoxicity by Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) assay, apoptosis ratio with Annexin V/propidium iodide (PI) staining by flow cytometry, and the expression of GABA(A)R, anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, pro-apoptotic protein Bax and Caspase-3 by western blotting. RESULTS: After exposing to sevoflurane for 0 h, 3 h, 6 h, and 12 h with 1MAC, we found that cell viability obviously decreased and cytotoxicity increased in time-dependent way. And Annexin V/PI staining indicated increased apoptosis ratio by flow cytometry. The protein level of GABA(A) receptor, pro-apoptotic protein Bax and apoptosis protein Caspase-3 increased; while anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 decreased. And bicuculline could reverse all detrimental results caused by sevoflurane. CONCLUSION: Sevoflurane can inhibit the central nervous system by activating GABA(A), resulting in apoptosis of neural stem cells, thus leading to the NSCs degeneration

    Behavioral Consequences of NMDA Antagonist-Induced Neuroapoptosis in the Infant Mouse Brain

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    Background: Exposure to NMDA glutamate antagonists during the brain growth spurt period causes widespread neuroapoptosis in the rodent brain. This period in rodents occurs during the first two weeks after birth, and corresponds to the third trimester of pregnancy and several years after birth in humans. The developing human brain may be exposed to NMDA antagonists through drug-abusing mothers or through anesthesia. Methodology/Principal Findings: We evaluated the long-term neurobehavioral effects of mice exposed to a single dose of the NMDA antagonist, phencyclidine (PCP), or saline, on postnatal day 2 (P2) or P7, or on both P2 and P7. PCP treatment on P2 + P7 caused more severe cognitive impairments than either single treatment. Histological examination of acute neuroapoptosis resulting from exposure to PCP indicated that the regional pattern of degeneration induced by PCP in P2 pups was different from that in P7 pups. The extent of damage when evaluated quantitatively on P7 was greater for pups previously treated on P2 compared to pups treated only on P7. Conclusions: These findings signify that PCP induces different patterns of neuroapoptosis depending on the developmental age at the time of exposure, and that exposure at two separate developmental ages causes more severe neuropathologica

    Imaging of Angiotropism/Vascular Co-Option in a Murine Model of Brain Melanoma:Implications for Melanoma Progression along Extravascular Pathways

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    Angiotropism/pericytic mimicry and vascular co-option involve tumor cell interactions with the abluminal vascular surface. These two phenomena may be closely related. However, investigations of the two processes have developed in an independent fashion and different explanations offered as to their biological nature. Angiotropism describes the propensity of tumor cells to spread distantly via continuous migration along abluminal vascular surfaces, or extravascular migratory metastasis (EVMM). Vascular co-option has been proposed as an alternative mechanism by which tumors cells may gain access to a blood supply. We have used a murine brain melanoma model to analyze the interactions of GFP human melanoma cells injected into the mouse brain with red fluorescent lectin-labeled microvascular channels. Results have shown a striking spread of melanoma cells along preexisting microvascular channels and features of both vascular co-option and angiotropism/pericytic mimicry. This study has also documented the perivascular expression of Serpin B2 by angiotropic melanoma cells in the murine brain and in human melanoma brain metastases. Our findings suggest that vascular co-option and angiotropism/pericytic mimicry are closely related if not identical processes. Further studies are needed in order to establish whether EVMM is an alternative form of cancer metastasis in addition to intravascular cancer dissemination

    Effective and safe proton pump inhibitor therapy in acid-related diseases – A position paper addressing benefits and potential harms of acid suppression

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    Update on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and a guide to the guidelines

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common inherited cardiovascular disorder, affecting 1 in 500 individuals worldwide. Existing epidemiological studies might have underestimated the prevalence of HCM, however, owing to limited inclusion of individuals with early, incomplete phenotypic expression. Clinical manifestations of HCM include diastolic dysfunction, left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, ischaemia, atrial fibrillation, abnormal vascular responses and, in 5% of patients, progression to a 'burnt-out' phase characterized by systolic impairment. Disease-related mortality is most often attributable to sudden cardiac death, heart failure, and embolic stroke. The majority of individuals with HCM, however, have normal or near-normal life expectancy, owing in part to contemporary management strategies including family screening, risk stratification, thromboembolic prophylaxis, and implantation of cardioverter-defibrillators. The clinical guidelines for HCM issued by the ACC Foundation/AHA and the ESC facilitate evaluation and management of the disease. In this Review, we aim to assist clinicians in navigating the guidelines by highlighting important updates, current gaps in knowledge, differences in the recommendations, and challenges in implementing them, including aids and pitfalls in clinical and pathological evaluation. We also discuss the advances in genetics, imaging, and molecular research that will underpin future developments in diagnosis and therapy for HCM

    The neurocognitive functioning in bipolar disorder: a systematic review of data

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