28 research outputs found

    Development of postural adjustments during reaching in typically developing infants from 4 to 18 months

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    Knowledge on the development of postural adjustments during infancy, in particular on the development of postural muscle coordination, is limited. This study aimed at the evaluation of the development of postural control during reaching in a supported sitting condition. Eleven typically developing infants participated in the study and were assessed at the ages of 4, 6, 10 and 18 months. We elicited reaching movements by presenting small toys at an arm’s length distance, whilst activity of multiple arm, neck and trunk muscles was recorded using surface EMG. A model-based computer algorithm was used to detect the onset of phasic muscle activity. The results indicated that postural muscle activity during reaching whilst sitting supported is highly variable. Direction-specific postural activity was inconsistently present from early age onwards and increased between 10 and 18 months without reaching a 100 % consistency. The dominant pattern of activation at all ages was the ‘complete pattern’, in which all direction-specific muscles were recruited. At 4 months, a slight preference for top-down recruitment existed, which was gradually replaced by a preference for bottom-up recruitment. We conclude that postural control during the ecological task of reaching during supported sitting between 4 and 18 months of age is primarily characterized by variation. Already from 4 months onwards, infants are—within the variation—sometimes able to select muscle recruitment strategies that are optimal to the task at hand

    Variable input parameter influence on river corridor prediction

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    This paper considers the erodible river corridor, which is the area in which the main river channel is free to migrate over a period of time. Due to growing anthropogenic pressure, predicting the corridor width has become increasingly important for the planning of development along rivers. Several approaches can be used to predict the future erodible corridor width but the results possess a large degree of uncertainty in all cases. The work presented here addresses prediction of the erodible corridor width of a reach of the River Irwell, UK, taking into account the uncertainty that arises from input parameters such as representative discharge, channel width, sediment and so on. The work adopts a probabilistic framework for assessment using Monte Carlo type simulations. Future river corridor width predictions, based on a model calibrated on past observations, are presented in a probabilistic manner using confidence levels. The results indicate the necessity of capturing input variability in the modelling process. Furthermore, the understanding gained from a relatively simple model used in a probabilistic framework is greater than a more complex one where only a few runs are feasible.Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Carbonatite ring-complexes explained by caldera-style volcanism

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    Carbonatites are rare, carbonate-rich magmatic rocks that make up a minute portion of the crust only, yet they are of great relevance for our understanding of crustal and mantle processes. Although they occur in all continents and from Archaean to present, the deeper plumbing system of carbonatite ring-complexes is usually poorly constrained. Here, we show that carbonatite ring-complexes can be explained by caldera-style volcanism. Our geophysical investigation of the Alnö carbonatite ring-complex in central Sweden identifies a solidified saucer-shaped magma chamber at ~3 km depth that links to surface exposures through a ring fault system. Caldera subsidence during final stages of activity caused carbonatite eruptions north of the main complex, providing the crucial element to connect plutonic and eruptive features of carbonatite magmatism. The way carbonatite magmas are stored, transported and erupt at the surface is thus comparable to known emplacement styles from silicic calderas