1,407 research outputs found

    Addressing quality and usability of surface water bodies in semi-arid regions with mining influences

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    Water resources management has considerable importance, specifically in the context of climate change. This subject has introduced new challenges in semi-arid regions with water quality problems, such as the Iberian Pyrite Belt, which is one of the largest metallogenetic provinces in the world and one of the driest regions in Europe. Positioned in the Mediterranean context, the region has a high density of polymetallic sulphide mines that promote the degradation of water systems. The present study aims to assess the water quality in the Pyrite Belt, considering a total of 34 surface water bodies, including constructed reservoirs, permanent and ephemeral streams, and mining facilities with accumulated water (e.g., pit lakes and mining dams). The water samples were analysed for physico-chemical properties, including field parameters (pH, electrical conductivity), alkalinity/acidity, hardness, anions, and potential toxic elements. The results were used for hydrochemical classifications and the assessment of suitability for public uses. Statistical methods, such as hierarchical cluster analysis and nearest centroid classifier, were used for grouping and evaluating the similarity between water bodies. Two groups were generated from the analysis: i) constructed lakes with alkaline and sodium signatures; and ii) waters suffering from the influence of mining wastes, e.g., showing high acidity, sulphate and metal contents. Therefore, the loss of water quality in the vicinity of mines reflects the impact of acid mine drainage. The methodological approach used may be applied to the integrated management of water resources in regions with mining influences and where it is necessary to combat drought and water scarcity scenarios.Patricia Gomes acknowledge FCT (Science and Technology Foundation, Portugal) by the research fellowship under the POCH (Programa Operacional Capital Humano) supported by the European Social Fund and National Funds of MCTES (Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) with reference SFRH/BD/108887/2015. This work was co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 (Programa Operacional da Competitividade e Internacionalizacao) - project ICT (UID/GEO/04683/2013) with reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007690 and project Nano-MINENV number 029259

    An initial psychometric evaluation and exploratory cross-sectional study of the Body Checking Questionnaire among Brazilian women

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    Body checking is considered an expression of an excessive preoccupation with appearance. The first aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of a Brazilian Portuguese version of the Body Checking Questionnaire (BCQ). Additionally, we wanted to examine the questionnaire’s associations with body avoidance behaviour, body mass index, dietary habits, and the intensity, frequency, and length of physical exercise. Finally, we also examined the differences between the total BCQ score and the individual BCQ factor scores. Differences between active and sedentary persons and between non-dieters and those on weight-loss diets were also analyzed. For the psychometric study, 546 female public university students from four different courses were surveyed. Two minor samples of university students and eating disorders women were also recruited. In the second part of the study, 403 women were recruited from weight-loss programs, gyms, and a university. All participants were verbally invited to participate in the research and voluntarily took part. Confirmatory factor analysis showed a good fit to the original model of the Brazilian BCQ that retained all 23 items. Satisfactory evidence of construct validity and internal consistency were also generated through analysis of factor loadings, t-values, Cronbach’s alpha, and construct reliability tests. The results also showed associations among body checking and body avoidance, body satisfaction, social anxiety, body mass index, and the frequency and intensity of physical exercise. Significant differences were found between non-dieters and weight-loss dieters for all BCQ factors and the total BCQ score. For physically active and sedentary persons, a significant difference was only observed for idiosyncratic checking behaviour. In conclusion, the BCQ appears to be a valid and reliable scale for Brazilian research, and the associations and differences found in this study suggest that women at gyms and especially in weight-loss programs should be targeted for future body checking studies