621 research outputs found

    Goal-based h-adaptivity of the 1-D diamond difference discrete ordinate method.

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    The quantity of interest (QoI) associated with a solution of a partial differential equation (PDE) is not, in general, the solution itself, but a functional of the solution. Dual weighted residual (DWR) error estimators are one way of providing an estimate of the error in the QoI resulting from the discretisation of the PDE. This paper aims to provide an estimate of the error in the QoI due to the spatial discretisation, where the discretisation scheme being used is the diamond difference (DD) method in space and discrete ordinate (SNSN) method in angle. The QoI are reaction rates in detectors and the value of the eigenvalue (Keff)(Keff) for 1-D fixed source and eigenvalue (KeffKeff criticality) neutron transport problems respectively. Local values of the DWR over individual cells are used as error indicators for goal-based mesh refinement, which aims to give an optimal mesh for a given QoI

    Goal-based error estimation for the multi-dimensional diamond difference and box discrete ordinate (SN) methods

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    Goal-based error estimation due to spatial discretization and adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) has previously been investigated for the one dimensional, diamond difference, discrete ordinate (1-D DD-SN) method for discretizing the Neutron Transport Equation (NTE). This paper investigates the challenges of extending goal-based error estimation to multi-dimensions with supporting evidence provided on 2-D fixed (extraneous) source and Keff eigenvalue (criticality) verification test cases. It was found that extending Hennart’s weighted residual view of the lowest order 1-D DD equations to multi-dimensions gave what has previously been called the box method. This paper shows how the box method can be extended to higher orders. The paper also shows an equivalence between the higher order box methods and the higher order DD methods derived by Hébert et al. Though, less information is retained in the final solution in the latter case. These extensions allow for the definition of dual weighted residual (DWR) error estimators in multi-dimensions for the DD and box methods. However, they are not applied to drive AMR in the multi-dimensional case due to the various challenges explained in this paper

    The Native Copper- and Zinc- Binding Protein Metallothionein Blocks Copper-Mediated Aβ Aggregation and Toxicity in Rat Cortical Neurons

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    Background: A major pathological hallmark of AD is the deposition of insoluble extracellular b-amyloid (Ab) plaques. There are compelling data suggesting that Ab aggregation is catalysed by reaction with the metals zinc and copper. Methodology/Principal Findings: We now report that the major human-expressed metallothionein (MT) subtype, MT-2A, is capable of preventing the in vitro copper-mediated aggregation of Ab1–40 and Ab1–42. This action of MT-2A appears to involve a metal-swap between Zn 7MT-2A and Cu(II)-Ab, since neither Cu 10MT-2A or carboxymethylated MT-2A blocked Cu(II)-Ab aggregation. Furthermore, Zn7MT-2A blocked Cu(II)-Ab induced changes in ionic homeostasis and subsequent neurotoxicity of cultured cortical neurons. Conclusions/Significance: These results indicate that MTs of the type represented by MT-2A are capable of protecting against Ab aggregation and toxicity. Given the recent interest in metal-chelation therapies for AD that remove metal from Ab leaving a metal-free Ab that can readily bind metals again, we believe that MT-2A might represent a different therapeuti

    Left ventricular volume: an optimal parameter to detect systolic dysfunction on prospectively triggered 64-multidetector row computed tomography: another step towards reducing radiation exposure

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    In this study, we define the correlation between LV volumes (both LV end-diastolic volume [LVEDV] and LV end-systolic volume [LVESV]) and ejection fraction (EF) on 64 slice multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT). We also determine the accuracy of all the LV volume (LVV) parameters to detect LV systolic dysfunction (LVSD) and investigate the feasibility of using LVV as a surrogate of LVSD on prospectively gated imaging to prevent the radiation exposure of retrospective imaging. 568 patients undergoing 64-detector MDCT were divided into 2 groups: Group 1—subjects without any heart disease and LVEF ≥ 50%; and Group 2—patients with coronary artery disease and LVEF < 50% (defined as LVSD). The LVV (LV cavity only) and Total LV volume (cavity + LV mass) at end-systole and end-diastole (LVESV, Total LVESV, LVEDV and Total LVEDV) were measured. The upper limit values (mean + 2 SD) of all LVV parameters in Group 1 were used as the reference criterion to diagnose LVSD in Group 2. An exponential correlation was found between LVEF and all the LVV parameters. The specificity to detect LVSD in Group 2 was >90% and the sensitivity was 88.9, 83.3, 61.3 and 74.9% by using LVESV, Total LVESV, LVEDV and Total LVEDV, respectively. Systolic and diastolic LV volumes had a high correlation with LVEF and a high accuracy to detect LVSD. Thus, on prospectively triggered imaging, ventricular volumes can predict patients with reduced LVEF, and appropriate referrals can be made

    Tigers of Sundarbans in India: Is the Population a Separate Conservation Unit?

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    The Sundarbans tiger inhabits a unique mangrove habitat and are morphologically distinct from the recognized tiger subspecies in terms of skull morphometrics and body size. Thus, there is an urgent need to assess their ecological and genetic distinctiveness and determine if Sundarbans tigers should be defined and managed as separate conservation unit. We utilized nine microsatellites and 3 kb from four mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes to estimate genetic variability, population structure, demographic parameters and visualize historic and contemporary connectivity among tiger populations from Sundarbans and mainland India. We also evaluated the traits that determine exchangeability or adaptive differences among tiger populations. Data from both markers suggest that Sundarbans tiger is not a separate tiger subspecies and should be regarded as Bengal tiger (P. t. tigris) subspecies. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses of the mtDNA data revealed reciprocal monophyly. Genetic differentiation was found stronger for mtDNA than nuclear DNA. Microsatellite markers indicated low genetic variation in Sundarbans tigers (He= 0.58) as compared to other mainland populations, such as northern and Peninsular (Hebetween 0.67- 0.70). Molecular data supports migration between mainland and Sundarbans populations until very recent times. We attribute this reduction in gene flow to accelerated fragmentation and habitat alteration in the landscape over the past few centuries. Demographic analyses suggest that Sundarbans tigers have diverged recently from peninsular tiger population within last 2000 years. Sundarbans tigers are the most divergent group of Bengal tigers, and ecologically non-exchangeable with other tiger populations, and thus should be managed as a separate "evolutionarily significant unit" (ESU) following the adaptive evolutionary conservation (AEC) concept.Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun (India)