1,729 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic analysis of inverted bifurcation

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    We present a thermodynamic analysis of inverted bifurcation in binary mixtures heated from below. From this analysis it follows that an inverted bifurcation is caused by the competition between a stabilizing effect with a long relaxation time and a destabilizing effect with a short relaxation time. These conditions are precisely the same as those that give rise to overstability. This might explain why overstability and inverted bifurcation occur in the same systems

    Population statistics of intermediate-mass black holes in dwarf galaxies using the newhorizon simulation

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    While it is well established that supermassive black holes (SMBHs) coevolve with their host galaxy, it is currently less clear how lower-mass black holes, so-called intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), evolve within their dwarf galaxy hosts. In this paper, we present results on the evolution of a large sample of IMBHs from the NEWHORIZON zoom volume, which has a radius of 10 comoving Mpc. We show that occupation fractions of IMBHs in dwarf galaxies are at least 50 per cent for galaxies with stellar masses down to 106 M☉, but BH growth is very limited in dwarf galaxies. In NEWHORIZON, IMBHs growth is somewhat more efficient at high redshift z = 3 but in general, IMBHs do not grow significantly until their host galaxy leaves the dwarf regime. As a result, NEWHORIZON underpredicts observed AGN luminosity function and AGN fractions. We show that the difficulties of IMBHs to remain attached to the centres of their host galaxies plays an important role in limiting their mass growth, and that this dynamic evolution away from galactic centres becomes stronger at lower redshift


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    An 11-year-old boy with terminal hepatic failure due to Wilson's disease was treated 18 months ago with orthotopic liver transplantation. Postoperatively, there has been evidence of clearance of body copper stores but without accumulation of copper in biopsy specimens of the transplanted liver after 6 and 17 months. Further follow-up will be necessary before deciding whether the disorder has been cured by liver replacement and in turn whether this constitutes proof that Wilson's disease is an inborn error of hepatic metabolism. The observations so far are consistent with these conclusions. © 1971

    Evidence for non-merger co-evolution of galaxies and their supermassive black holes

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    Recent observational and theoretical studies have suggested that supermassive black holes (SMBHs) grow mostly through non-merger (‘secular’) processes. Since galaxy mergers lead to dynamical bulge growth, the only way to observationally isolate non-merger growth is to study galaxies with low bulge-to-total mass ratio (e.g. B/T < 10 per cent). However, bulge growth can also occur due to secular processes, such as disc instabilities, making disc-dominated selections a somewhat incomplete way to select merger-free systems. Here we use the Horizon-AGN simulation to select simulated galaxies which have not undergone a merger since z = 2, regardless of bulge mass, and investigate their location on typical black hole-galaxy scaling relations in comparison to galaxies with merger dominated histories. While the existence of these correlations has long been interpreted as co-evolution of galaxies and their SMBHs driven by galaxy mergers, we show here that they persist even in the absence of mergers. We find that the correlations between SMBH mass and both total mass and stellar velocity dispersion are independent of B/T ratio for both merger-free and merger-dominated galaxies. In addition, the bulge mass and SMBH mass correlation is still apparent for merger-free galaxies, the intercept for which is dependent on B/T. Galaxy mergers reduce the scatter around the scaling relations, with merger-free systems showing broader scatter. We show that for merger-free galaxies, the co-evolution is dominated by radio-mode feedback, and suggest that the long periods of time between galaxy mergers make an important contribution to the co-evolution between galaxies and SMBHs in all galaxies

    Dense gas formation and destruction in a simulated Perseus-like galaxy cluster with spin-driven black hole feedback

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    Extended filamentary Hα\alpha emission nebulae are a striking feature of nearby galaxy clusters but the formation mechanism of the filaments, and the processes which shape their morphology remain unclear. We conduct an investigation into the formation, evolution and destruction of dense gas in the center of a simulated, Perseus-like, cluster under the influence of a spin-driven jet. We particularly study the role played by condensation of dense gas from the diffuse intracluster medium, and the impact of direct uplifting of existing dense gas by the jets, in determining the spatial distribution and kinematics of the dense gas. We present a hydrodynamical simulation of an idealised Perseus-like cluster using the adaptive mesh refinement code {\sc ramses}. Our simulation includes a supermassive black hole (SMBH) that self-consistently tracks its spin evolution via its local accretion, and in turn drives a large-scale jet whose direction is based on the black hole's spin evolution. We show that the formation and destruction of dense gas is closely linked to the SMBH's feedback cycle, and that its morphology is highly variable throughout the simulation. While extended filamentary structures readily condense from the hot intra-cluster medium, they are easily shattered into an overly clumpy distribution of gas during their interaction with the jet driven outflows. Condensation occurs predominantly onto infalling gas located 5 - 15 kpc from the center during quiescent phases of the central AGN, when the local ratio of the cooling time to free fall time falls below 20, i.e. when tcool/tff<20t_{\rm cool}/t_{\rm ff} < 20. We find evidence for both condensation and uplifting of dense gas, but caution that purely hydrodynamical simulations struggle to effectively regulate the cluster cooling cycle and produce overly clumpy distributions of dense gas morphologies, compared to observation

    A Relational Event Approach to Modeling Behavioral Dynamics

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    This chapter provides an introduction to the analysis of relational event data (i.e., actions, interactions, or other events involving multiple actors that occur over time) within the R/statnet platform. We begin by reviewing the basics of relational event modeling, with an emphasis on models with piecewise constant hazards. We then discuss estimation for dyadic and more general relational event models using the relevent package, with an emphasis on hands-on applications of the methods and interpretation of results. Statnet is a collection of packages for the R statistical computing system that supports the representation, manipulation, visualization, modeling, simulation, and analysis of relational data. Statnet packages are contributed by a team of volunteer developers, and are made freely available under the GNU Public License. These packages are written for the R statistical computing environment, and can be used with any computing platform that supports R (including Windows, Linux, and Mac).

    Spin filtering by proximity effects at hybridized interfaces in spin-valves with 2D graphene barriers.

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    We report on spin transport in state-of-the-art epitaxial monolayer graphene based 2D-magnetic tunnel junctions (2D-MTJs). In our measurements, supported by ab-initio calculations, the strength of interaction between ferromagnetic electrodes and graphene monolayers is shown to fundamentally control the resulting spin signal. In particular, by switching the graphene/ferromagnet interaction, spin transport reveals magneto-resistance signal MR > 80% in junctions with low resistance × area products. Descriptions based only on a simple K-point filtering picture (i.e. MR increase with the number of layers) are not sufficient to predict the behavior of our devices. We emphasize that hybridization effects need to be taken into account to fully grasp the spin properties (such as spin dependent density of states) when 2D materials are used as ultimately thin interfaces. While this is only a first demonstration, we thus introduce the fruitful potential of spin manipulation by proximity effect at the hybridized 2D material / ferromagnet interface for 2D-MTJs

    Relationship of cognitive function in patients with schizophrenia in remission to disability: a cross-sectional study in an Indian sample

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    Background: Cognitive deficits in various domains have been consistently replicated in patients with schizophrenia. Most studies looking at the relationship between cognitive dysfunction and functional disability are from developed countries. Studies from developing countries are few. The purpose of the present study was to compare the neurocognitive function in patients with schizophrenia who were in remission with that of normal controls and to determine if there is a relationship between measures of cognition and functional disability. &lt;p/&gt;Methods: This study was conducted in the Psychiatric Unit of a General Hospital in Mumbai, India. Cognitive function in 25 patients with schizophrenia in remission was compared to 25 normal controls. Remission was confirmed using the brief psychiatric rating scale (BPRS) and scale for the assessment of negative symptoms (SANS). Subjects were administered a battery of cognitive tests covering aspects of memory, executive function and attention. The results obtained were compared between the groups. Correlation analysis was used to look for relationship between illness factors, cognitive function and disability measured using the Indian disability evaluation and assessment scale. &lt;p/&gt;Results: Patients with schizophrenia showed significant deficits on tests of attention, concentration, verbal and visual memory and tests of frontal lobe/executive function. They fared worse on almost all the tests administered compared to normal controls. No relationship was found between age, duration of illness, number of years of education and cognitive function. In addition, we did not find a statistically significant relationship between cognitive function and scores on the disability scale. &lt;p/&gt;Conclusion: The data suggests that persistent cognitive deficits are seen in patients with schizophrenia under remission. The cognitive deficits were not associated with symptomatology and functional disability. It is possible that various factors such as employment and family support reduce disability due to schizophrenia in developing countries like India. Further studies from developing countries are required to explore the relationship between cognitive deficits, functional outcome and the role of socio-cultural variables as protective factors
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