8 research outputs found

    Mapping the use of simulation in prehospital care – a literature review

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    Avaliação das medidas de oximetria de pulso em indivíduos sadios com esmalte de unha Evaluación de las medidas de oximetría de pulso en individuos sanos con esmalte de uña Evaluation of pulse oximetry measurements in healthy subjects with nail polish

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações nas medidas da oximetria de pulso em indivíduos sadios com esmaltes de unha. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 80 voluntárias sadias. As cores de esmalte utilizadas para avaliar a saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2) foram: café com leite, café, chocolate, vermelho e ameixa. Estas cores foram distribuídas entre as unhas dos dedos da mão esquerda. Os dedos da mão direita foram os controles. RESULTADOS: As cores vermelha (p=0,047) e café (p=0,024) mostraram valores menores na SpO2 quando comparados ao controle. As outras cores não alteraram a medida da SpO2. CONCLUSÃO: As cores vermelha e café causaram redução na medida da SpO2, porém a relevância clínica deste achado é questionável, pois os valores estavam dentro do intervalo de normalidade.<br>OBJETIVO: Evaluar las alteraciones en las medidas de la oximetría de pulso en individuos sanos con esmalte de uña. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado con 80 voluntarias sanas. Los colores de esmalte utilizados para evaluar la saturación periférica de oxígeno (SpO2) fueron: café con leche, café, chocolate, rojo y ciruela. Estos colores fueron distribuidos entre las uñas de los dedos de la mano izquierda. Los dedos de la mano derecha fueron los controles. RESULTADOS: Los colores rojo (p=0,047) y café (p=0,024) mostraron valores menores en la SpO2 cuando fueron comparados al control. Los otros colores no alteraron la medida del SpO2. CONCLUSIÓN: Los colores rojo y café causaron reducción en la medida del SpO2, sin embargo la relevancia clínica de este hallazgo es cuestionable, pues los valores estaban dentro del intervalo de normalidad.<br>OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the changes in measurements of pulse oximetry in healthy individuals with nail polish. METHODS: Cross sectional study with 80 healthy volunteers. The colors of enamel used to assess oxygen saturation (SpO2) were: coffee with milk, coffee, chocolate, red and plum. These colors were distributed among the finger nails of his left hand. The fingers of the right hand were the controls. RESULTS: The colors red (p = 0.047) and coffee (p = 0.024) showed lower values in SpO2 in comparison to the control. The other colors did not change the measurement of SpO2. CONCLUSION: The colors red and coffee caused reduction in the measurement of SpO2, but the clinical relevance of this finding is questionable, because the values were within the normal range

    Muscle ankyrin repeat proteins: their role in striated muscle function in health and disease

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    Remodeling is a stringently controlled process that enables adequate response of muscle cells to constant physical stresses. In this process, different kinds of stimuli have to be sensed and converted into biochemical signals that ultimately lead to alterations of muscle phenotype. Several multiprotein complexes located in the sarcomere and organized on the titin molecular spring have been identified as stress sensors and signal transducers. In this review, we focus on Ankrd1/CARP and Ankrd2/Arpp proteins, which belong to the muscle ankyrin repeat protein family (MARP) involved in a mechano-signaling pathway that links myofibrillar stress response to muscle gene expression. Apart from the mechanosensory function, they have an important role in transcriptional regulation, myofibrillar assembly, cardiogenesis and myogenesis. Their altered expression has been demonstrated in neuromuscular disorders, cardiovascular diseases, as well as in tumors, suggesting a role in pathological processes. Although analyzed in a limited number of patients, there is a considerable body of evidence that MARP proteins could be suitable candidates for prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers

    Exercise and the control of muscle mass in human

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