123 research outputs found

    Caractérisation de sources de résistance à la fusariose chez le blé dur

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    National audienceFacing the increasing problem of Fusarium head blight with durum wheat caused by different species of Fusarium, a study was undertaken with the help of the Ministry in charge for agriculture. This study made it possible to assess the resistance of different sub-species of Triticum turgidum. The populations with the most resistant accessions belong to the sub-species T. turgidum dicoccum. Going deeper into this study showed that this resistance was a type 2 one: slow progression of necrosis after contamination of one spikelet per spike. One accession, TRI2215, exhibited very high level of resistance, but it is very high and very late accession, this will make this accession difficult to be used in breeding. This justifies a QTL search for Fusarium resistance. The analysis of the determinant for Fusarium aggressiveness confirmed that a great part was linked with the production of mycotoxins. Several phenol compounds seemed to play a part in the resistance of the plant. A qualitative analysis of the Fusarium flora on the spikes allowed identifying six major Fusarium species and to associate them with the different mycotoxins. A close genus, Microdochium, did not produce mycotoxins. We also showed that the amount of mycotoxins in an organ was related to the fungus DNA in the organ.Face au problème croissant chez le blé dur de la fusariose des épis causée par différentes espèces de Fusarium sp., une étude a été entreprise, avec le concours du Ministère chargé de l’Agriculture. Cette étude a permis d’évaluer la résistance de différentes sous-espèces de Triticum turgidum. Les populations contenant le plus d’individus résistants sont issues de la sous-espèce T. turgidum dicoccum. Une étude plus approfondie a permis de montrer cette résistance était de type 2 : faible progression des symptômes après la contamination d’un épillet par épi. Un géniteur, TRI2215, montre un niveau de résistance particulièrement intéressant, mais est très haut et très tardif, ce qui le rendra difficile à utiliser. C’est pourquoi une recherche de QTL a été entreprise sur ce géniteur. L’analyse des déterminants de l’agressivité des Fusarium confirme qu’elle vient en grande partie des mycotoxines. Différents composés phénoliques semblent aussi jouer un rôle dans la résistance de la plante. Une analyse qualitative de la flore fusarienne des épis a permis d’identifier six espèces majeures de Fusarium et de les associer avec les différentes mycotoxines, et qu’un genre proche, Microdochium, ne produisait pas de mycotoxines. Il a montré aussi que la quantité de mycotoxines dans un organe était proportionnelle à la quantité d’ADN du champignon dans l’organe

    Towards a comprehensive characterization of durum wheat landraces in Moroccan traditional agrosystems: analysing genetic diversity in the light of geography, farmers’ taxonomy and tetraploid wheat domestication history

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    Background: Crop diversity managed by smallholder farmers in traditional agrosystems is the outcome of historical and current processes interacting at various spatial scales, and influenced by factors such as farming practices and environmental pressures. Only recently have studies started to consider the complexity of these processes instead of simply describing diversity for breeding purposes. A first step in that aim is to add multiple references to the collection of genetic data, including the farmers' varietal taxonomy and practices and the historical background of the crop. Results: On the basis of interview data collected in a previous study, we sampled 166 populations of durum wheat varieties in two traditional Moroccan agrosystems, in the Pre-Rif and Atlas Mountains regions. Using a common garden experiment, we detected a high phenotypic variability on traits indicative of taxonomical position and breeding status, namely spike shape and plant height. Populations often combined modern (short) with traditional-like (tall) statures, and classical durum squared spike shape (5 flowers/spikelet) with flat spike shape (3 flowers/spikelet) representative of primitive domesticated tetraploid wheat (ssp. dicoccum). By contrast, the genetic diversity assessed using 14 microsatellite markers was relatively limited. When compared to the genetic diversity found in a large collection of tetraploid wheat, it corresponded to free-threshing tetraploid wheat. Within Morocco, the two studied regions differed for both genetic diversity and variety names. Within regions, neither geography nor variety names nor even breeding status constituted strong barriers to gene exchange despite a few significant patterns. Conclusions: This first assessment of morphological and genetic diversity allowed pointing out some important factors that may have influenced the structure and evolutionary dynamics of durum wheat in Morocco: the significance of variety names, the occurrence of mixtures within populations, the relative strength of seed exchange between farmers and local adaptation, as well as the fate of modern varieties once they have been introduced. Further, multidisciplinary studies at different spatial scales are needed to better understand these complex agrosystems of invaluable importance for food security

    Impact du relief et des circuits semenciers locaux sur la diversité agro-morphologique du blé dur (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) dans la vallée d'Er Rich à Imilchil (Maroc)

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    Phenotypic diversity of 101 durum wheat landrace populations collected from the oasis of the Oriental Atlas Mountains (Morocco) was studied. Nine characters (morphological and agronomic) were measured on the 3030 lines (30 lines per population). The frequencies of each phenotypic class were used for the estimate and the analysis of diversity, by considering the geographical zones of origin and the gradients of altitude. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H’) showed a wide variability for all considered traits. This index varies from one area to another and from one altitudinal class to another. The mean H’ recorded for all areas was 0.62, indicating the presence of a high degree of polymorphism among the studied durum wheat landrace populations. The results of the multiple component analysis and the hierarchical clustering showed that the geographical proximity and altitude play a main function in the discrimination and the structure of the studied durum wheat populations. The information gathered from this study could be used in conventional breeding programs and in situ conservation of the diversity. La diversitĂ© phĂ©notypique de 101 populations locales de blĂ© dur issues des oasis de montagnes de l’Atlas oriental (Maroc) a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e. Neuf caractères (morphologiques et agronomiques) ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s sur les 3030 lignĂ©es (30 lignĂ©es par population). Les frĂ©quences de chaque classe phĂ©notypique ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour l’estimation et l’analyse de la diversitĂ©, en considĂ©rant les zones gĂ©ographiques d’origine et les gradients d’altitude. L’indice de diversitĂ© de Shannon-Weaver (H’) a montrĂ© une forte variabilitĂ© pour l’ensemble des caractères considĂ©rĂ©s. Cet indice varie d’une zone Ă  une autre et d’une classe d’altitude Ă  une autre. Le H’ moyen obtenu pour l’ensemble des zones est de 0,62, indiquant la prĂ©sence d’un degrĂ© Ă©levĂ© de polymorphisme au sein des populations locales de blĂ© dur collectĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats de l’analyse en composantes multiples ainsi que de la classification hiĂ©rarchique ont montrĂ© que la proximitĂ© gĂ©ographique et l’altitude jouent un rĂ´le majeur dans la discrimination ainsi que sur la structuration des populations de blĂ© dur Ă©tudiĂ©es. Les informations recueillies Ă  partir de ces rĂ©sultats peuvent ĂŞtre exploitĂ©es dans des programmes de sĂ©lection conventionnels et de conservation in situ de la diversitĂ©. Mots clĂ©s: Populations locales, diversitĂ© phĂ©notypique, structuration, conservation in situ, blĂ© dur (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum)

    Pour accélérer le cycle du soja : la culture des graines immatures

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    Diversité génétique et résistance à Fusarium chez le blé dur

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    Managing Crop Phenotype Data

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    Wheat yield and grain protein content: genetic analysis under nitrogen limited conditions

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    Dynamics of wheat leaf nitrogen and leaf mass per area from NIRS

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