23,756 research outputs found

    LIMS Instrument Package (LIP) balloon experiment: Nimbus 7 satellite correlative temperature, ozone, water vapor, and nitric acid measurements

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    The Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere (LIMS) LIP balloon experiment was used to obtain correlative temperature, ozone, water vapor, and nitric acid data at altitudes between 10 and 36 kilometers. The performance of the LIMS sensor flown on the Nimbus 7 Satellite was assessed. The LIP consists of the modified electrochemical concentration cell ozonesonde, the ultraviolet absorption photometric of ozone, the water vapor infrared radiometer sonde, the chemical absorption filter instrument for nitric acid vapor, and the infrared radiometer for nitric acid vapor. The limb instrument package (LIP), its correlative sensors, and the resulting data obtained from an engineering and four correlative flights are described

    Structure of worldwide populations of Lasioderma serricorne (Coleoptera: Anobiidae) as revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism profiles

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    The cigarette beetle Lasioderma serricorne through transportation affects the infestation of stored tobacco. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), DNA polymorphisms were assessed in 16 populations of L. serricorne collected from 15 countries. The dendrograms constructed from profile distance matrices revealed well-supported colony clusters. There was no clear clustering as a function of the geographic origin of the samples. The results suggest extensive insect dispersal among geographical regions due to movement of infested commodities worldwide. This first AFLP population study of a stored-product insect demonstrates the potential of AFLP for distinguishing L. serricorne population

    Mass of the b-quark and B-decay constants from Nf=2+1+1 twisted-mass Lattice QCD

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    We present precise lattice computations for the b-quark mass, the quark mass ratios mb/mc and mb/ms as well as the leptonic B-decay constants. We employ gauge configurations with four dynamical quark flavors, up/down, strange and charm, at three values of the lattice spacing (a ~ 0.06 - 0.09 fm) and for pion masses as low as 210 MeV. Interpolation in the heavy quark mass to the bottom quark point is performed using ratios of physical quantities computed at nearby quark masses exploiting the fact that these ratios are exactly known in the static quark mass limit. Our results are also extrapolated to the physical pion mass and to the continuum limit and read: mb(MSbar, mb) = 4.26(10) GeV, mb/mc = 4.42(8), mb/ms = 51.4(1.4), fBs = 229(5) MeV, fB = 193(6) MeV, fBs/fB = 1.184(25) and (fBs/fB)/(fK/fpi) = 0.997(17).Comment: Version to appear in PRD. Added comments to simulation setup and error budget discussion. 1+20 pages, 9 figure

    Psychometric properties of the FertiQoL questionnaire in Italian infertile women in different stages of treatment

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    Background: Reliable Fertility-specific QoL measures can be obtained through the FertiQoL, a questionnaire with six-subscales that consider different core aspects of the person’s wellbeing and way of behaving during treatment. Objective: Examine the psychometric properties of all six-subscales of the Italian FertiQoL in a sample of infertile women and explore the effects of the ART treatment phases. Method: 323 women, in three different treatment stages (Diagnostic, Stimulation, Transfer), completed the FertiQoL. Raw data were subject to Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and a structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to validate the hypothesised model. Results: CFA shows a good fit of the data to the FertiQoL hierarchical model (chi-square/df = 1.989, CFI = 0.88, RMSEA = 0.055). After the deletion of 2 items, all FertiQoL scales have good internal consistency. SEM showed that the ART treatment phase was positively associated with fertility-related QoL scores both in the Relational (β = 0.14, p < 0.05) and in the Tolerability (β = 0.17, p < 0.05) subscales. Conclusion: All scales of the Italian FertiQoL version maintain good psychometric characteristics; Tolerability and Relational subscales are sensitive to the treatment stage and thus providing relevant information for the medical staff

    A determination of the average up-down, strange and charm quark masses from Nf=2+1+1N_f=2+1+1

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    We present a lattice QCD determination of the average up-down, strange and charm quark masses based on simulations performed by the European Twisted Mass Collaboration with Nf=2+1+1N_f = 2 + 1 + 1 dynamical fermions. We simulated at three different values of the lattice spacing, the smallest being approximately 0.06fm0.06fm, and with pion masses as small as 210MeV210 \text{MeV}. Our results are: mud(2GeV)=3.70(17)MeVm_{ud}(2\text{GeV})=3.70(17)\text{MeV}, ms(2GeV)=99.2(3.9)MeVm_s(2\text{GeV})=99.2(3.9)\text{MeV}, mc(mc)=1.350(49)GeVm_c(m_c)=1.350(49)\text{GeV}, ms/mud=26.64(30)m_s/m_{ud}=26.64(30) and mc/ms=11.65(12)m_c/m_s=11.65(12)
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