3,251 research outputs found

    Extending the DSE: LOD support and TEI/IIIF integration in EVT

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    Current digital scholarly editions (DSEs) have the opportunity of evolving to dynamic objects interacting with other Internet-based resources thanks to open frameworks such as IIIF and LOD. This paper showcases and discusses two new functionalities of EVT (Edition Visualization Technology), version 2: one improving the management of named entities (f.i. personal names) through the use of LOD resources such as FOAF and DBpedia; the other, providing integration of the published text with digital images of the textual primary sources accessed from online repositories (e.g. e-codices or digital libraries such as the Vaticana or the Ambrosiana) via the IIIF protocol

    Exploring the Role of Occupational Therapy in Primary Care

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    Background: With an increase in adult chronic conditions (Holstein, 2018), as well as a growing number of older adults aging in place (Dickson & Toto, 2018), primary care will continue to see the greatest number of patients as it is the first point of contact for a person to enter the health-care system. Most primary care clinics are reimbursed based on quality outcome measures, which means insurance payers are looking at the value of care instead of the quantity of services (Halle et al., 2018). There is value in as well as an absence of assessment of occupational participation in primary health care. This absence can lead to an increase in hospital admissions, increased health care costs, and a continued decline in the health of adults who suffer from acute or chronic conditions. OT’s can “recognize deficits in self-care and function that might lead to a readmission, such as problems related to meal preparation, access to medications, bathroom access, toileting, and the need for nursing aides or family education” (Rogers et al., 2016). According to a study that measured the amount of time primary care providers (PCPs) spend on preventative services with patients, it was concluded that PCPs did not have enough time to properly assess a patient’s safety and quality of life at home or in the community (Yarnall et al., 2003). Occupational therapists, being professionals in such a wide scope including prevention of health decline, rehabilitation, and physical and mental health, carry a holistic lens that can compliment primary care services. Purpose: This capstone project aims to explore the role of occupational therapy (OT) for adults within a primary care setting by completing functional assessment interviews with patients, reviewing patient charts, and surveying providers and other healthcare staff. This project intends to educate medical staff about the distinct knowledge and skills held by occupational therapy in hopes of offering a greater understanding of the scope of practice and benefit of the addition of occupational therapy to the primary health care team. Methods: The Occupational Participation Assessment for Primary Care (OPAPC) is a questionnaire developed specifically for this capstone and was used as a tool for interviewing adult patients at Borrego Health clinic. Once the goal of 150 participants were interviewed (50 young adults 18-44 years; 50 middle-aged 45-64 years; older adults 65+ years) data analysis was completed and results were presented to healthcare staff. Healthcare staff then completed a survey which measured their understanding and receptiveness to having an OT work on their interdisciplinary care teams. Current assessment protocol and referral process were also observed. Results & Conclusion: The results from the patient interviews demonstrate a need for OT in the adult primary care population. ADL/IADL dependence, balance and fall concerns, DME necessities, pain, poor sleep quality, and mental health are only a few common themes found in patient interviews that can be addressed by an OT. There was a significantly significant number of healthcare staff who would agree that OT would benefit the primary care practice. A person’s overall health includes their ability to complete their valued activities therefore occupational participation and function are areas that need to be addressed in the primary care setting

    Judicial Independence and the Budget: A Taxonomy of Judicial Budgeting Mechanisms

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    This Paper addresses three aspects of judicial budgeting. First, it will identify the four broad families of constitutional provisions that consider the judicial budget. While the majority of procedures and requirements that govern judicial budgeting are found in statues, many nations’ constitutions explicitly address judicial salaries. Other constitutions only broadly address judicial budgeting. Second, we will analyze different approaches to judicial councils. Third, this Paper will address several different approaches to the judicial budgeting process. This includes how the judiciary’s budget is proposed, as well as how it is allocated and managed. Finally, this Paper will touch upon the tension inherent in judicial budgeting in democratic societies. While judicial independence is prioritized by most nations, there is a competing priority of ensuring efficient use of public funds. This tension can create problems as nations work to keep government spending in check, while continuing to honor judicial independence

    Early views on monetary policy: The Neapolitan debate on the theory of exchange

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    I wish to thank an anonymous referee for helpful comments and sug-gestions. An earlier version of this article was published, in Italian, in Alle origini del pensier

    How Riverside County Celebrates Historical Indigenous Oppression

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    El valor social de los motociclistas muertos en Colombia

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    En Colombia, en 2014 existían 5 546 029 motocicletas registradas. Entre 2010 y 2014 murieron 11 948 motociclistas, entre conductores y pasajeros (10.331, 86,4 % fueron hombres); 2 673 de ellos en 2014, un incremento de 27 % con respecto a 2010. El quinquenio de edad con más fallecidos en 2014 fue el de 20 a 24 años, con 552 muertos (488 hombres y 64 mujeres). En total, los motociclistas fallecidos ese año en Colombia perdieron 122 488 años de vida potencial. Si se aplicara el valor financiero de la vida que se utiliza en estudios de costo-efectividad (que equivale a tres veces el producto interno bruto per cápita por año de vida ganado), que en ese año fue de 15893361(USD7944),esasmuertestendrıˊanuncostosocialde15 893 361 (USD 7944), esas muertes tendrían un costo social de 5,84 billones de pesos. Para cubrir ese costo, cada motocicleta debería aportarle al sistema de salud $ 1 053 049 (USD 526) anuales

    How Physical Exercise Impacts Learning abilities and Self Awareness in the Classroom

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    Abstract For many years ever since the author started elementary school back in 2003-2004 and all the way up to recently being taught in military classes while in the Army, the paper will describe what he has experienced as well as many other problems staying awake in class or fully comprehending the learning material due to lack of energy or lack of sleep from the night before. This paper will talk about how falling asleep in class has been a notorious landmark as to why students will struggle in a class or why that teacher does not enjoy having that student in the class making the learning environment toxic. Having trouble staying awake in class can come from numerous factors such as, having an inconsistent sleep schedule, appetite changes, stress which is the biggest factor and people who just have trouble falling and staying asleep at night. This paper will portray how the author has experienced days having trouble staying awake in class all throughout their student career and this has been supported with many other through research of students in the classroom for many years. However, in the paper, from many different strategies, the author as well as people the author has been around found something that they wanted to do more research on that helped them regain full attention in the classroom and prohibited the author from ever falling asleep again. The topic that will be researched on and discussed as the point of emphasis in the paper is how performing physical activity before school or a certain class can enhance someone is learning ability and helping them stay awake in the classroom and how it can have a positive impact on someone trying to stay awake in the classroom. The author never went for a run or exercised before class in high school and in college and had trouble staying awake but when joining the military, they did physical training early in the morning before classroom time where he found himself staying awake easily throughout the day and comprehend the learning material at such a great level. This paper will be using correlation with research from others who also had the same experience to prove the success with this topic and look at those who struggled even more due to doing strenuous exercise before class. The author wants to add in this paper to look at why these individuals struggled and find ways to critique their type of workout or even appetites so they can get the full benefits as he did from this change of pace every day. The author will dig deep into how doing physical training before a class in today’s time with going through COVID-19, has an even bigger impact as now people are not even in the classroom setting anymore but instead staring at a computer screen for most of the day. The research the author has found and what will be presented in this research project shows the many positives towards working out before classroom time and wants to find the best way to edit and incorporate every different individual into this mix so they can gain the same positives that the author had