32 research outputs found

    Geomorfologia e a biodiversidade no Pantanal

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    The present study deals with the inter-relations in the relief which forms the Bacia do Alto Rio Paraguay (BAP) in mid-west Brazil. The overall aim is to discuss the relationship between relief forms and the biodiversity of the Pantanal. The BAP is a natural environmental system with contrasts in two of the compartments on which it is formed: the plateau, the most elevated compartment, highly transformed by human activities, and the plain which forms the Pantanal, which is more preserved and less transformed in relation to productive activities. The analysis was performed based on publications with a geomorphologic focus, examining the different relief units of the BAP and the dynamics of the revealing processes of landscape change which the Pantanal has undergone since the end of the Pleistocene.O presente estudo tem como objetivo abordar a inter-relação entre os compartimentos do relevo brasileiro que compõem a Bacia do Alto Paraguai - BAP, para discutir as formas de relevo e a biodiversidade do Pantanal. A abordagem fundamenta-se na compreensão das diferentes formas do terreno, associando ao fato que a BAP é um sistema ambiental natural que tem contrastes nos dois compartimentos que a compõem: o planalto, o compartimento mais elevado, fortemente transformado por atividades humanas; e a planície, que constitui o Pantanal mato-grossense, mais conservada e pouco transformada, quanto ao uso com atividades produtivas. A análise foi realizada a partir de publicações com enfoques geomorfológicos, abordando as diferentes unidades do relevo da BAP e o entendimento da dinâmica dos processos reveladores de que o Pantanal passa desde o fim do Pleistoceno, com processos de mudanças da paisagem.MEC - CAPE

    Environmental factors modulating the stability and enzymatic activity of the Petrotoga mobilis Esterase (PmEst)

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    Enzymes isolated from thermophilic organisms found in oil reservoirs can find applications in many fields, including the oleochemical, pharmaceutical, bioenergy, and food/dairy industries. In this study, in silico identification and recombinant production of an esterase from the extremophile bacteria Petrotoga mobilis (designated PmEst) were performed. Then biochemical, bioinformatics and structural characterizations were undertaken using a combination of synchrotron radiation circular dichroism (SRCD) and fluorescence spectroscopies to correlate PmEst stability and hydrolytic activity on different substrates. The enzyme presented a high Michaelis-Menten constant (KM 0.16 mM) and optimum activity at ~55°C for p-nitrophenyl butyrate. The secondary structure of PmEst was preserved at acid pH, but not under alkaline conditions. PmEst was unfolded at high concentrations of urea or guanidine through apparently different mechanisms. The esterase activity of PmEst was preserved in the presence of ethanol or propanol and its melting temperature increased ~8°C in the presence of these organic solvents. PmEst is a mesophilic esterase with substrate preference towards short-to medium-length acyl chains. The SRCD data of PmEst is in agreement with the prediction of an α/β protein, which leads us to assume that it displays a typical fold of esterases from this family. The increased enzyme stability in organic solvents may enable novel applications for its use in synthetic biology. Taken together, our results demonstrate features of the PmEst enzyme that indicate it may be suitable for applications in industrial processes, particularly, when the use of polar organic solvents is required

    Immigration Rates in Fragmented Landscapes – Empirical Evidence for the Importance of Habitat Amount for Species Persistence

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    BACKGROUND: The total amount of native vegetation is an important property of fragmented landscapes and is known to exert a strong influence on population and metapopulation dynamics. As the relationship between habitat loss and local patch and gap characteristics is strongly non-linear, theoretical models predict that immigration rates should decrease dramatically at low levels of remaining native vegetation cover, leading to patch-area effects and the existence of species extinction thresholds across fragmented landscapes with different proportions of remaining native vegetation. Although empirical patterns of species distribution and richness give support to these models, direct measurements of immigration rates across fragmented landscapes are still lacking. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using the Brazilian Atlantic forest marsupial Gray Slender Mouse Opossum (Marmosops incanus) as a model species and estimating demographic parameters of populations in patches situated in three landscapes differing in the total amount of remaining forest, we tested the hypotheses that patch-area effects on population density are apparent only at intermediate levels of forest cover, and that immigration rates into forest patches are defined primarily by landscape context surrounding patches. As expected, we observed a positive patch-area effect on M. incanus density only within the landscape with intermediate forest cover. Density was independent of patch size in the most forested landscape and the species was absent from the most deforested landscape. Specifically, the mean estimated numbers of immigrants into small patches were lower in the landscape with intermediate forest cover compared to the most forested landscape. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results reveal the crucial importance of the total amount of remaining native vegetation for species persistence in fragmented landscapes, and specifically as to the role of variable immigration rates in providing the underlying mechanism that drives both patch-area effects and species extinction thresholds

    The inventory of geological heritage of the state of São Paulo, Brazil: Methodological basis, results and perspectives

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    An inventory of geological sites based on solid and clear criteria is a first step for any geoconservation strategy. This paper describes the method used in the geoheritage inventory of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and presents its main results. This inventory developed by the geoscientific community aimed to identify geosites with scientific value in the whole state, using a systematic approach. All 142 geosites representative of 11 geological frameworks were characterised and quantitatively evaluated according to their scientific value and risk of degradation, in order to establish priorities for their future management. An online database of the inventory is under construction, which will be available to be easily consulted and updated by the geoscientific community. All data were made available to the State Geological Institute as the backbone for the implementation of a future state geoconservation strategy.The authors acknowledge the Science Without Borders Programme, Process 075/2012, which supported this study and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Process 2011/17261-6. We also thanks C. Mazoca for his help with maps and figures.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Characterization of esterase activity from an Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans enzyme with high structural stability in extreme conditions

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    The biotechnological and industrial uses of thermostable and organic solvent-tolerant enzymes are extensive and the investigation of such enzymes from microbiota present in oil reservoirs is a promising approach. Searching sequence databases for esterases from such microbiota, we have identified in silico a potentially secreted esterase from Acetomicrobium hydrogeniformans, named AhEst. The recombinant enzyme was produced in E. coli to be used in biochemical and biophysical characterization studies. AhEst presented hydrolytic activity on short-acyl-chain p-nitrophenyl ester substrates. AhEst activity was high and stable in temperatures up to 75 °C. Interestingly, high salt concentration induced a significant increase of catalytic activity. AhEst still retained ~ 50% of its activity in 30% concentration of several organic solvents. Synchrotron radiation circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopies confirmed that AhEst displays high structural stability in extreme conditions of temperature, salinity, and organic solvents. The enzyme is a good emulsifier agent and is able to partially reverse the wettability of an oil-wet carbonate substrate, making it of potential interest for use in enhanced oil recovery. All the traits observed in AhEst make it an interesting candidate for many industrial applications, such as those in which a significant hydrolytic activity at high temperatures is required

    Geomorphology and habitat diversity in the Pantanal

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    The present study deals with the inter-relations in the relief which forms the Bacia do Alto Rio Paraguay (BAP) in mid-west Brazil. The overall aim is to discuss the relationship between relief forms and the biodiversity of the Pantanal. The BAP is a natural environmental system with contrasts in two of the compartments on which it is formed: the plateau, the most elevated compartment, highly transformed by human activities, and the plain which forms the Pantanal, which is more preserved and less transformed in relation to productive activities. The analysis was performed based on publications with a geomorphologic focus, examining the different relief units of the BAP and the dynamics of the revealing processes of landscape change which the Pantanal has undergone since the end of the Pleistocene